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Mike A

No response to input

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"FS2K2 does not maximize. It shows it minimized on the screen, but clicking it does not bring it up. I have to hit ctrl-alt-del to bring up task manager, highlight FS2K2 & click "switch to" in order to maximize FS2K2. This is odd, because it wasn't doing that this morning or last night"Mike,This happens to me also on all machines here with FS on.A quick way around it without involving the task manager is to simply right click on FS in the taskbar and select 'Restore'.Have you had any success with your input problem? This is intruiging us all here ;)Do you use Roger Wilco? I'd be happy to talk to you and try and replicate what's happening.

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Hi Dean,Thanks for the Restore tip, it's a lot easier.No luck yet with the problem. I sent JD an FSUIPC log file for analysis. I haven't flown online yet, so I don't have Roger Wilco; thanks for the offer. I'm still waiting for clearance.Mike A.

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Mike:I got RC3 last night and have exactly the same problem. However, I found something bizarre and wondering if it works for you.While I don't hear the ATIS or center calls when I just press the number, if I press the number (e.g., 1 for ATIS when shown in the ADVDISP box) and then hit the ALT key, the transmission plays. Pressing the ALT freezes the simulation, so that's not a solution, but I'm getting closer.You may try this and see what happens...if 2 of us have this it may be an indication.Ian

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Hi Ian,Thanks for your input; however, there's no change when I tried that.Does your comm radio tune to the ATIS frequency by itself, or do you have to do it manually? When I tune it manually, I'm able to get the ATIS, and when I manually tune to Clearance Delivery, I get the CD chatter. But there's absolutely no response to keyboard inputs.When you do your trick, are you able to interact with RC, i.e., does it recognize your flight & communicate with you, or are you just hearing the ATIS report & the background chatter?I've sent 2 FSUIPC logs to JD, & he says the first log shows that FS2K2 is paused, yet when I run it, I'm able to taxi & fly. Thanks for reporting in; I thought I was going nuts & not doing something that's obvious :)Mike A.

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Guest dkukla

I must have spent three hours this weekend trying to get mine working also. FS2K Pro, Windows 98, running with no add ons. RCV2 user for a long time and it works great. I noticed the same thing with the ALT key. I push it, sound comes on (2Kfreezes), then I push it again ASAP and the sound will stay on for about 20 secconds or so then off again. I not only heard the controller but also the copilot and some AI chatter. All my settings were exactly like the manual stated.I finally got frustrated and departed KDEN on my own and interesting the once airborn I set "Your plane" and "Your Coms" and while I continued to play around, the aircraft perfectly followed the plan to KORD. During the flight there was no voice coming from RCV3 or anyone unless I hit the ALT key twice and like I said before, it stayed on for only a few seconds. Example: Hit ctl-shift-K (Your Coms) and immediatley hit alt. You will hear her say "My Coms" then silence...Hope this gets patched soon, I love this stuff!Don (Denver)

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Don, Mike,As a matter of interest do you have 'Pause on task switch' (settings/general) checked or unchecked? Try unchecking if not already.Full screen or windowed? Try both.

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Mike:When I tune ATIS within the RC3 window, it plays the default FS2k2 ATIS. Then, when I hit ALT, it switches to the RC3 ATIS!The ATC controllers and the co-pilot will carry on normally if you hit ALT after every fx change, but if you wait a few seconds you miss the first part of the transmission, i.e. it's like the tx is already in progress when you hit ALT.Bizarre.You can see in Don's note below that he has the same problem, he can hit ALT and hear RC3 ATC, also.Do you have a Soundblaster card? Seems to be the problem du jour, I do and I suspect this is related to it. But, for $44 bucks there should have been some beta testing, at least! It's not like Soundblasters aren't in every other machine!I'll keep you posted.

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Dean:I tried turning off the POTS but to no avail, either in windowed or full mode. I still need to hit ALT to hear the transmissions, which pauses the program.Frustrating!Ian

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Guest RobA

Running Sound Blaster Live on my AMD 1.3 machine and have never seen any problem like this.Best, Rob

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Dean & Ian,Yes, I've tried full screen & windowed, with/without Pause on Task Switching, same result. I don't have a soundcard, using the on-board sound.Mike A.

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Guest dkukla

Thanks for the suggestion to turn off "Pause on task". I did that and did not solve the problem. I still have to hit ALT two times to get any voice back when I make a selection. Keyboard OK and RVC3 recognizes what I am selecting but the audio is not making it thru.Will keep trying but going back to RCV2 for fun until this gets resolved. Come on JD, spent some bucks here, lets get a fix out there and if you need any snapshots, files, settings, let me know. More than willing to help!This has to be a great update but it needs to be fixed so that we can all enjoy it (and I love flying with your 1st Officer, she sounds great as usual and adds the "value" for a long flight).Again: Running FS2K Pro with no add ons, runs with RCV2 great, and followed all your instructions and have downloaded all the latest FSUIP and AvDisp updates.Stay in touch with us!

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Ian,Just to let you know before you comment about beta testing with Sound Blaster. I have been working with the team a long time and I have a Sound Blaster Live card. I have put these items through there paces. Upgrading to the latest drivers from Creative is a must however.Next these issues with no response may be related much more to your ADV display gaining focus. I will follow this thread very close.Bob Johnson

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This is a long shot, but someone mentioned a focus problem. I started wondering if you have your focus (in Windows) set as Xmouse, where the window focus follows the mouse. This is something that TweakUI lets you set. Have you tried moving your mouse pointer into the RC window before hitting a key that is meant for RC? john

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Hi John,Thanks for the suggestion; I tried it, but I'm still getting nothing.Mike A.

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