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Star Alliance

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Posts posted by Star Alliance

  1. Thanks for the kind words, It's been some horrible days in Norway and this only happend some 20 miles from my house.One smart victim from Utoya said:"If one man can create this much hate, think how much love we all can create together" Now let's look together and ahead for the NGX, it will turn the sim community upside dowm :-)

  2. If the release was set for today (1/8) wouldnt we have seen some manuals by now? Ryan also stated that all the pictures and last bits in the tutorials would be finalized after the debugging-code was removed, that happend only 12h ago.Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to have the NGX today or tomorrow, but I just dont want my hopes get up to high ;)

  3. It should be said that the AS Brussel X is rather old, and it's not built with the latest technology, and therefor it is rather harsh on the frames independent of CPU and such.You should try some of their latest work, and i'm sure you'll get super results with your new wondertoy! ;)P.S. Drop the limiter, when flying IFR with good and rather demanding addons, just set FSX to unlimited and fly smooth :(

  4. @JusJPMDG dev's have already stated that the NGX is on-par with their similar previous products.
    But then again - on my system anyways - all previous add's performs different. The MD11 is a smooth x100, never problems either in VC or 2D, the 747 is alittle heavier esp. @ bigger airports with alot of weather and the J41 is one though little ###### ;) (Tough, settings are almost maxed so there might be an idea to meet somewhere in the middle with the NGX)

  5. Looking forward to the new NGX, especially with my new system.One question only: are you guys planing an update or working with Microsoft in connection to Flight to update/develop NGX forthe new Flight? Or is it too early to say anything about that? Flight will definitely be knocking in 1-2 years I guess (maybe even earlier?).
    When you fire up the NGX @ ex. BFI for det first time in FSX, MS Flight will be the last thing on your mind. Enjoy the package as it is :(
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