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  1. Relaxing back pressure is more accurate for basic flight training, you are correct. I don't see how applying back pressure would be a stall recovery technique on any stall situation though. The pilots in that flight kept pulling back on the stick as the report says, until the captain finally made it to the cockpit and recomended otherwise (too late). One thing to note was that the A/C at that point was not operating in some "protected" computer assisted mode, but under another operating mode, so the recovery techniques may have been crossed. Anyway, it would seem like a confusing mess on an already stressfull situation...
  2. Excelent article, thanks for sharing. I see this issue is still around (sims). As I remember the type of math required to solve the equations of motions for edge-of-the envelope situations was very complex (non-linear kind). On a related note, after reading the accident report for flight 447, I wondered what kind of stall recovery involves pitching up? The only way I could see using this technique is if those engines had an extraordinary amount of power availeable (assuming you still have pitch control authority). I mean this is basic flight school stuff, even with computer control, what difference does it make? Normally speaking, in a stall situation you can trade altitude for airspeed (point the nose down) to get yourself out of the stall and regain maneuvering capabilty (adding energy (power) too), unless you are a fighter jet where you can just punch your way out of trouble with thrust (assuming also you can still point the nose where you want it to go of course).
  3. I think the 732 would make a superb add-on, and I feel the existing payware ones are not up to par, specially the CaptainSIm one (never, ever buying anything from that lot again,and I would not recommend anyone from buying anything form them either). As far as Airbuses go,I really dislike them for a sim, in my opinion very boring aircraft, specially the A380. PMDG Please consider the 737-200. I can't tell you if it will be a hit, but consider it please :dance:
  4. A 737-200, just think about the possibilities:
  5. You can find all here at AVSIM. I made a tutorial (here at AVSIM somewhere) where you can find everything you need, except for a few gauges particular for the flight (Russian a/c gauges). I would visit first http://www.calclassic.com/ forums and get acquainted with how to fly the props as they are flown a bit differently (Read the FSAviator archives). They also have updated links for the airplane packages. Hope this helps.
  6. Whoaa!!!! I've had some sim experience on these thanks to the California Classics crew. Lot's of stuff to look at, a bit slower pace, but sim heaven nonethelesss. I particularly like speed and engine management aspect, hard to beat! Many thanks for making this one, this is an amazing addition! Just out of curiosity, what kind of engine management/diagnostics systems will you model? Did a polar flight a while ago with a -7. Had to use some celestial nav (yes they have it for FS) so had to add some not-so-familiar instruments. One of my favourite flights yet. No GPS, INS or anything like that, just map, pencil and stopwatch. Took a couple of weeks of research to set up the flight. Can 't wait for this one :yahoo:
  7. Not sure what to tell you. You might want to ask one of the simmers who helped me on this...Macs
  8. I thought the same thing: Dreamfleet's 727 is the best around. I hope they release the DC-8 :( :biggrin:regards,Macs
  9. Had the same problem in Vista. You need to install DdirectX regardless, as you really don't have it although it says you have it, at least that did it for me. http://forum.avsim.n...om-effect-info/Hope this helps.
  10. Scott, Could the changes be made local only? Also, I am interested in changing the textures themselves, but cannot see a way to so this with AFCAD. Can scenery creator take care of this? Just curious,regards,Macs
  11. Hi, I am sometimes lazy and thus ask these types of questions. I was wondering if there is an easy way to change local taxi and parking textures for a generic FS9 airport? Also, is there an easy way to add textures to buildings? Thanks in advance for your help,regards,Macs
  12. Hi,Trying to get from this:to this:Worn out metallic textures clearly hard to do. Have not found any tutorials on how to go about making these. Any ideas/? Thanks in advance,regards,Macs
  13. Yeah, I found it too. For some reason it was not appearing after some scenery I added near the area.yesterday.regards,Macs
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