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  1. Amazing pictures chaps, really wanting to buy this now! :-) Mushud Haq
  2. No prblem my friend. I understand we all have lives and we all have got other things than jus fs. Dnt worry about it.:-)Thank youRegard mushud.:-)
  3. Hey iv001 whats the progress of the paint. Take your time jus wanted to know where you are with it.:-)thank you regards,mushud
  4. Thank you so much my friend iv001:-)!!!!! i am so glad some one is going to do it. No problem with time, take as long as you want and do it in your style anything you need dont hesitate to as. Thank you!!!:DRegards, mushud:D
  5. Any one pleasse? i can provide the paint kit if needed.Thank you.mushud
  6. Hey guys i haven't posted much here so please dnt bash for requesting.Many of you will be familiar of course with the cls a 310-300. I was wondering if any of u guys has any spare time to paint her in the pia GE version in the new livery. That would be so wonderful because i have been waiting a long time for some one to paint it but so far no one has:-(. so please any one out there wiling to help, please do thank you.I will soooo greatful!:-)regards, Mushud.
  7. HEHE! im not old just nostalgic seen loads of pics on the net of them departing gatwick really like them.lol i really feel old now!:-lol Anyways good luck with the paint ill be sure to download them.
  8. Hey no problem thanks very much for your help mate! One question if you are painting the aerosim dc-10 are you doing the british caledanion one? Anyways once you are free and done with your paints maybe then you can paint the pia one for aerosim but it doesnt matter thanks again!;)
  9. Wow! awesome! how come you didnt relaest that? is there any chance of the aerosim one thanks.:(
  10. Hey guys, i have been following this forum for a long time and so decided to join it because i need help. Can anyone, or is there any one that can paint me the the aerosim classic airliners 747-200 and 300 in the pia livery because i there is not repaint out there, so if any one is wiling to help me out that woul;d be great thanks very much.Regards,mushud:)
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