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Posts posted by ConstVoid

  1. Ray,One for jd realy I guess, but can I suggest that if RC5 uses similar data files then please do not use the .csv suffix as that's just inviting people to edit them with Excel (or OpenOffice or whatever). Many people will have these applications installed on their system, and they automatically claim the .csv suffix as a comma separated values representation of a spreadsheet. It would be much better to use another suffix, such as .dat to avoid the possibility of editing them with the wrong application.

  2. Just to let you know I've tried a test version of FSUIPC supplied by Pete Dowson and this fixes both the missing flight numbers and the problems with supplying ground traffic details immediately after starting FSX. I've done a brief test with RC and I got no airlines being read out phonetically, so I'm confident that this has fixed the problem for me.I understand Pete is still working on one or two other unrelated problems, but I'm fairly sure he will soon release either a public beta with the fixes in, or perhaps even FSUIPC 4.12.

  3. Hi Jim,I'm in dialogue with Pete Dowson over on his forum about the lack of flight numbers against certain airline flights. I know from past experience that if Radar Contact is expecting a flight number but doesn't find one it reads out the entire airline name phonetically. I'm not saying this is the only possible cause of that, but it does seem to be the one hitting me.I'm pleased to say that Pete seems to be making progress towards a solution. There's a beta version of FSUIPC (4.112) which seems to fix this, but there is still a problem outstanding in that initially I'm seeing no ground traffic at all via Pete's Trafficlook application.Hopefully both of these problems will be resolved by the time FSUIPC 4.12 is released.

  4. Hi Ron,Trafficlook isn't actually included with the 4.x versions of FSUIPC, but it's available as a separate download - I don't have the details to hand at the moment as I'm at work.I haven't had much time to check but I too found that some (but by no means all) AI aircraft were suffering from this problem. Trafficlook confirms that there's no flight number displayed for the offending aircraft. It seems to occur in all phases of flight. I'm not sure if it is a problem with FSX SP1, or with FSUIPC 4.10. I hope it's the latter, as that way we're more likely to get a quick fix from Pete. I hope someone else can report it to Pete, as it's going to be some time before I'm in a position to do so.

  5. Hi,See my other post. I may have been mistaken that it was VFR flights causing this - it might be, as you say, that the flight number is missing. The GA-Traffic program generates both VFR and IFR flights, but these always have a flight number of 0000. My solution was to exclude the airline planes from GA-Traffic - yours would probably be to add flight numbers to the TTools definitions.

  6. Hi Jean-Claude,I used to get this happening too. I think in my case it was when I used the Markus Brunner's GA-Traffic to generate flight plans for all the FS9 default GA aircraft. One of the aircraft it picked up was the Cessna Caravan Amphibian paint1 - this is a Gaia airlines plane. Some of the flights generated for this aircraft were VFR, and it was these that were causing the Golf Alpha India Alpha callsign.By removing this particular aircraft from the GA traffic configuration I got rid of the problem.I guess it would happen with any aircraft with 'atc_airline' defined when used in a VFR AI flight, not just those created using GA-Traffic.

  7. Andrew, If you look at the pinned post at the top of the forum "FSX Compatibility" jd says that he'll be releasing the new version in a few days, once it's been confirmed that the new FSUIPC has fixed the 'gear up' problem on aircraft without retractable gear.I can confirm that the beta version of FSUIPC 4.062 does indeed fix this problem, so when Pete Dowson releases 4.07 we shouldn't have long to wait.

  8. Today I was testing the RC 4.3 beta with FSX. I was on final into Key west (KEYW) when all of a sudden I was told to go around. I couldn't see any reason for it, but began to climb anyway to signal I'd heard the instruction.The controller then gives me the speech about ovserving me with gear up on final. What on earth is he on about? I'm in the default Cessna 172 with no retractable gear. I guess they'd better buy him some new spectacles.I then reflew with debug on, so a log is available if needed.

  9. The EULA for FSX, which is in the Microsoft Flight Simulator X main folder, states:TRANSFER TO ANOTHER DEVICE. You may uninstall the software and install it on another device for your use. You may not do so to share this license between devices.Now it doesn't explicitly state that you can do this transfer more than once, but also it doesn't explicitly limit the number of times you're allowed to do it.The EULA for Windows Vista DOES explicitly limit this to one transfer only, which is why many people, myself included, are currently of the opinion that this alone will be reason not to upgrade to Vista. Over the time that I've had XP, I've had a number of disk failures, I've upgraded motherboards, CPU etc. etc., so I've had to reactivate XP a number of times. Most of those times the reactivation was straightforward over the 'net, but I've also been forced to do it by phone about three times now. Two of those were just a case of (slowly) punching the product number into the keypad, but the last time I had to speak to someone from Microsoft and explain my reason for reactivation. Once I'd confirmed that this copy of windows was only in use on one machine he readily gave me the new activation code.In short, I don't see activation in FSX as any sort of problem. As for Vista...........

  10. I suspect your .WAV may have been created with different attributes to the others in RC (sample rate etc. etc.). When RC concatenates the .WAVs together to play it uses the attributes for your file for the whole set, so you hear 'connect' correctly, but the rest is garbage.I once tried to edit some of the .WAVs in the Dean Barry pilot set, as some of these have unusually long pauses at the beginning and/or end. I used the free version of WavePad, but could never get them to play correctly in RC and gave up.Ian

  11. I've noticed that when the AI contact ground to request startup they insert the current QNH between the callsign and 'request startup'. For example 'Speedbird 7013 1026 request startup'.I first noticed this during a long taxi from one side of Paris Charles-de-Gaulle to the other, but it occurs elsewhere too. It might be just non-FAA airports, as I haven't flown in the US yet.

  12. I find they outlast the usefulness of the light set. Let me explain:Every year, my wife says that she doesn't like the way the old lights flash, and that she's seen some that twinkle beautifully in the shops. So she buys the new set, which to my mind flash exactly the same as the old ones.Guess what? I must have been right, because next year exactly the same happens again. Expensive business, Christmas.;-)

  13. Also, don't forget to set traffic vectors to off in the RC options panel . Otherwise the controllers will be very upset when you don't follow their vectors. You can switch traffic vectors back on again when you're back from your break.Ian

  14. When you above the transition altitude, Radar Contact should no longer give you barometer settings. As you are above the TA you should have the barometer set to STD (29.92 in / 1013 mb).Since you mentioned in an earlier post that you were at 22,000 ft and still getting QNH settings from RC there must be something wrong. The most likely problem is that on the Controller info page the TL is set too high. For example if the departure transition altitude is 4,000 ft should should enter it in the box as '40' (ie the FL) not '4000', which would mean a transition altitude of 400,000 ft. If you are flying at 22,000 ft with the TA set that high RC would continue to give you QNH sttings, as you are below what it believes is the TA.Hope that makes it more clear.Ian

  15. Cliff,1) If the indicator is at the top of the vertical line it means you are too low - think of it as being the direction you need to fly to bring the indicator to the centre of the line.2) 20,000 ft in Spain is way above the transition altitude - the altitude at which you should reset the alitimeter to STD, and at which you refer to alitudes by 'flight level' rather than feet - ie 20,000 ft would be FL200. If Radar Contact is still giving you barometer settings at that altitude then it suggests you've got the wrong values in the 'Trans Lev' fields on the 'Controller Info' page. You need to specify the flight level at the departure and destination airports (typically FL40 to FL60 in Europe).Ian

  16. Yes - strange things happen when you change the sim rate or pause the sim. The fuel prediction seems to be based on real time, not sim time. It's particularly noticable after you've paused the sim for some time (ie fuel flow rate = 0 ). The FMC then predicts that you'll be able to land with as much fuel in your tanks as you currently have - even if you're 1000 nm from destination. This slowly gets corrected as you fly on at normal sim rate.Ian

  17. Hi Cliff,The answer to 1 and 2 are related, but opposite. In RC3 (rc4 may be different, but we'll have to wait to find out:) ), if your first waypoint is within about 30 miles of the airport RC will assume that you want a departure procedure. The other way to request a DP is to check 'Flexible Dep Proc' in the 'Controller Info' page of RC.If the first waypoint is greater than 30 miles away and 'Flexible Dep Proc' is not checked, RC will not assume a DP and you'll get vectors to put you on course.The answer to 3 is laregely a matter of preference. As above, if you want to force RC to use one, you can, but mostly I just take what comes out of the flight planner I use (FSBuild). If that chooses a close first waypoint I'll fly the DP, otherwise I'll fly the vectors. Others will certainly have different opinions, and will say DPs are generally used in real life, so they'll always use them.Ian

  18. Cliff,It sounds like you are flying a Departure Procedure - ie your first waypoint is within about 30 miles of your departure airport, or you've selected flexible departure procedure in the RC options. If you're flying a DP, RC assumes you know what you're doing and won't give you vectors.If you're not flying a DP, RC will vector you after take-off for a while to get you roughly on the right course, and then you'll be given the instruction 'resume own navigation'. After that, as in real life, navigating from one waypoint to the next is your own responsibility, although RC will step in an 'remind' you if you're too far off course.The textual waypoints in the Advdisp display are a "poor man's GPS". They give you an indication where the next waypoint is, but they're not instructions from ATC. They don't take into account any vectors for traffic, they just tell you how to get to the next waypoint in the absence of any other instruction from ATC.Ian

  19. Hi Rob,1) RC V3.1 is compatible with FS92) Many callsigns are programmed in to RC, but some of the more obscure ones are not. Unfortunately there's no way to add callsigns to RC yourself, but jd and Doug do maintain a list of requested callsigns which may be added to new releases.3) RC 3.1 does recognise AI aircraft, but has no control over them. It will issue traffic advisories if the AI aircraft get too close, will issue a go around if there's an aircraft on the runway as you approach, etc. We're all eagerly awaiting RC V4, which promises vast improvements in that area, including limited control over the other aircraft.4) RC uses a menu system which bears a vague similarity to the FS9 ATC interface, but uses Pete Dowson's ADVDisp to display the menu. Thus the menu can be docked on any convenient place on the panel.The easiest way to check out the features before buying RC is to visit the website, where I believe the manual is available for download.Hope that helps.Ian

  20. Joe,You don't tell FS9 which traffic BGL to use - it just uses all it can find. These are normally stored in SceneryWorldscenery folder, but I think it will use any it finds in any of the folders mentioned in the scnery.cfg. Try searching for copies of the default traffic BGL file in other scenery folders to see if you've got one hiding somewhere.Ian

  21. Under Windows XP, if the data is stored on an NTFS file system the files appear in alphabetical order.I first noticed this with the PSS A320 when I converted from FAT32 (files listed in the order they were created) to NTFS (files listed in alphabetical order).I've just checked the PMDG 737NG and the flight plans are also in alphabetical order.Ian

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