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Mike A

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Posts posted by Mike A

  1. Xaipete Eddie,Now that FS2K4 features clickable virtual cockpits, do you know how they work? I understand that in a 2D panel, screen coordinates of a clickable area are defined within the gauge, and with key to mouse, you can assign a keystroke to it. Yet with a change of perspective within a virtual cockpit, how is it that clickable areas retain their "clickability" even though their screen coordinates change?I also have the Captain Sim 727. I'm currently building a throttle quadrant for it. Since it's all analog instruments, building a 727 cockpit is way beyond my skills/means, but I would like to at least do the center console, and just have the display show the virtual cockpit. I would love to be able to build an autopilot interface, but as I've read in your & other's posts in this & other's threads, it seems not doable at this time.Mike A(thanasiou)

  2. I've experienced the same thing lately. It happens during one of my saved flights, an approach to Juneau. When I'm within a few miles of landing, FS instantly shuts down & I'm at the desktop. It's been at the same spot within the flight. I've been using this saved flight for months without incident. I've set up another saved flight into Juneau, & it's working OK. It's very strange. My initial thought was that it may be a heat issue, but I have an aluminum case with a bunch of fans. I don't have temperature readings, but it didn't seem to be hot. I took off the side panels & placed a table fan next to the case, tried the original saved Juneau flight & got the same result, being booted to the desk top.I also tried some flights in the Alps (with LAGO mesh)& weather to see if running it there would produce a similar result, but it runs fine. It's really bizarre, there has to be some explanation for this.Mike A.

  3. I have the same problem, thought maybe I had some setting wrong since I haven't seen any comments on it.First shot is sitting on the runway at LGSR, showing winds out of 348 at 20 knots:http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/36097.jpgWhich is what it shows in FS2004 weather menu:http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/36098.jpgYet, FSMeteo has winds from 200 at 10 knots, with overcast, thunder & rain:http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/36101.jpgI also refreshed the weather through FSMeteo several times, yet it doesn't register within FS2004. I'm also unable to decode the destination weather. Mike A.

  4. Absolutely the 727, with its clean wings & high tail. As it climbs on take-off, to me it looks as if it's come to life, shaking off the shackles that have tied it to the ground as it escapes into its element, the sky :)Mike A.

  5. Is it possible to have more than one .wav file play at the same time as specified in the Ground_Roll section of Sound.cfg?What I'm trying to do is have a "rattling" .wav file play, which would activate at a higher speed, in addition to the basic tire rolling .wav file that would normally play.I've checked the SDK & experimented. It seems that even though you can specify more than one .wav file through linking, it's only used when encountering different ground surfaces, as specified through the flags parameter. I tried linking the 2 files & specifying the same flags (see below), thinking they would play together, but it locked up FS2K2 when I chose the aircraft:[GROUND_ROLL]filename=bnrollflags=125218minimum_volume=6000maximum_volume=10000minimum_speed=3maximum_speed=55minimum_rate=0.80maximum_rate=1.60link=GROUND_ROLL1[GROUND_ROLL1]filename=rattleflags=125218minimum_volume=8500maximum_volume=10000minimum_speed=40maximum_speed=90minimum_rate=0.80maximum_rate=1.10Anyone else try this, or is this something that can't be done? Thanks!Mike A.

  6. Hi James,Excellent work! Thanks for posting pictures. I just recently got my Dremel back from the service center, so I'll be soon resuming work on my 727 replica quadrant.I'm curious as to how many degrees of travel you currently have for your flap lever, how many degrees from flaps up to full flaps? And how many degrees of travel is there for the real one? As mentioned, & the way I'm going about it, is using gears. On mine, it's roughly 90 degrees. On the real one, the detent positions aren't that far apart anyway.Mike A.

  7. Hi Jonas,Here are the Ft. Worth Center frequencies:Abilene 127.45 134.25Ardmore 128.1 132.975Big Spring 133.7Blue Ridge 127.6 132.85 134.15Brownwood 127.45Clinton-Sherman 126.3 128.4 132.45Dublin 127.15 128.325 135.375El Dorado 128.2 133.875Fort Worth 133.775 134.15 134.4Frankston 134.025 135.25Hobbs 133.1Keller 127.0 133.25 134.15 135.275Lubbock 126.45 127.7 133.35Marshall 128.125 135.1McAlester 132.2 135.45Midland 132.075 133.1Monroe 135.1Oklahoma City 135.1Paducah 126.45 133.35 133.5 133.65 134.55Paris 128.15 127.6 133.95Plainview 126.45San Angelo 126.15 132.075Scurry 126.725 132.025 135.25 135.75Shreveport 132.275 135.1Texarkana 132.425 133.95 134.475Tyler 134.025Waco 133.3Wichita Falls 127.95 132.925 133.5 134.55The book I have doesn't list which levels match which frequencies, but by listening you'll be able to tell.Mike A.

  8. Hi Ian,Thanks for your input; however, there's no change when I tried that.Does your comm radio tune to the ATIS frequency by itself, or do you have to do it manually? When I tune it manually, I'm able to get the ATIS, and when I manually tune to Clearance Delivery, I get the CD chatter. But there's absolutely no response to keyboard inputs.When you do your trick, are you able to interact with RC, i.e., does it recognize your flight & communicate with you, or are you just hearing the ATIS report & the background chatter?I've sent 2 FSUIPC logs to JD, & he says the first log shows that FS2K2 is paused, yet when I run it, I'm able to taxi & fly. Thanks for reporting in; I thought I was going nuts & not doing something that's obvious :)Mike A.

  9. Hi JD,I've tried as suggested:Using the default 737 with default panel, no FSMeteo, no FS SkyI'm starting FS2K2 first, then RC; I'm not using widefs.Starting at the gate, first loading the flight plan in FS2K2, then minimizing FS2K2 & starting RC, loading the plan, controller stuff, options, & start RCWhen I hit ctrl-shift-p, nothing happens.I have the regular American version of Windows XP Pro, a regular plain-vanilla keyboard that I've been using for years, & am running version 2.94 of FSUIPC & version 1.97 of Advdisplay.dllAs per Dean_EGTC's suggestions, I've also tried resetting all keys to default & deleting fs2002.cfg, with no results.Another thing that's been happening this afternoon while checking all this out is that when I minimize FS2K2, start RC, & then when I click the "Start RC" icon within its menu after loading the plan, doing the controller stuff & options, FS2K2 does not maximize. It shows it minimized on the screen, but clicking it does not bring it up. I have to hit ctrl-alt-del to bring up task manager, highlight FS2K2 & click "switch to" in order to maximize FS2K2. This is odd, because it wasn't doing that this morning or last night.This screen shot shows what the "Customize RC Keys" menu looks like. This shot was meant to be on my post above that had images, but I screwed up with renaming one of the files, as this appeared as the first image when I previewd it, yet a repeat of the other image was posted.Mike A.

  10. Hi JD,My setup:I use FSMeteo, FS Skyworld 2E (which shouldn't effect it, I think?).I usually fly the recent Richard Probst 727 panel, but I've also tried the default 737 & Cessna aircraft & panels, with the same result.I run it full screen, & always without any other programs other than FSMeteo running (I only use downloaded weather, not online).I checked the key assignments in FS2K2, & they are as follows:When I enter 1, 2, 3, & 4, it indicates:"This action is currently assigned to the 'Select Item 1(2,3,4) action'"When I enter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 0, it indicates:"This key or button available"Yet when I hit 0 while running RC, it does not go to the main menu.I just also deleted the fsuipc.ini file, in case maybe there was some assignment with the new feature it has, where you can assign buttons to keystrokes, but it had no effect.Mike A.

  11. Hi JD,I turned off all the sounds, and it's the same: nothing happens, no response to menu inputs.I haven't changed any key assignments. Here's what the menu shows:http://home.att.net/~bigmikea/Keys.JPGIn this shot, I've manually tuned it to the CD frequency (108.20), as pressing 2 did nothing. The same goes for when I start up, when I press 1, the radio is not tuned to the ATIS frequency, 118.00. It feels as if the key inputs are not being received at all.http://home.att.net/~bigmikea/Advdisp.JPGJust out of curiosity, is it normal for the Advdisp box to pop up in the FS2K2 opening menu?http://home.att.net/~bigmikea/Advdisp1.JPG Mike A.

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