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About wulfgar

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  1. Hi Whiskey, I have the same problem. as you have. To be able to fly straight and level. I Trim as best as I can, this means not too much up and not too much down but I can never make it zero. To do that I use the yoke and try to maintain the top of the dashboard close to the horizon line then I am able to fly plus minus level. I have also a problem that every time I land if I need rudder input for crosswind, my wings will dip to the ground, I don't think it is very realistic. It cann be that my sensistivity settings for rudder pedals are set too high I don't know.
  2. Hi I am using FSX SP2 with DX10 preview and the fixer enabled. For one of my addon aircraft (aerosoft Robin DR-400x), I have no landing lights. They are present in DX9. Do you have an idea of what could be causing this? Is there an option in the fixer to try for me to get rid of this problem? any help would be greatly appreciated. Yves Lefevre PS: Thanks Steve for the outstanding work in your DX10 fixer tool. :smile:
  3. Hi Sven, I had the same, it is because it looks for a file in the folder <your fsx folder>\PMDG\wx. This file has the format "departureicaodestinationicao.wx" and it contains the winds aloft data generated by the weather program. In my case it was AS2012 SP2. I don't know if your program can generate the same data. If yes, copy/paste in a text file, rename to the name specified above and place it in the WX folder, then the wind request will work.If this file is not present, it will CTD Yves
  4. Hi, Almost every time I try to request new Wind data, I got this CTD faulting application fsx.exe version 10.0.61637.0 faulting module PMDG_777X.dll exception code 0xc0000417 fault offset 0x002484ea.... anyone has a clue before I open a support ticket Yves lefevre
  5. Hi, Almost every time I try to request new Wind data, I got this CTD faulting application fsx.exe version 10.0.61637.0 faulting module PMDG_777X.dll exception code 0xc0000417 fault offset 0x002484ea.... anyone has a clue before I open a support ticket Yves lefevre
  6. Hi, I have recently upgraded my laptop to Windows 8 from W7. now my asx installation via widefs doesn't work anymore I get every second: Exception received 16. in the log I see that it is not able to read some file but my network mappings have not changed and I tested and I can read and write so what's next here is the log is active sky x still compatible with win8,if not do you have a product that is?? regrds Yves 13:35:11: Logging Initialized 13:35:11: XEngine v1.0.0.336 Copyright © 2007 HiFi Flightware 13:35:11: Initializing XEngine 13:35:11: Unable to find FSX station list file for backup: W:\ 13:35:11: World Magnetic Model has been loaded... 13:35:11: Error loading FSX station database - please make sure FSX is properly installed: Could not find a part of the path 'Y:\Weather\wxmapping.bin'.(Error) Source = 13:35:11: Loading additional weather stations... 13:35:15: Additional stations database load compete for 7530 stations 13:35:15: SimConnect found and initialized 13:35:15: Module Found: C:\Program Files (x86)\HiFi\XEngine\Modules\ASX.DLL 13:35:15: ASX module load commencing... 13:35:15: ASX ModuleFolder set to: C:\Program Files (x86)\HiFi\XEngine\ASX\ 13:35:15: ASX settings have been loaded... 13:35:16: ASX controls initialized... 13:35:16: ASX v1.0.0.1169 Copyright © 2007 HiFi Flightware 13:35:16: ASX Module has been loaded 13:35:16: Verifying status of FSX station mapping file... 13:35:16: Updating FSX station database... 13:35:16: Could not access FS weather mapping file: Y:\Weather\wxmapping.bin 13:35:16: Main Background Wx Engine process has been started 13:35:16: Online automatic download thread has been started 13:35:16: Random element generation thread has been started 13:35:16: 3 voice sets activated... :35:16: Voice playback thread has been started 13:35:16: Virtual station generation thread has been started 13:35:16: Effects simulation thread has been started 13:35:16: Wake sample and synthesis thread has been started 13:35:16: Imagery processing thread started 13:35:16: Wind Shift Stabilization thread started 13:35:16: Initialization complete 13:35:17: Connected to FSX 13:35:22: Downloading global weather data for 28/04/2013 11:35:22 (11Z) from Primary Server... 13:35:23: Saving weather to disk 13:35:41: Download complete 13:35:41: Populating weather stream with new data... 13:35:41: Parsing line items 13:35:45: Exception received: 16 13:35:45: Exception received: 16 13:35:45: Exception received: 16 13:35:46: Exception received: 16 13:35:46: Exception received: 16 13:35:46: Exception received: 16 13:35:46: Exception received: 16 13:35:46: Exception received: 16 13:35:47: Exception received: 16 13:35:47: Exception received: 16 13:35:47: Exception received: 16 13:35:47: Exception received: 16 13:35:48: Exception received: 16 13:35:48: Exception received: 16 13:35:48: Exception received: 16 13:35:48: Exception received: 16 13:35:49: Exception received: 16 13:35:49: Exception received: 16 13:35:49: Exception received: 16 13:35:49: Exception received: 16 13:35:50: Exception received: 16 13:36:30: 8509 stations were scanned (507 did not provide recent data) 13:36:30: Weather stream fully populated with new data 13:36:32: Weather synthesis thread has been started 13:36:42: Synthesis updated... 13:36:42: Weather injection thread has been started 13:36:42: Problem writing weather values: Could not find a part of the path 'W:\asx-wx-info.dat'.(Error) Source = :36:42: Data output thread has been started 13:36:43: Station data export completed 13:36:43: **** ASX Initial Weather Synthesis Complete! **** 13:36:43: Starting depiction output to FSX 13:36:43: Problem writing weather values: Could not find a part of the path 'W:\asx-wx-info.dat'.(Error) Source =
  7. Hi all, I had the same problem. The solution for me was to check that before arming the spoilers, my prop syncro switch was OFF. If it was ON and I armed the spoilers, they wouldn't retract sounds weird but it worked for me hope this helps Yves
  8. It seems that I have this beahviour when I forgot to switch off "Prop sync". I have added an item in my descent check list now and it seems to work. They deploy on landing,I wait for 70 knots call then press F1 and they retract.After that it is manual braking thanks for helping Peter Regards Yves
  9. I have the same problem, is there a way to force them to retract? Yves
  10. I know and I am happy for you. I am using HF2 and it is working great as well so I don't update anymore now yves
  11. We 'll see your comments when after applying an hotfix, your PMDG plane is not working anymore.If the 737NGX is working as you like then don't update especially if you don't know what kind of patches you are applying.PMDG doesn't publish any release notes for their hotfix and that's for me a problem. Call that the way you want, I call that experience and wisdom. Having that said, The 737 NGX is really a great plane to fly and a nice work (the sounds for example). Yves
  12. First go to Overhead panel and move the two IRS switches to NAV (Align sign will illuminate in white)Next go to FMC in POS INIT page click on LSK 1R to put the last position in the scratchpad and next to LSK4 R in SET IRS REF Position (the line with all the squares) now depending on your PMDG setup, you will see your PFD and ND come to live (can take up to 10 minutes if you choose realistic IRS alignment) Regards Yves
  13. Hi Swen, I got the exact same behaviour at MUN airport.At 5000 feet as well. It was my second flight and the sim was running for at least 4 hours. Soon After I experienced a complete freeze of the panel, the plane was still flying but was unusable (no controls worked).I stopped FSX. Applied the PMDG hotfix and then reload a saved flight and I was then able to finish landing at MUN (this time I had no terrain warnings) Yves
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