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  1. Hello, Great job on the UNS unit.How do we update the navdata on navigraph? What is the UNS1 name under in Navigraph? Thanks,
  2. Hi Jean, SO I did reinstall of P3D V4.5 HF2 and I'm getting the same error. "C:\Users\Bdubb\Documents\Prepar3D V4 Add-ons\" (Nothing in this folder what so ever.) Brett
  3. Hello, So I uninstalled the GTN750 and tried to reinstall the GNS and the GTN and neither will install now get the error for both now. Brett
  4. Hello All, I get the following error when I try installing the GNS530W and had no issues with the GTN750. C:\Usere\Bdubb\Documents\Prepar3D V4 Add-ons\Reality XP An error occurred while trying to create a file in the destination directory: Setup was unable to create the directory: C:\Users\Bdubb\Documnets\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Reality XP GNS", Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified. Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file(not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation. Any help would be appreciated. Best regards, Brett Wells
  5. Hello, I have a question on the GTN750. I own the RXP GTN750 and F1 GTN750 am I able to use both?(the RXP is a lot better!!!). I have a mod for Carenado CJ2 and F1 GTN750 only works with it. Thanks, Brett
  6. Hello, just checking to see how the progress is going with V4.4 update? Thanks, Brett
  7. Hi RXP, You are correct. I read more into it I had the f1 GTN750 and uninstalled and installed yours and I get the error when I select a plane with gtn750 if that makes sense. Brett
  8. HI RXP, I bought it from your website and I have proof purchase. RealityXP Garmin GTN 750 (FltSim) Order Number: 1421962 Brett
  9. Hello All, Need Help just bought the RXP GTN750 and having issue with the gtninterface.dll. I have tried disabling windows defender and excluding the gauges folder and keep getting the error! Brett
  10. Hello All, I have a question for you tech's out there. Installed the MOD looks awesome. The problem I'm having is I can't select HDG,ALT,VS any of the buttons won't click or light up. Any suggestions how to fix this issue? Brett
  11. Hello All, Has anyone come up with a fix for this issue? I have fix names vor or airports names displaying but Navigraph 1602 installed any ideas? Bwells
  12. Hello Fellow Simmers, A question for you all I can't seem to find any answer to my question which is how do you make P3D see your scenery thats installed in FSX. I have tons of scenery and I don't want to have to reinstall it all again I'm using FSX and P3D on same computer. Please tell me what the steps(Step by Step) are to do this I would greatly appreciate it. Bwells
  13. hello, looking for PAC956 out of EDDP to OBBI today. Thanks, Brett
  14. Hello Fellow Simmers, I bought the new 777 and I love the PMDG operations center but under the 777 I don't have a display section where I can change the view option to normal screen to wide screen view any ideas?
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