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Mike A

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Posts posted by Mike A

  1. 10 hours ago, martin-w said:

    They literally do train themselves to withdraw their testicles up out of the scrotum.

    Maybe it’s an obscure form of PTSD; after being hit down there enough times, their nervous system screams “INCOMING” resulting in an involuntary retraction.

    At :25 That must be a People’s Liberation Army CBR - Crotch Battering Ram

    Music to watch the video with:


  2. 39 minutes ago, Matthew Kane said:

    Kids had more fun back then, I am a 70s kid so probably close to the last generation that got away with a lot

    That’s for sure. I remember being able to wander around a lot, just as long as I showed up by dinner time. Noel posted a story about wandering around San Francisco with his brother when they were kids. There was a local dairy owned by a former San Francisco mayor, George Christopher. Cristopher Milk would print tickets on their milk cartoons for kids 12 and under to get in free for certain Giants, 49ers & Warriors games. Candlestick Park was my second home. Got to see lots of games with Willie Mays, Willie McCovey & Juan Marichal with my friends without any parents and for just bus fare to & from Candlestick. Nowadays kids have “play dates”? Where’s the spontaneity? Also remember wandering around Fisherman’s Wharf in the summer to gawk at the tourists shivering in their summer clothes 😊

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  3. 18 hours ago, Matthew Kane said:
    18 hours ago, n4gix said:

    Honestly, that contraption appears to be dangerous.

    In Germany it is called the Teufelsrad but in the USA it would be called the Litigation Wheel 🤣

    I only just discovered it two weeks ago on YouTube and never seen anything like it, I've never been to an Octoberfest so it looks like fun

    Oh, yeah, those spinning disk rides have been around for many decades in the U.S.  Check out the features section in this Wikipedia article on Funhouses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funhouse

    San Francisco had a Funhouse at Playland-At-The-Beach, an amusement park from 1926-1972


    And their fun house had a spinning disk, called the Joy Wheel


    I remember that disk very well, rode it many times (55-60 years ago, where did all that time go 🤔). You waited in line and watched other kids being thrown off it & wondered "Should I really do this............OF COURSE!!" We were moths drawn to the flame 🤣. You observed how other kids did, who survived. Obviously, the key is to get to the exact center of the disk. Then you try to judge where your position in line will be when the group you go in with is let in. Hopefully in front, so you stand a chance of elbowing your way in the ensuing scrum that goes diving for the center.  If you're towards the end, you're walking dead, the amusement park equivalent of cannon fodder, as the first ones off the disk are those on the edges.  And when the disk starts turning, all thoughts of strategy go out the window as the world starts spinning around and centrifugal force decides your fate.

    Dangerous? One of the girls that lived across the street from me, about 6 or 7 years older, broke her hip on that ride.  I remember it because I saw the ambulance stop by at her house to let her mother know what happened and which hospital they were taking her to (no cellphones for kids to call their parents in those days).  

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  4. 3 hours ago, martin-w said:

    Does anybody's cat watch these, my cat loves them.

    Reminds me of a younger couple that used to live next door to us.  They had a cat and a dog.  My wife & I used to baby sit their animals if the couple would go away for a weekend, or if they were going to be late getting home from work, they'd phone us & we would go next door to feed their cat and dog.  Anyway, I had a DVD similar to the one above, and gave it to the guy to borrow for his cat.  He looked at the DVD and said "Ohhh...KITTY PORN!!!!" 🤣

  5. 21 minutes ago, martin-w said:

    Does anybody's cat watch these, my cat loves them.

     We have live performances over here.  After breakfast, Karmellow (left) & Tigger (right) spend the morning binge watching their favorite program:




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  6. 1 hour ago, charliearon said:

    Mike A  Did you ever hear anyone else refer to him as "cupcake"?  I seem to remember that nickname for him!  🧁

    Funny you should mention that; I was thinking about a nickname when remembering Russ Francis. I think you may mean the following.  

    Jerry Rice was drafted in 1985.  He had an interesting haircut when he arrived:


    Russ Francis coined the nickname his teammates called him: "FiFi"🐩.   Jerry Rice subsequently changed his hair styling. 😂

    P.S. Niners looking "Purdy-good" with Mr. Irrelevant. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, dmwalker said:

    Yet Ford also claims the extra computing power will allow the car to provide more assistance to non-expert drivers. Hameedi said the GT will actually be faster around a track with the traction control left on—even in the hands of an expert driver."

    Is it a good idea to put this type of car in the hands of non-expert drivers? 🤔

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