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Posts posted by ConstVoid

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of AFCAD (1.2.2), then you can follow the instructions in Keith's post to individually close the runways for landing or takeoff. Versions prior to 1.2.2 only allowed the runway to be closed for landing. You don't need to use overlay airports.Also I have made both runways the same length, although I'm not sure if this is still necessary.Ian

  2. You could try contacting Lee Swordy (the author of AFCAD) directly. His email address is probably somewhere in the documentation for the program. He may be able to give you the information required for you to extract the info yourself.I'm intrigued by the implication - is RC v3 going to direct you to 'taxi to gate xx'? If so, since the taxiway information is in the same files as the gate info, could it be that we will also get directions to the gate?Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but I hope not.Ian

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