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Mike A

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Posts posted by Mike A

  1. SDK?


    Well, since the subject of an SDK has now been mentioned, ... :rolleyes:


    There's an app called Virtual CDU (both android & iOS versions) that interacts with the FMC in FSX.  It operates both in windowed & full screen modes, and doesn't have lag issues that other similar apps out there do.  It currently supports the PMDG NGX & ifly 737.


    Discussion at NGX forum:  http://forum.avsim.net/topic/401679-virtual-cdu-ngx-test/


    Developer's website:  http://www.virtualavionics.com.br/Page/product/9_Virtual-CDU.html


    Don't have a quote at hand, but somewhere I read that the developer was open to supporting other aircraft, saying that all he would need was an SDK for each specific aircraft.


    It would be cool to have a version that could interact with the FMC on the Sperry 177 versions of the 737-200.  Just a thought ...



    Mike A.

  2. Its a cdu pop up from FSX... I know I was amazed as well as I had read that you usually have to run in a 'windowed mode. At the moment I am still having to re size the display each time on the CDU but I am still tweaking etc...




    Hi Hamish,


    I've been following this thread with interest. Just wanted to clear up a point: were you able to do this without the Sim-A software?



    Mike A

  3. Checking this new system, I went to "Watched Topics" (bookmarks in the older forum system), and noticed only a few of my bookmarks appeared, even after entering the option to start from the beginning. Then I saw this phrase next to that option: Note: Subscriptions are pruned if there is no reply to the topic after 30 days :Shocked: Mike A.

  4. Hi Bert,Thanks so much for your review of the Epic Victory. If it's not too much trouble, would you mind posting the specific modifications you made regarding the avionics and the thrust parameters mentioned in your review? Thanks!Mike A.

  5. Noel,I've been looking the last couple of months for a new monitor. I had my choice narrowed down between the Dell 2408WFP & the HP LP2475W. Thanks for mentioning the Dell 2209WA in an earlier post, I wasn't aware of that one. Did my homework on that one, decided to get it & it arrived a few days ago, & I'm very happy with it. Especially with the price, compared to the monitors mentioned above. Thanks again!Mike A.

  6. I guess it is possible to obtain a color profile for it and get closer to acceptable, true? Sounds bad out of the box. Perhaps you could forward one on to me, though I don't know how that method works. I won't buy a color meter or software to make a display adequate or perfect. I'm not using this for photo work. Just want to be good for my apps. I imagine I could just wing it and set the various parameters within windows or use powerstrip, which I currently use.
    I'm also thinking about getting a new monitor, and read about the necessity to calibrate them. I came across this web site, which offers the Syder3Elite calibrator for rental by mail: http://www.borrowlenses.com/product/Other_...tor_calibrationHere is their rental policy: http://www.borrowlenses.com/page/aboutSeems to be a good option compared to actually purchasing one that you won't use that much.Mike A.

  7. Hi Gustavo,I paused the sim, loaded the flight plan, and could see the fuel gauges moving to the correct level. However, when I unpaused the sim, the fuel gauges would go back to the prior fuel level. After several more tries and after chanting magical incantations *:-* , I finally got it to work. After pausing the sim and loading the flight plan, before unpausing, I went back to the Aircraft-Fuel And Payload-Change Fuel menu, which showed the correct amount, and clicked OK. Then when I unpaused the sim, the correct fuel amount stuck when I unpaused and resumed.Thanks once again for your help/muito obrigado.Mike A. - KSFO

  8. Hi,I've searched this forum as well as the ISG1 support forum, but was unable to find my problem.I've added the ISG1 gauges to the TinMouseII. The only thing that doesn't seem to be working is when I load a flight plan into the MCU, the fuel amount to be loaded that's specified in the flight plan does not load. I used FSBuild to create the plan and exported it to ISG. I also installed the gauges in the default 737, and fuel loading via the flight plan works fine in that aircraft. I used the panel.cfg available for the TinMouseII on the ISG1 website. I also use a registered copy of FSUIPC.Has anyone else experienced this and/or could shed some light? Thanks!Mike A.

  9. Hi altstiff,Sorry for hijacking the thread, but I noticed your computer specs in your signature. With the setup you have, how do the gauges in the Dreamfleet 727's virtual cockpit perform? I'll be updating my computer around the end of the year, and I'm interested to hear what you, or anyone with a comparable system, have experienced in this regard? Thanks!Mike A.

  10. Hi,The last day or two, I've tried flying the FFX model, as up to now I've only used the Terry Gaff model. I'm having problems with lowering the landing gear. It has been intermittent, yet when it does occur, I can only lower the gear when the flaps are extended to 30 degrees. I haven't modified anything on the FFX aircraft, i.e., I use the .air, .mdl & aircrat.cfg files that were installed for the FFX aircraft in the Tinmouse II package. In the panel.cfg file, it is aliased to the Tinmouse II panel (alias=fsfsconvpanel.b732ADV). Anyone else ever had this problem? Should I try reinstalling the Tinmouse II package & updates?Mike A.

  11. How does it work that the default flight time & date is based on the current time & date, yet other saved flights retain the time & date that they were originally created? Just wondering, as I'd like to be able to start some saved flights using the current time & date, instead of having to manually change it. I'm assuming that in the example above, the time & date for the default flight is actually the last time it was flown. Is FS coded so that the default flight always starts with the current time & date, and we can't change this if we want it to apply to other saved flights?Mike A.

  12. Hi,I've seen the earlier posts regarding pitch trim sensitivity. When I hand fly the Tinmouse II, I have no problems with pitch trim. But when I engage the autopilot to fly it in CWS mode, after disengaging the AP and going back to hand flying, I find that the pitch trim, as well as aileron control, are a lot more sensitive, to the point of being excessive, as compared to hand flying before engaging the autopilot. Anyone else have this situation? Any clues to what might be going wrong? I have the electrical & hydraulic systems set properly in the overhead panel.Mike A.

  13. Hi Tony,Funny thing happened to me recently. I loaded some stuff from a CD onto my computer & forgot to remove it, but FS9 started up fine without the disc 4. I removed this CD, and FS9 started up without any disc being in the drive. Is it some glitch on my system, or after a certain date, FS9 no longer requires disc 4 to be present?Mike A.

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