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Mike A

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Posts posted by Mike A

  1. 9 hours ago, birdguy said:

    But my favorite flight was when I got to fly one, even if it was a very short time.

    Back in the “olden days” (@ 1969), my wife was a stewardess for PSA, which had a reputation for hijinks. Once on a ferry flight on a 727, the flight crew put another stewardess at the controls. The aircraft was noticeably dipping & swerving a bit. My wife, who was 19 at the time, is very straight-laced & serious, so she marched up to the cockpit and told them to knock it off or else she would report what they were doing. Another thing the pilots would do was with the shorter stewardesses (my wife is 5’3”), they would pick them up and stuff them in an overhead luggage bin (of course not when any passengers were around). When they tried it with her, she read them the riot act, so they thought better of it and left her alone.

  2. There's another thread here about movies, but this one involves the Embarcadero Freeway, so I'll put it here.

    A favorite San Francisco movie of mine is "The Lineup" (1958?). Lots of great shots of how it looked back then, when it was still a busy port & South of Market was still industrial.  Eli Wallach plays a pretty nasty criminal.  This scene is where he has to turn over a drug shipment which he lost. This is at the skating rink at Sutro Baths:


    Then skip to 1:22:00. This is where the newly constructed at the time Embarcadero makes its appearance & Eli Wallach meets his comeuppance, proving once again, that Karma is a B***h:

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  3. 59 minutes ago, W2DR said:

    there are two things that bug me -  folks who call The City 'Frisco


    39 minutes ago, birdguy said:

    You should have heard my Mom tee off on anybody she heard call it Frisco.

    The modern equivalent of "Frisco" that you hear nowadays that drives me up the wall is when people call it "San Fran". For me, them's fightin' words!😦

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  4. 3 hours ago, W2DR said:

    MSNHO the only thing worse that ever happened was the Embarcadero freeway.....Doug


    3 hours ago, birdguy said:

    It blocks the view of the Ferry Building from Market Street.

    The Embarcadero freeway was torn down in 1991 due to the damage inflicted by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, so that view of the Ferry Building has been restored 👍


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  5. 18 hours ago, birdguy said:

    I see on the commercials this evening Joe Theismann and Joe Namath are spokespersons for competing Medicare supplement insurance companies.

    Yeah, Jimmy Walker also does commercials for the Joe Namath-promoted scam.  And Pat Boone doing commercials for walk-in tubs. I look at these commercials as "Who's the latest celebrity who has run out of money & needs to be a shill?"

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  6. I guess you either fly this way out in the middle of nowhere, or else have some really heavy-duty liability insurance.  Once you're flying it, be careful not to sneeze, you might lose visual contact 😂


  7. Last night I looked out the window at the moon & saw a bright object nearby that had to be a planet. I guessed it was Jupiter, but wanted to be sure, so I checked online. I found this website below & confirmed it was Jupiter. I found this website interesting: https://earthsky.org/

    One thing led to another; video of a surveyor drone inside a hurricane: https://earthsky.org/earth/ocean-drone-hurricane-sam-video/

    Saildrone Surveyor: 

    Mike A.


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  8. 15 hours ago, birdguy said:

    Was that a Burger King or Hardees on base that had a terrific view of the bay and the bridge?  Your building musta have been pretty close to it.

    It was a Burger King.  In 1989, it was relatively new, as it replaced the Post Cafeteria that was at that location. Right across Lincoln Blvd. from us.

  9. 58 minutes ago, birdguy said:

    I got an Army Commendation Medal for my weather support to the 6th US Army HQ in San Francisco during the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989. 

    Another time we've crossed paths, except this time it was at the same time. In 1989 I was across the street from you at Bldg. 36, the MP Station, as a civilian working on the MP Desk.

  10. On 9/28/2021 at 9:12 AM, W2DR said:

    This means that your purported inheritance fund will be upgraded into an automated teller card commonly known as ATM card.

    Imagine walking around with a $10.5 ATM card in your wallet. No stress, huh? 😱 My head would be on a swivel: "Wait, is that guy following me?" Maybe the downside is that in the fine print, the daily withdrawal limit is $200, so it'll take just over 143 years to drain it 😣 

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