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Everything posted by ejoiner

  1. May God bless you and your family during your time of need...but more importantly, may you take the lessons and experiences of your time with your father and teach them to your own children. The best compliment you can pay to your father is to let him become an ancestor. Teach his lessons to your generations.Take care friend.Eric
  2. ejoiner

    lost UPS packages?

    I work for DHL... I coulda told ya that UPS would lose your package! :-)Eric
  3. ejoiner

    Pet Peeves

    Pet Peeve... this is EASY.Political posts of any kind in an aviation or FS newsgroup or Forum. The usenet is FULL of political junk from both sides of the aisle. I also hate porno posts in these newsgroups.Eric
  4. What a beast! And what range. Took off from Seattle and am currently enroute to Moscow. Got all the way to Norway before a need to refuel. I think if true polar route were available, no need for this! KSEA-UUEE in one go! Wow.Very interesting airplane. I dont fly long range very often, but am a sucker for anything with props. Turboprop, but still vintage!Also the panel has russian lettering but the mouseovers are in english, this was invaluable to helping me learn the beast.ERic
  5. Round the bowl and down the hole...Roll Tide Roll!(I can see IM gonna get a lot of posts deleted now!)Eric
  6. I bet there will be. Football down here is serious religion. They may move it to sunday, but I betcha there will be a game. Only place they could move it to later in the season is Nov 6th when both teams have an open date. However that would make host team Auburn have to play LSU, Georgia and Alabama back to back to back. They arent gonna do that unless the stadium washes away. :-)Eric
  7. Guys, Andrej Urosevic has created some really excellent looking towers for various airfields. These look fantastic, but as they are macros, are for scenery construction. Is anybody using these and is there any uploaded scenery with these? I'd love to use these but have no idea how.ThanksEric
  8. I just hope it doesnt mess with the Auburn - LSU game this weekend!Eric
  9. Lockheed L-749 radar nose constellation. For sure followed by the P-51 mustang.
  10. Got an AWESOME opportunity to climb all over a Commemorative Air Force B-17 today when we were at Fulton County (KFTY) airport in Atlanta today. Below link shows a bunch of pics I took with mycellphone camera. (very handy in a pinch!).http://www.planeprofiles.com/b17/b17.htmEric
  11. Very neat livery the MATS bird. Thats a L-749 in real life, not an 049. Still pretty to look at!EJ
  12. Its an incredible plane isnt it? I personally think the 749 with the radar nose is the most beautiful connie. I like that radar nose!I know this group has plans to create all models. We're in for some kinda treats boys and girls. :-) Freeware to boot! (isnt that awesome?!)Eric
  13. Thanks Ian. Some things are the same the world over. The pressures and the pleasures of being a parent is common to us all. Its great to see your kids do well. Your son I know will do wonderfully with you behind him!Best,Eric
  14. This topic has been moved by the moderator of this forum. It can be found at:http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...&topic_id=14459
  15. Im repaying a debt done by my own dad... :-)I just facilitated transmission of the secret of freedom. That lesson can be learned many ways, but flying does it in a very pure way. Literally you take your life in your own hands but the benefits of that responsibility are marvelous indeed. The effect on a young person growing up is both pivotal and prodigal. (All of the sudden...the old mans not the dummy he was before.) My experience is that kids only believe their own data. When they get the chance to really figure out that at least some of life can be conquered, the rest of the crowd better watch out. EJ
  16. Thought I would share some info on a very good day for my household today in this group of friends. My son Clint is 17 years old. he has been working on his pilots license for some time and solo'ed today at KFTY (Fulton County - Brown Field in Atlanta). He was very ready and was flawless on his three take offs and landings. I was really proud of him for reasons other than pure pilotage. I got my license over 20 years ago. What I learned from that exercise was that I could conquer a serious academic and skill exercise and liberate myself not only from my parents, bosses, teachers, and significant others...but literally the bounds of earth! Freedom! Real Freedom. I did something that wasnt common amongst my peers...and was special in its own community...worldwide...and gave me confidence to succeed in anything if I applied the same level of seriousness to the study and effort. I knew as a dad that I wanted my oldest son to know that lesson. I couldnt teach it...he had to teach it to himself. His instructor and his family could cheer him on...but at the end of the day, the lad had to make his own way. He did that. There are benchmarks in parenthood. This was one in my house. I thought I would share because this meant a lot. Clint (my son) wont realize how much this gift meant until much later.EricPS...we did start the day at McCollum Field watching P-51's, AT-6's, PT-26's and Stearmans at a local airshow so on the whole it was a kick ARSE aviation day!! I got video of it all. :-)
  17. I thought the reviewer did a credible job of being thorough and fair, though I too think the final score was low based on my personal comparison of this plane to other payware I have in the same class of aircraft. This is an outstanding piece of work. 4 stars for sure.However, Im sure personal taste will prevail.As for reviews generally, they almost never persuade or dissuade me from buying or downloading a plane or scenery. I look at other owners experiences and comments from the gen population here. You guys know whats good...and make it clear. I havent seen one situation where the general opinion wasnt worth following.Eric
  18. ejoiner


    Ron, I see your point, but I think this is a valid feature request. If you offer a working pressurization system then there ought to be some effect from not using it. Same thing as if one runs a tank dry...the engine quits. In this case, the pilot quits! This is a sim, so it is both realistic and somewhat educational to have a slow onset of tunnel vision gray out. Most people would be able to recognize what that is in a sim because of course you dont lose your real faculties. This isnt macabre. This is reality in a virtual sense.Id like to see this feature in the aeroworx kingair B200 and other planes as well. Just my .02. :)Eric
  19. Hmm. I use imagetool exclusively for my textures regardless of DXT or 32 bit and my skins usually meet with peoples approval. What has DXTBmp got that imagetool.exe lacks? Eric
  20. I hate Poodles. Any other analogy but that.... :)Mark check your PM's.Eric
  21. I dont normally download stuff like videos, but I can say I really enjoyed this one. Very good cinematography and flying sequences. Great music too. Well done Marcus.Eric
  22. I think Justins work is wonderful. Holger Sandmanns too. They have both added a lot of joy to my simming. Explain one thing to me though... everybody refers to 9.6M, 38 M mesh etc...which is best? Whats the difference between the sizes? I've been simming a loooonng time...and hate to admit I dont fully understand this! :-)Eric
  23. Im a big believer in Justins stuff. I own the USA landclass and enjoy it. Im a little confused though by this mesh release. I have some mesh that I have used since FS2002 that is divided similarly into groups like "savannah" "lookout mountain" etc. However I cant remember who did the mesh and if this is a replacement or something totally separate. I have not been unhappy with what I had so may wait a bit to understand more about what this mesh is and why it was released...is it a demo of a product? Im grateful in any case because Justins work is excellent. But am not sure if I need it or not.Eric
  24. I suggest you try FSD's support forum. Steve Small, Tim Dickens and Owen Hewitt all are pretty good about responses. Also they tend to hang out more online at the "other major FS site"...Eric
  25. Just a little fun fact to know and share... :-)Dell does not make monitors. They use Sony, Viewsonic, Philips or LG monitors. Part of their vendor arrangement is that these monitor makers provide a specific SKU number for the same monitors they sell directly and mark the black box as "Dell" as a private brand. However, any "trinitron" monitor is a Sony inside. (best IMHO).Eric
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