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About oafp

  • Birthday February 27

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  • About Me
    Those clouds that sail across the sky.
    This wanting to march without stopping,
    This go with an open smile,
    This carrying prayers between the lips,
    It is to contemplate, life looking at the sky,
    It is to transform the everyday into beautiful

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  1. After last update on april 2021, I install a SABE scenery from Aerosoft page, and the MSFS CTD after a few minutes of flight, I dont know if this is for a Honeycomb Bravo, the scenery SABE or CRJ700, but the system works well but when I install the scenery start the problems. Could somebody help me with this issue. I remember during the Convention AvSim Denver, San Diego, Washington, Seattle, I could talk with the Microsoft people and they gave me instructions, now we dont have support, just a hundreds of forum, the simulator was very easy to use, now since october, I cant fly without problems, configuration of Thrustmaster TCA A320, then I bought a Honeycomb Bravo, it is so complex to set and after this that every control works, this is another story. Thank you From Argentina
  2. Thank you vgbaron: No I have the throttle configurate in thorttle 1 and 2 every level, and get crazy, if I move start to reverse to conect and disconect very quickly and the throttles dont move, just a little bit only to start again the crazy reverse. I dont know and in the FS2020 same, except DCS work perfect furthermore I use un AV8 one level to throttle and other otherone to move exhaust duct. Thank you vgbaron
  3. Really nobody knows how to fix the Saitek X55, dont tell me that no one had problem with the X55 in XPlane and FS2020, and also nobody had problems with the reverse of Thrustmaster TCA it is imposible configurate the thrust reverse. Thanks
  4. The call out like V1 Vr V2 noe is the computer, some years ago the PNF Pilot No Flying who call out this, but the meters remain A 320 FS 2020 how to configurate it.
  5. I have been seeing by you tuve ,videos about A320 FS2020 and I heard a voice that count the meters remain of runway, someone could tell me how to activate this voices, I heard pull up 100, 50. 40, ... 10, retard retard, but not the meters remain. Thank you Octavio Argentina
  6. It is Ok that FlyingInACessna said, also I can pause even flying. I dont understand why FS2020 pause all. thanks a lot FlyingInACessna
  7. I have X55 Saitek, joysticl it is OK, but the throttles are a mess, if I move forward to full power, the throttles in the FS2020 and XPlane 11 get crazy, start to reverse crazy movements, but never get power. I dont understand this start witn the last update of Windows 10. But it is incredible that the same X-55 works pretty good with DCS, but not with XPlane and FS2020. If someone has a little help with this , because I bought the Thrustmaster TCA Joystick and the reverse is not working well, and working nice in the Xplane 11 so limited actions. SO I have a reflection you need a PC for every simulator and a Joystick also for every simulator Idont understan why the last update of windows, throttles got be out of order, not for DCS, just for XPlane 11 and now for FS2020, wich not even recognize the equipment. The Thrustmaster TCA is pretty good except the reverse , when you put the reverse little bit space at the end of level run, the reverse is not active so you need to push the level forward, and all reverse power set. so again back the level and forward again power, but be carefully may be you coudnt disconect the reverse, another fiasco. Thank you Octavio Argentina
  8. Thank you FlyingACessna for your kind attention, I do not understand so well this new FS . I used to go to AvSim convention and there I can talk with the old ACES Game Studio that made the old FS, so then explain me how to make shortcuts, tips, etc. but Asobo is pretty hard for me. Yes the plane was frozzen but the airspeed increase so, that overspeed alarm started to sound. I know just a few thinks one is the brakes release, and with the break on the airspeed dont move. I have two FS more XPlane and DCS and since 2000 year I have bought all simulators Janes, CFS, DCS, PMDG and Microsoft. I am pilot but this is a really challenge for me, may be in a year after a los of updates, we can fly better. Thank you again from Argentina. Octavio
  9. Planes don't take off In the last flights, I was in the header checking radio navigation frequencies, then I disconnected the parking brake, applied power and the plane stayed still, the speed began to increase but the aircraft did not move an inch, the high speed alarm sounded , and I do not take off. I had to reset the Simulator and it can take off. All that takes a long time, it happens to all the planes that I have tested A320, TBM, Cirrus, Citation. I wait on the runway for a few minutes, it won't let me take off, but the speedometer does move, but not the plane. Does anyone know how to fix this or what is happening. Thank you Octavio
  10. Magnetite, after investigate alot I found the files and deleted both, the FPS is better now but I have several problems yet, the image got freeze really is a mess this Graphic card. But with the DCS works very fine incredible fine, but with the FSX is a awfull flight. I dont know if with the P3D or XPlane 10 work will work better. Thanks a lot for help me, the FSX got better now but still need much more adjust. Sincerely Adrian
  11. Thank you Magnetite: But I have a problem now First the Windows is in a SSD C and in another SSD I have the FSX D So when I open the C I get two appdata windows/systemWoW64/Confg/Systemprofile/local/microsoft/cache and Windows/System32/config/system Profile/local microsoft/cache And I have a question the file FSX Config I must to delete all or just clean the internal subfile, because inside the file has a lot of subfiles, like FMatrox, Fintel, FnVidia, etc. Could you please help me with this , because I am very confuse, and I dont want to install the FSX in the same SSD where the OS is. Thanks and sorry for annoy you with this Adrian
  12. Sadly I bought and install it, well thank you for your time my friend. I need help with my Graphic Card Asus Radeon R9 390 OC, anyone could help me with this stuff .
  13. Hello My friends, I need help with this stuff. I have a new PC CPU Intel i5 3,40 Ghz Ram 32 GB DDR3 OS W7 Home Premium 64 Bits Graphic Card Asus Radeon R9 390 8 GB OC SSD Kingston 240 GB SATA 3 just for the FSX SSD Samsung 400 GB just for OS But the FSX looks like a Slide projector, eventhought I reduce all the graphics , I guess the Graphic card is very new and the FSX.CFG Display dont have this model in the data base Eventhought I see the Model in the configuration window setting which show me AMD Radeon R9 390 0.0. But the FSX dont work, very slow, sometime got freeze, really I dont know what to do. I cant find the graphic card in the FSX.cfg display. Please could someone help me to config the FSX, becasue with all this hardware the FSX should work better than ever. I use also a DCS in another SSD and this works very goooood. If someone want to help to a friend , really I appreciate, and please send me the instruction easy to understand, I am not so young like when I assist to the FANCON AVSIM. Thanks a lot from Argentina. Octavio Adrian
  14. Thank you Gil Diaz, I will start in win 7 compatibiliti mode, I hope works.eally it is a big rpoblems to be a Guinea pigs for Microsoft, the Joy stick Saitec Cyborg also doesnt work , I am very tired with this stuff. I paid a lot of money to made this high level PC for my simulators, and now , this problems is here to stay, Gracias amigo, buena suerte para ti tambien Adrian
  15. Hello my friends: My PC had Windows 7 64 bits and all the flight simulators works OK. One day accept the instalation of new Windows 10, the DCS A10, Sabre F86 and Bell UH-1H works well. But the Microsoft Flight Simulator has a big problem after start to flight 10 minutes the program close, I can see a warning to tell me that the program must be closed. Start again with other planes Captain SIm, same problem, PMDG, all planes after a while stop the program and close the program with the warning tag. Could anubody help me with this stuff. Thans a lot Adrian Argentina
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