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About SwervR1

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  1. Hi Craig, I completely agree with your points above. As you say it appears that some people are never satisfied anyway. To be mentioning what I believe is one of the best add-ons released amongst comments about the CS777 and Blackbox Airbus is just ridiculous. To the specific points: Paying to upgrade to the same thing - complete nonsense, check the list of enhancements/additions. Also as JoshuaC says, if you believed this to be the case why would you then go ahead and upgrade anyway?? Poor FPS - As I appreciate this can be very dependent on individual systems, as can all performance. All I can say is that I always had 25+ with Airbus X and its even slightly better now. I receive no stutters and never have. I have not really been hung up on this anyway as long as the motion is fluid it doesn't matter if the FPS is 15! I purchased the Airbus X in the early days and it has been developed into quite simply the best Airbus add-on available. Regards Mervyn Edwards
  2. Hi DarrianCZE, The above advice will resolve the issue for you, but I saw this when the update became available. Just for the benefit of those who are not seeing it, Ops Centre identifies in notifications that a new version of the 300ER is available, however if you try and download it the screen drops back to the "no notifications" splash and no update takes place. Although you can download from your account, Ops Centre gives the impression that you can upgrade it there. Regards Mervyn
  3. SwervR1

    PMDG 777 Yes Or No

    Definitely Yes.... fantastic product! I don't get as much time as I would like on the 777, but with the acceleration feature you can successfully condense long haul flights into acceptable time frames. As with the NGX this simulation is head and shoulders above anything else available! Regards Mervyn
  4. Parked in Los Angeles (KLAX) after flying in from London (EGLL) yesterday. Should find time tomorrow to head off somewhere new! Regards Mervyn
  5. Hi Noel, Assuming you are flying with LNAV engaged, all you need to do is turn the HDG SEL knob to the direction (degrees) you want to turn and press it. This engages Heading Select mode while the autopilot remains engaged but LNAV mode is disengaged. To revert to LNAV you just press the LNAV button. Regards Mervyn
  6. Thanks for the replies, but this really isn't a feature, nor was the HUD down at the time. Also, by reloading FSX with exactly the same scenario the problem had disappeared and of course I can't replicate it now to take a screenshot. Anyway, no big shakes as I say it work flawlessly after resetting. Regards Mervyn
  7. Hi jetsflier, Did this ever happen to you again? Reason I ask at KATL today I had the problem exactly as you describe, a large circular hole right in front of the captain in the windscreen. It also disappeared when I rebooted FSX, but out of curiosity where did yours occur? Regards Mervyn
  8. oskiatl &jongreen, I understand some of the things you are saying here, but for the sake of balance I would like to point out that the majority of people on here try and help out with valid issues wherever they can. I have certainly received assistance in the past and have never felt that I was in danger of being "flamed". Of course if you purchase the product, this forum is the place to ask questions. Where some people go wrong in my opinion is they type away on here with their question and often don't research whether the question has been asked before. Now I'm not suggesting that some of the responses you see to this are justified, however I do understand how frustration occurs when you see the same thing being asked over and over again. The other thing to bear in mind is that I have never seen a tough response from the PMDG team or the moderators unless it is justified. This means the perpetrators of the "flamings" are end users like you or I. You do see similar responses to questions about release dates, whether they relate to the initial product release or service packs/hot fixes. Again these types of questions frustrate people, we should all know by now how it works, PMDG release things when they are happy with them which makes perfect sense to me. So in the end, what I am saying is people should just think through what they are creating a topic on. Research to see if their question has already been asked; consider whether their question can truly be answered and having done that I'm sure the chances of them being "flamed" will have reduced significantly. Oh and of course everyone should just chill a little. Regards Mervyn :rolleyes:
  9. Hi Craig, I must agree with you in terms of the MD11 being a fantastic representation of the aircraft from a system perspective. Also, like you I find I have overlooked it and have recently started using it again. I always used to fly using 2D panels, because I never found a VC cockpit that was truly convincing. I always found the environment difficult to use in my mind, but with the introduction of the NGX all of that changed. It is an immersive and beautiful representation of the VC and it has massively increased the satisfaction I get from my sim flying. The only downside is that earlier airacraft VC's now looked dated in comparison! However, there is very much still a place for the MD11 and I truly enjoy the aircraft and its sytems. Regards Mervyn
  10. What springs to mind immediately is the message when saving flights in FSC which states you must say NO to sids/stars/trans if using PMDG NGX. Could that be your issue? Regards Mervyn
  11. Loving it without a doubt! It is what I fly 90% of the time and the reasons for that are: Systems fidelity Beautiful flight characteristics A virtual cockpit that allowed me to move away from 2D but most importantly.... A stability of performance I have never seen in any other add on. I have simply never had a problem with the NGX, it just works! Regards Mervyn Edwards :rolleyes:
  12. Rob, I'm also in Ryanair livery, prior to pushback at Rhodes LGRP ready for the journey to Liverpool EGGP. Regards, Mervyn
  13. John,If you wish to go to 2D cockpit from the virtual cockpit just press shift + "A" key. By using the Shift + 1 you are superimposing a 2D panel on top of the virtual one.RegardsMervyn
  14. Hi Gabriel, Now that is what I call a spotting position! The nearest I have seen in Europe to this was in Zurich, where the round airport bus trips used to stop between 2 intersecting runways to enable photographs to be taken. Looking forward to your scenery too. RegardsMervyn
  15. On a flight yesterday I experienced a variation of this problem. I had been entering everything via the CDU keypad but decided to try the keyboard function so I clicked on the scratchpad and the green box appeared and I began entering that way. When I tried to enter temp though as I tried to type 40, the 4 appeared and then the 0 overwrote it in the scratchpad, rather like it was on INSERT mode, but I could not correct it. Next flight all was well again. Not a significant issue but maybe worthy of mention. RegardsMervyn
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