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Mike A

No response to input

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Hi,I've got RC V3 installed using the Quick Start Guide, yet when it's up & running, I don't get any response when I enter a menu choice. I have the Tune on Contact box checked. AdvDisp shows the options, yet when pressing 1 to get the weather briefing, nothing happens. When I tune the frequency manually, the briefing plays. When I press 2 for Clearance Delivery, nothing happens. Tuning the frequency manually gets the Clearance Delivery chatter files to play, but nothing else. I saw earlier posts regarding the setting for the number of wavs playing as causing a problem. I then set the option to have no chatter, restarted everything & when I manually tune to Clearance Delivery, nothing happens.There must be something simple that I'm missing here. The only thing "unusual" about my setup is that I have FS2K2 on the D: drive & RC on E: Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!Mike A.

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really sounds like (no pun intended), that tune on contact is not checked.what happens if you manually tune the frequency, and then press 1 for atis, or 2 for cd?setting the number of wavs to play simultaneously is making the change on the sound card driver, not turning chatter to 0. not sure if that is what you did by your descriptionlet me know...

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Hi JD,Tune on Contact is checked, along with Chkpt Ding, Play Pilot Wavs & Pilot Auto-Reply, as indicated in the Quick Start Guide.When I manually tune the frequency for ATIS, I get the weather briefing. Pressing 1 doesn't change anything, as it's already at the ATIS frequency, & pressing 2 doesn't change it to the CD frequency. Follow up question: If you choose an option on the menu, does the menu update immediately? So, if after one chooses #1, the WX briefing, does the menu then show contacting CD as the new #1 option? Or, if one were to manually tune to the ATIS frequency, would the menu then update to show contacting CD as the #1 choice? When I manually tune to the ATIS frequency, the menu still shoes the #1 choice being to switch to the ATIS frequency.I don't have a sound card; I'm using the on-board sound (AC 97). I couldn't find any setting to adjust the number of simultaneous wavs played, so I set chatter to zero in order to see if maybe I wasn't hearing the controller due to that issue. But when I manually tune to CD frequency, nothing happens.Mike A.

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just for grins, try thisgo to the flight simulator options, settings, sounduncheck the boxes for enviroment, engines, everything.so fs is not making any soundsnow try rc again. do you hear rc controllers and pilots? if so, then go back and enable sounds one by one. see how many you can enable before rc goes quiet.something else i thought of. you haven't changed the key assignments have you? does the menu say 1-weather briefing, 2-clearance delivery?

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I have found that if you have the ADV display thing undocked that you have to click on the panel or windshield area to get FS back into focus. If not, you will press 1,2 8, whatever till your finger turns blue, nothing will happen.I keep ADV display undocked, because I cant go through the hassle of positioning it and all this other nonsense to get it to show undocked.So if you have it undocked, then click somewhere else in the screen before you hit your number keys.Lagaz811

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Hi Lagaz811,Yes, I tried that also, but no success. Mike A.

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Hi JD,I turned off all the sounds, and it's the same: nothing happens, no response to menu inputs.I haven't changed any key assignments. Here's what the menu shows:http://home.att.net/~bigmikea/Keys.JPGIn this shot, I've manually tuned it to the CD frequency (108.20), as pressing 2 did nothing. The same goes for when I start up, when I press 1, the radio is not tuned to the ATIS frequency, 118.00. It feels as if the key inputs are not being received at all.http://home.att.net/~bigmikea/Advdisp.JPGJust out of curiosity, is it normal for the Advdisp box to pop up in the FS2K2 opening menu?http://home.att.net/~bigmikea/Advdisp1.JPG Mike A.

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you have to save the position of advdisp, when you have it where you want it. right mouse click it, and saveyou're right. something is intercepting the keystrokes.what else do you have running? in flight sim? in windows?are there any keys defined in flight sim for 1 and 2, etc?

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Hi JD,My setup:I use FSMeteo, FS Skyworld 2E (which shouldn't effect it, I think?).I usually fly the recent Richard Probst 727 panel, but I've also tried the default 737 & Cessna aircraft & panels, with the same result.I run it full screen, & always without any other programs other than FSMeteo running (I only use downloaded weather, not online).I checked the key assignments in FS2K2, & they are as follows:When I enter 1, 2, 3, & 4, it indicates:"This action is currently assigned to the 'Select Item 1(2,3,4) action'"When I enter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 0, it indicates:"This key or button available"Yet when I hit 0 while running RC, it does not go to the main menu.I just also deleted the fsuipc.ini file, in case maybe there was some assignment with the new feature it has, where you can assign buttons to keystrokes, but it had no effect.Mike A.

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time for some serious troubleshooting.lets use a default ms plane, a default ms panel, no fsmeteo, no fs skyare you starting fs2002 first, and then rc?you're not doing widefs, right?with fs2002 started, plane at the gate, start rc. load your .pln file, set your controller stuff, your options, and click start rcwhen the advdisp window gets the rc menu, hit ctrl-shift-pthat should display the flight plan.send me your keyboard.dat file, too.do you have a non english version of windows? a non english style keyboard?i'm sure i'll think of some more questions.also click on modules, and let me know what version of fsuipc you are running.

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Mike,Go to settings/general and uncheck the 'show opening screen'. That will remove the last problem.Have you tried resetting all keys to default?Deleting fs2002.cfg and letting FS rebuild a new one on startup has been known to cure the strangest of problems. Worth a shot.

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Before you rebuld the dam here, on the controllers page, go to options, and then customize RC keys. Check all the boxes so that you have to enter CTRL/SHIFT 1 to get the weather or CTRL/SHIFT 2 to get your clearance. See if that works...Larry


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Hi Dean,Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it but no change. Yeah, that fs2002.cfg can get real buggy. I'm currently building a throttle quadrant that's using a couple of usb devices, & I've had to do that to "clear things out" while testing things.Mike A.

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Hi Larry,Thanks for the suggestion; I tried it but get the same result.Mike A.

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Hi JD,I've tried as suggested:Using the default 737 with default panel, no FSMeteo, no FS SkyI'm starting FS2K2 first, then RC; I'm not using widefs.Starting at the gate, first loading the flight plan in FS2K2, then minimizing FS2K2 & starting RC, loading the plan, controller stuff, options, & start RCWhen I hit ctrl-shift-p, nothing happens.I have the regular American version of Windows XP Pro, a regular plain-vanilla keyboard that I've been using for years, & am running version 2.94 of FSUIPC & version 1.97 of Advdisplay.dllAs per Dean_EGTC's suggestions, I've also tried resetting all keys to default & deleting fs2002.cfg, with no results.Another thing that's been happening this afternoon while checking all this out is that when I minimize FS2K2, start RC, & then when I click the "Start RC" icon within its menu after loading the plan, doing the controller stuff & options, FS2K2 does not maximize. It shows it minimized on the screen, but clicking it does not bring it up. I have to hit ctrl-alt-del to bring up task manager, highlight FS2K2 & click "switch to" in order to maximize FS2K2. This is odd, because it wasn't doing that this morning or last night.This screen shot shows what the "Customize RC Keys" menu looks like. This shot was meant to be on my post above that had images, but I screwed up with renaming one of the files, as this appeared as the first image when I previewd it, yet a repeat of the other image was posted.Mike A.

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