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Everything posted by ejoiner

  1. Please (please) dont put breathing into an airliner...unless it can get turned off!!What might be interesting though is how these guys did some of their gauge lighting and that gun sight is pretty creative.
  2. My personal theory on the economics of payware vs freeware is that the quality of freeware creates payware. AND...drives the cost of payware up. The competitive quality of freeware is now such that if an author puts in that level of effort, he is tempted and mostly deserves to be compensated for the effort because of the time and talent necessary to create that level of quality. The cost to serve that level of product, also then must take into account the cost to publish and distribute by web or by CD, sell using credit cards, support and other cost loads not associated with freeware. The very successful payware projects also mean paying publishers, creating corporations and or tax vehicles to deal with the revenue, etc. I think that cost burden is why we still enjoy great freeware mainly. A lot of folks (me included) just dont want to deal with that hassle. In some categories, I think we are getting to market saturation though. To be honest, how many DC-3's and 737's do you need? Also how many airbuses? The ability to find something unique I think is where freeware really pushes the payware folks. I love this new Soko Galeb simply because its a plane mostly unknown in the west and the authors not only implemented many top quality details but they also were creative in new ways. I bet that we'll now see "ejection systems" in other military airplanes. Thats new ground. I love it when freeware pushes the creativity envelope. It raises the bar yet again and compells the payware folks to deliver increased value.Eric
  3. A yugoslavian airplane that looks and acts like a Siai-Marchetti SF.260. Its a tandem 2 seat prop trainer. Flight dynamics are pretty cool.EricDude...Go get that Galeb (seagull).
  4. Also... :-)For an absolute FIRST in Flight Sim that Im aware of... Take off, then hit SHIFT+EEric
  5. You talking about the UTVA-75? Got it already!Eric
  6. Guys, you owe it to yourself to try this Neat new freeware Yugoslavian Soko Galeb-2.. Maybe one of the best freeware military birds I've seen in quite a long time. This airplane is akin to the T-33 or an Italian MB. single inline thrust 2 seat military jet trainer. Just some of the great features (some unique)1. Excellent 2D Panel.2. Matching VC panel3. Great night lighting and backlit gauges4. The HUD has a moving gunsight and pipper. Lighting well done there.5. Pretty good FDE, but whose to know for sure?!?!?6. Pilot pulls G's with hard breathing 7. Red out and Black out effects8. Custom effects including wing vortices on G load.9. Animated pilots10. Multiple skins and models with a handful of clean and weps loads.This is a very good effort and FREE. I applaud the authors.I think they are uploading to other sites including this one, but heres a direct link.http://www.251lbae.com/Inetpub1/wwwroot/my...s1/galeb_g2.htmEric
  7. You want that birdpoo before or after its been smeared around with the windshield wipers?And while we're at it...lets model bird strikes. A nice 20 lb goose through the canopy with bird guts all over the place... :-0Eric(some levels of "realism" I can do without!!)
  8. Sounds like a chance to ask him for his phone number and to discuss on the telephone. Email is awful for conflict resolution. Your work is very good as is his. Something doesnt seem right here. If the problem remains, hey theres plenty of other quality freeware and payware to paint. More than you can possibly get to in fact! Good luckEric Joiner
  9. I have 9.0c installed with Nvidia drivers 53.03, which seem the best and most stable for my old GF4 T-4200SE card. I've tried later drivers, but they dont seem as stable for my card. Im not having any trouble with anything right now...so I'll hang tight for a bit. No SP2 until I see how it works for the rest of the crowd. I remember SP1 and the havoc it caused with FS2002.Eric
  10. Aeroworx is supposed to be working on an AI Kingair B200. I asked on their forum the other day on that... s'posed to be part of the first patch. Im looking forward to it because I HATE that awful B350 that is the default airplane.Eric
  11. I would tend to agree with Tom. I remember a few years ago when "web site awards" were popular. I and some friends had an award we gave out and gave links (seems dumb now.). I was frankly surprised at how agressively people would self promote and then abuse you if their poorly done site didnt get the little banner. And this was with no money involved. Certifications per se with money involved on payware certainly look like a mess in the making.Quality, price and category density drive the winners and the losers IMHO. I can wait a week and read the threads here and almost immediately know whats crap and whats not. Thats good enough for me.On the freeware side, I always check the most popular downloads page here at avsim and at flightsim.com. I can tell the winners with freeware there as well. Anything still on the monthly popular list is a very-good-to-have and anything on the yearly page is a must have to me.I will say this though... I wont pay over 25.00 USD for any add on and I dont care what it is. To me thats a hard limit... so far. Mainly I fear the reprimand of the Minister of the exchequer around here.Eric
  12. Jeroen is well known for this kind of helpful comment..get used to it.Eric
  13. I'll leave all the leaf raking, yard mowing and alpha blitting to you graphics hardware geniuses...all i know is that on my T-4200SE...the sim works better.Eric
  14. David, you miss the point entirely. I just wanted to know if anybody else had seen this and fixed it. Its clearly an error. Nothing to miss sleep at night over, but still such things do regularly get fixed by users, hence the original request. I'll make my own exclude file.Eric
  15. David, I use default terrain etc in the UK and this is obviously an error. Without really debating that, is it possible (anyone) to make an exclude bgl that will eliminate this object from the water?Eric
  16. Flying from EGMC southeast of London, up the Thames River, I ran across this (smoking!) smoke stack located in the middle of the river! This is just south of Thamesport. Does anybody have a exclude file for this obvious error? http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/85914.jpgThanksEric Joiner
  17. Shane that would be priced as A$ 50.00. Net/Net same money equivalent. Still, price is high for what is being offerred.Eric
  18. Tom you guys are probably keeping these stats anyway are you not?Eric
  19. What would be interesting is if Avsim published download stats by user ID. Im sure they can track this now that we all have to have a unique ID. I wonder who the top Downloader was for yesterday...the month...the year??? Hell, I may be one of them!Eric
  20. Tom...totally agree. How about locking this thread? Isnt it enough Ferdy talk by now?Eric
  21. This is interesting. Being from the US I dont fly in the southern Hemisphere very often, but I do appreciate reality and accuracy, so would like to make this change to the fs2002 seasons.bgl. Anybody know where its located on the FS8 CD's? Im gonna have to go fish them out and find it as I uninstalled FS8 ages ago.ThanksEric
  22. This is interesting. Being from the US I dont fly in the southern Hemisphere very often, but I do appreciate reality and accuracy, so would like to make this change to the fs2002 seasons.bgl. Anybody know where its located on the FS8 CD's? Im gonna have to go fish them out and find it as I uninstalled FS8 ages ago.ThanksEric
  23. FS needs a revamp of its viewing system badly. It very much needs a padlock view to improve sense of motion and to suspend reality on things like approaches with fixation on the end of a runway, turns about a point, fix on other traffic etc. ActiveCamera guys implemented a few of these at my suggestion, but still not done perfectly. To me this is very big necessity. There needs to be native ground AI. Moving ships and cars and especially trains would be of great interest.Eric
  24. Hey I like (and own!) both planes...Im just stirring up trouble.. :-)Eric
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