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Posts posted by ConstVoid

  1. MSFS will allow you to load .pln and .flt files from the World Map Load/Save screen before the flight is started. Once the flight has started it is only officially able to load .flt files to reset the whole flight to a saved state. It is possible to fool MSFS into loading a .pln file mid flight, by typing '*.pln' into the selection box and then selecting the appropriate .pln file from the list, but this appears to be unsupported, and may not work properly. For example the loaded plan might be loaded as far as ATC is concerned but the FMS might not be updated, etc. Use at your own risk.

  2. 12 hours ago, DylanM said:

    I did all ~1200 airlines / flightplans and it is about 25.7GB.

    One issue I have found is that restarting AI Manager is taking hours - stuck on this screen (not sure if it's a bug, or normal because I had selected "slow" mode when prompted)


    Mine got stuck on the "Load OCI Data" screen as well. After checking Task Manager and finding no disk or network activity and next to no CPU or GPU activity, I killed it and started it again. That time it started *much* more quickly. Just a glitch I think.

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  3. One thing that bothers me is that the tutorial doc indicates that AIGTech - AI Manager.exe should be run as administrator. I don't like running anything as administrator if I can help it. What's the reason for this, as I can't think of anything AIM would need administrator access for?

    Edit: Just discovered that the AIG Traffic Controller also insists on being run with administrator.

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  4. 1 hour ago, w6kd said:

    Nick Schreger (Meatwater) did an extensive free third-party re-work of the audio files that makes the concatenation (chaining) of sound files in Radar Contact far more realistic.

    Given that it uses the fairly universal FSUIPC interface, I still wonder if it could be wrangled somehow into MSFS.  The biggest issue I see is we'd need an MSFS equivalent of Makerwys to build the airport and frequency databases that RC4 uses.

    It's been a while since I tried to get RC working with MSFS, but Makerwys is not a problem - Pete Dowson quite quickly wrote a version which works with MSFS. One of the problems was with RC not being able to get weather details, altimeter settings etc., from FSUIPC. Another problem was that even though the menu system can be made to work, there was a text/notification box continuously being displayed in the middle of the MSFS display. Perhaps I will try again with a more recent version of FSUIPC.

  5. 17 hours ago, Tuskin38 said:

    They said during the Q&A they're looking into it. Guess that never got to whoever updates the wishlist.

    That can't allow third parties to read the live weather because it's all proprietary data from Meteoblue, it's licesensed. They need to find a way to only send that data to planes, and not allow users to access it raw.

    This is a pity. In FSX external programs were able to get weather data via SimConnect and FSUIPC. For example Radar Contact used that to assign runways in use (if it couldn't detect that by active AI traffic) and to provide its ATIS information. If it will only be available to the aircraft systems/gauges that's a major restriction.

  6. 14 hours ago, Maxis said:

    Then turn it off till you are ready to need to use it. 

    Thats what i do. I always start cold and dark and one of the first things i do is check to make sure the co pilot ai (AKA motormouth) is disabled until i am ready for him to start talking (usually after filing the FP and getting the AC ready for departure).


    The main problem is that all of the AI options are remembered from one flight to the next, so that if comms or piloting are not explicitly switched off at the end of a flight the next flight will start with them enabled. This is not too serious with comms, as you can open the menu and switch it off before flipping the battery switches, or whatever, but if you have left piloting on this will take over as soon as you click 'ready to fly'.

    Now, some may say just make sure you turn it off at the end of a flight, but at the moment a CTD could prevent that and you still have to go through the process of starting the flight, switching off the AI functions, and restarting the flight, to get a true cold-and-dark experience. If all AI options defaulted to off for a cold-and-dark start then this would make things far more usable.

  7. I think CanukUK might be referring to the performance data for all of the aircraft installed in his simulator, in which case I think the answer is that LNM only displays the performance data which has been downloaded, or if user has created his own. It does not automatically grab performance data from the simulator, although the LNM manual describes how you can create your own performance data file and in that respect LNM does gather data from the simulator about the current flight. Once you have created your own performance data file that information is saved and is available in LNM whether or not the simulator is running.

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  8. I bought the premium edition - mainly for the extra airports and for the longitude. I'm not happy that the longitude is still what I consider to be incomplete, and the airports haven't really been touched since release. I was also hoping that having spent around twice as much as for the standard edition we might get some little extras along the way. For all of these reasons I answered that I'm not happy with the edition I bought.

  9. 8 hours ago, espent said:

    Asobo have said from pretty much the beginning that the weather system is such an important part of the sim that they will not allow others to override it.


    Not being able to override it is one thing, but the weather related calls in SimConnect are all marked 'deprecated' so we can't even access the data for planning puposes - for example Little Navmap has no access to MSFS weather.

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  10. @Ray Proudfoot Although the information gleaned by MakeRwys is incomplete (no Country information, for example), I don't think that's the main issue whick causes RC to work only partially, I think its other information, such as weather, AI traffic, etc., which is not documented/available in Simconnect, and hence FSUIPC struggles to provide in the required level of detail for RC to operate correctly. If that's the case there may be some hope that as the SDK & Simconnect are improved RC might become usable again.

  11. If you trawl through Will this work with FS2020 Once FSUIPC is Out ? a few posts down, you will see that I tried to get it working. ShowText makes the display on screen work better, but there was still a permananent 'tips' type box displayed by MSFS in addition to the ShowText one. The main issues I had were that weather was not being reported correctly, so RC wanted me to set altimeter to 0000, and kept chastising me for being at the wrong altitude - every few seconds. It became so irritating that I never completed a flight.

    I've not tried it since - I haven't seen anything mentioned in the SDK notes, or in FSUIPC, that might indicate an improvement, and to be honest my availability for simming is minimal a the moment.

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