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Mike A

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Posts posted by Mike A

  1. Dear Abby,

    I’ve been a regular user/visitor of AVSIM for almost 20 years, dating back to the previous forum software that used to show discussions threads in a branch-like structure. I’m writing for your help to solve a mystery for me.

    As shown at the bottom of each post, one can either “like” it or “upvote” it. Like is self-explanatory; what does an upvote do at AVSIM? I’ve seen that at Microsoft’s official MS2020 forum, upvoting a subject measures how many people think a post requesting a feature or bug fix is important, so Microsoft can gauge the amount of interest in it.

    Any light that you can shed on upvoting at AVISM would be much appreciated.


    Confused & Clueless Codger 🤓




    • Upvote 1

  2. 8 hours ago, scianoir said:

    Same here! We had to write it at the end of EVERY piece of homework even maths and science subjects so I expect that when my old brain finally succumbs, the last surviving neuron will be the one with AMDG written on it!

    The more I think about it, you're right!  We had to put AMDG on the assignments of our other classes as well (this was around 50 yrs. ago for me).  I guess it's the combination of Sgt Fr Harrington's Latin class being during my first year, in the morning, the obsessive attention to details, the outfit he wore, the REWRITE stamp, being called creatures, the "resistance" screaming it back at him, made his class a Jesuit "boot camp" 🤯.

    You know how when either on the news or at the beginning of a video clip, they give a warning if it contains violence or other objectionable material?  I've noticed here in the U.S. for the last several months or so, some of these messages say something like "Warning: May Contain Triggers".  That is what PMDG is for me.  It's just too close to AMDG, & it brings me back to Fr Harrington's classroom 😱 🤣

    Speaking of Latin, when my sister found out I was taking Latin, she recited a poem to me that she learned when she was taking Latin in high school*:

    Latin is a language,

    Dead as Dead Can Be,

    First it Killed the Romans,

    Now It's Killing Me.

    All are dead who spoke it.

    All are dead who wrote it.

    All are dead who learned it,

    Lucky dead, they've earned it.


    Noel, if you're reading this, my sister in the mid 1950s went to Presentation High on Turk & Masonic, just a couple of blocks from the old SI.

  3. 1 hour ago, birdguy said:

    Did you go to the me one or the old one on Stanyan Street just down the hill from USF?


    SI moved to 37th Ave in the fall of 1969, & I started there the next year. I “technically” attended at the Stanyan St. SI for 2 summers @ 1967 or so, but they were sports oriented programs for kids.

  4. 2 hours ago, scianoir said:


    As a fellow alumnus of a Jesuit school I can see how the term 'Jesuits with guns' might not be totally inappropriate to describe the Marines!! The 'Jays', as we used to call them, were certainly a very determined bunch!! In fact the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, was himself a professional soldier in the Spanish army until he was injured and, although I am open to correction if I am wrong, Ignatius is the patron saint of soldiers.

    I have also heard the Jesuits referred to as "God's marines" and "the Pope's stormtroopers" although, from what I have read, it seems that frequently down through the years they were more of a thorn in the side of the Vatican presumably because of their tendency towards free and sometimes radical thinking which did not always fit in with the church dogma of the day. There is no doubt, they certainly taught you to think for yourself rather than slavishly following church teaching and the Religious Knowledge classes in our senior years at school were more akin to philosophy lessons than religious teaching!

    Overall they were great educators although I don't think we fully appreciated it at the time. 

    A.M.D.G. (you might remember that Noel!)


    Every Single Time, I mean Every Single Time I see PMDG, I automatically think of A.M.D.G., as it was permanently etched into my brain because I had to write that on homework in Fr. Harrington’s Latin class, & just today found out that Noel & I went to the same high school. 

    Fr. Harrington was a really “old school” teacher, late 60’s, and the only one at the school who wore a cassock. He must have been teaching since the 1930s. He was so strict on the format he required on the work we turned in.  Line items had to be numbered in a certain way, i.e. 1)  2) etc., not 1 or 1. , exact location of our names & title of the class.  If any one item was not correct, he refused them. He actually had a custom ink stamp that said REWRITE in red ink, which meant we had to do it completely over.  As he would hand back your REWRITE paper, he would address you as “CREATURE!” I remember once a classmate got his paper back without the REWRITE stamp, but it was somewhat wrinkled and had a shoe print in the middle. Fr. Harrington was so upset with this paper that he refused to waste his ink on it, stepped on & twisted it with his shoe 🤣 .

    Ah, but the best part was the revenge of the older former students.  Fr. Harrington’s classroom was in the corner of the top floor of the building, adjacent to a stairwell.  The door of the classroom was situated in the front right corner in such a way that if someone would open it without stepping in, you couldn’t see who it was. Several times a month, someone would fling that door open & scream “CREATUUURRREEE!!!!”  Fr. Harrington, face full of rage, would run to the door, but by that time the perpetrator had already fled down the stairs & out of sight.  Those incidents were real morale boosters 😋!

    • Like 1
    • Upvote 2

  5. 19 hours ago, birdguy said:

    San Francisco 1950.


    Class of ‘74 here. Just had to ask, because my brother, who was 20 years older than me, also went to SI on Stanyan St. @ 1952 and he was kicked out of there as well, finished up at Lowell, which back then was on Hayes just off Masonic.  Ha ha, small world 😆


  6. On 3/20/2021 at 9:24 AM, birdguy said:

    Oh yes.  I overcame it by the time I was in the 8th grade and had to fake it with my mom.  And that's the reason I got kicked out of St Ignatius High school half way through my junior year and why I got a warning and my post here on Thursday was hidden.  Sometimes I tend to push the opinion envelope.


    St. Ignatius? Which city?

  7. 2 hours ago, martin-w said:


    Which doesn't compare to the  Hunter.

    Awesome. Sends a shiver up my spine.




    That sounds awesome.....but after hearing it, I now can't get rid of the ear worm playing in my head....theme song for Supercar 😵


  8. 13 hours ago, Chock said:

    That's right, we are going to Earth, where we will fly around, occasionally making some really sharp turns, and every once in a while, we will land in the middle of nowhere, confuse a few rednecks, possibly probing them up the jacksie for no discernable reason whatsoever, to ensure they will never be believed by anyone.

    Or else we're being buzzed by alien teenagers out on interstellar joyrides looking for cheap thrills.

    • Like 1

  9. 4 hours ago, Swe_Richard said:

    Well.. I can live with liveries not entirely correct, as long as the simulation fidelity is high. However if they've missed one who is to say they haven't missed the other..

    Just to give some background, a PSA livery without a smile is equivalent to a Lufthansa livery without a crane.  It's an integral part of their identity.


    • Upvote 2

  10. Silicon Lottery is an option:    http://siliconlottery.com/products/delid


    I recently purchased a delidded 6700K from them for an upcoming build.  If you have a CPU already, you could send it to them; another advantage is that most if not all CPUs they sell (excluding X99s) get delidded, so they have plenty of experience doing the procedure.


    Check customer feedback in their forum:  http://www.overclock.net/f/18068/silicon-lottery



    Mike A.

  11. A related question on this topic:


    Not being familiar with these gaming keypads, do those eight-position thumb pads function as, or can be programmed to act like hat switches on flight yokes/sticks?  i.e., if I wanted to upgrade to a yoke that doesn't have a hat switch, could I use the thumb pad on one of these gaming keypads to function as a hat switch?


    Mike A.

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