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Posts posted by ricka47

  1. I note that when I turn MYTraffic down to 0 within the sim that VoxATC controls the traffic OK but with these differences:

    1.)  Traffic does not taxi as well as with MyTraffic - airplanes do not stay in the center of the taxiway and sometimes go into the grass.

    2.)  There are many go-arounds.  In fact, some aircraft appear to just go around and around and never land, taxi to parking and shut down.

    Has this been noted before?

  2. I've tried all and always go back to default after a while as something is always missing.  Now, I'm trying the P3Dv4 version of VoxATC and am liking it so far.  One thing that I have to have is AI recognized and controlled by ATC and it does have that.

  3. The voice configuration just gives me the choice of Microsoft David Desktop and Microsoft David Desktop.  But, I also show Microsoft Mark Mobile as on my system but not available in the app.  Is it because of the "mobile" that it doesn't see it?

    I see that there are other voices available for download on the VoxATC site but will these work with the P3Dv4 64-bit version?  

  4. 19 hours ago, Gridley said:

    I'm testing the "move the MT6 aircraft" method right now...and yes, VoxATC recommends turning off all traffic and ATC from within P3Dv4.  

    Hopefully someone with more experience will answer the other questions - I'm not sure if VoxATC injects AI into the sim via simconnect or if it creates a traffic BGL (or some combination thereof); I'm also not sure what the ratio is for types.  I've got the 7-day trial installed.  I'm happy to report back what I learn over the weekend!

    Edit: actually, thinking about this, if the traffic is set to zero in the sim, it can't be a bgl-based AI, must be injected via the API.

    It seems though that the MyTraffic .bgl files are used by VoxATC.  I removed them all and had no traffic.  So, I'm still not sure how VoxATC generates its traffic.

  5. I attempted my second flight with VoxATC from TJSJ to MDST.  All went well until I got to the runway where I saw the prompt to wait for take off clearance in the text box.  Plane after plane landed and there was time for me to have departed in between landings.  But, it never came.  I finally disabled the program and filed for clearance after I took off.  Is this typical?

  6. 10 hours ago, zmak said:

    Still testing but have to say there is a huge improvement in being vectored into hilly terrain . In fact in the previous version I would always get vectored in terrain approaching KLAS and today it looked like I was going down again when suddenly the controller told me to climb and then vectored me back down on the other side. Very impressed and worth an upgrade on that alone.

    That is nice - I flew into a few mountains in Alaska using default ATC.  I'm interested to see how this works!

  7. I installed VoxATC this afternoon and it must have found the MT6 aircraft folder without me having to move it into P3D.  I did turn down AI within the sim to 0 and am seeing aircraft at the airports and in the air!  Some things appear not to work.  I can't change the font colors without a crash and I haven't been able to assign joystick buttons.  But, I made a short flight and this may be a keeper - we will see!

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  8. I agree - I've used Radar Contact and Pro-ATC/X and I'm experimenting with VoxATC now.  Default ATC in XP11 cannot be used and another option is required despite the fact that the pickings are very slim.

    But, for P3D, I end up coming back to default because it's simple to use, recognizes AI traffic and it's right there without having to do voice training or anything else to make it work.  We'll see if I'll stick with VoxATC or not.

  9. Does that mean then, for VoxATC to work with MT6 (for now), I would have to move my MT6 aircraft folder into the simobjects/aircraft folder? Then, set traffic to 0 within the sim?  From what I understand, then VoxATC controls the AI instead of MT6.  

    Does VoxATC create its own .BGL files instead of using the ones already in the sim leaving MT6 inactive except for the use of the models?  If so, does it use GA, PAX, cargo and military as MT6 does?

    I'd like a better option than default ATC in v4; but don't want to lose some of the basic functions that default offers and AI recognition is one of the big ones.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Vineguy said:

    Well, I hope LM does read this thread. I fly for a VA at least 5 times a week and hate to go back to FSX after paying for the PMDG 737-800 to use with P3DV4. Also for Rick. I can select cancel in the map view and it doesn't load the sim again like it does with V4.

    In v4, hitting cancel in map mode doesn't re-load for me.  But, hitting OK does.  I hope that you sort it out!

  11. 16 minutes ago, Vineguy said:

    Thanks for the reply Brian. At least it confirms it's just not me. What's strange is that if I use the map view and then close it, the sim rebuilds the whole situation again with the loading progress bar showing as it loads.

    In map view, make sure to just cancel instead of saying OK.  That might be what is causing your IFR plan to be cancelled.    I also use Flight Sim Commander for planning and the map so I don't have to use the P3D map since it is somewhat unrealistic when it pauses the flight.

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