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Everything posted by brian747

  1. Ho ho ho. I'm guessing you found their pre-Christmas Sale, then! http://www.uk2000sce...les/Page37.htmlUp to 40% off when you buy 4.Got to be good — no *great*, for those scenery items!. Cheers, and a very Merry Christmas,BrianP.S. Er, <*cough*>, but if by any chance you didn't notice the Sale, then I apologise for mentioning it.
  2. Dunno about anybody else, Dave, but I just don't have room for a bulky yoke unit in my small 'pit. I did in fact buy a yoke, but after a few frustrating attempts to work around it, it now stays in the cupboard, awaiting the day when I can afford a bigger space.Like many things in the life of most simmers, there have to be compromises — the art of the possible..... Cheers,Brian
  3. Hmm.And, of course, for those of us not lucky enough to have enough room in our 'pit to accommodate the bulk of a yoke.(When will somone finally make one that fits *underneath* the desktop?).But I'm glad for you that you, at least, have the option.
  4. brian747

    mcp config

    Hi Mike!I'm running on W7 x64 with no problems. I leave the diagnosis to those better qualified than I, but in the interim you may want to check that your version of LINDA is the correct one for the aircraft modules you are using? A mismatch between them can cause those sorts of message to appear.Good luck,Brian
  5. <blush> Well that's why I said "seemed fine" and "appeared to be working well" — to be honest, I was enjoying myself so much with the Combo and my new -600 that although I was paying attention I completely forgot to systematically test everything, and especially the CRS knob. (Which I had intended to do.... <sigh>). So although I didn't notice anything awry it is possible that I may have missed something: apologies for only a partial report, Andy! Cheers,Brian
  6. Hi Artem!Last night I flew a 1000+ mile trip with the NGX -600 with the following—MCP Combo ILINDA v1.1b6 NGX module 2.0b2"Rotaries fix"Everything seemed fine, in fact I didn't notice anything at all going wrong (corrupt displays etc) — on the contrary, all appeared to be working well, including the knobs' acceleration and your great feedback of information into the maIn display.Many thanks again, and warm congratulations — *and* you beat the arrival of the SDK! Cheers,Brian
  7. Dazz, thank you!I have looked for that information several times and have never been able to find it.My reason for wondering about it is that I have a core i7 laptop (my "fsx on the road" machine) which has no facility to turn HT off in the BIOS (or anywhere else, seemingly, according to the manufacturers). So I have often wondered about the correspondence of real and virtual cores in that scenario.Cheers,Brian
  8. Wow — that was fast! Thank you, Günter!Cheers,Brian
  9. I just checked again today, and they have no Combo Is available, so if you didn't get one I think you've missed your chance!Cheers,Brian
  10. Hello (again ) Doug! You need to tell us what version of LINDA you use and what version of the NGX module you use (not all versions of each work happily with each other). Your hardware may possibly be relevant, too. But to maybe save you some time (I've just noticed that this post is already several days old) I can tell you that I started using LINDA v1.03 + NGX module v1.2 and had problems, which were fixed by moving to LINDA v1.1b (also with NGX v1.2 — and in my case, using the MCP Combo I). Cheers, Brian
  11. +1 (But I suspect that we'd better not hold our breath while we wait for it to happen!) Cheers, Brian
  12. From the FSUIPC manual (p.42) "One additional axis of note is the Steering Tiller. Note that FSX does actually provide a Steering Axis (which, when I‘ve tested, I will be adding to the calibration possibilities in FSUIPC4). The FSX offering may well make the FSUIPC4 tiller provisions redundant, but I don‘t know yet so I have retained them—it helps provide continuity for existing users of FSUIPC3 in any case. The FSUIPC4 version still uses the FS Rudder control, but can be calibrated separately (e.g. to be more responsive—use the inverse S-shaped slope options). If the steering tiller axis is assigned, you must then calibrate it in FSUIPC4's Joysticks section (this is on the same page as the PAN controls … sorry!). You need to calibrate the rudder axis in FSUIPC4 too. Then the two are used together as follows: When on the ground and at any ground speed less than 60 knots (default—adjustable by the MaxSteerSpeed parameter in the INI file), the actual FS rudder action is controlled by a blend of the tiller and rudder axis inputs. At low speed it is predominantly tiller, and as speed increases the tiller becomes gradually less effective and the rudder input more so. Above the MaxSteerSpeed, or in the air, the tiller has no effect. As with all of the axis and joystick facilities, the calibrations, assignments and parameters such as MaxSteerSpeed, can be different for different aircraft." There's more, and also some discussion on the FSUIPC forum that may be of help to you — basically, FSUIPC allows you to get a gradual transition between tiller and rudder as you accelerate along the runway, and you can set the speed (MaxSteerSpeed) at which this happens (in fsuipc.ini, if I remember rightly). Have fun! Cheers, Brian
  13. Hi Derick! Like many simmers who have to use their simming area for other purposes <sigh> as well, I got into the habit of mostly leaving my yoke in the cupboard and settling for the smaller footprint of my X52 Pro stick and throttle. But when I acquired VRinsight's TT panel and MCP combo, the bulk of a yoke was out of the question anyway (unless I can figure out a way to hang it underneath the desktop. Hmm, I wonder.....).. But ideally, of course, a dedicated 'pit would be the real answer — in an ideal world I would prefer to use a yoke. As far as multimonitors and glass cockpits are concerned, my 'pit seems fine for me (specs in my sig), thanks to the combination of EZCA and TrackIR. Cheers, Brian P.S. I see we have similar tastes in avatars — nice one!
  14. As well as (licensed) FSUIPC, you will need (free) LINDA. Much of the NGX functionality is already accessible (in advance of the SDK). http://forum.avsim.n...lcome-to-linda/ http://forum.avsim.n...ule-version-13/ (But if you have questions about LINDA, may I suggest posting them in the LINDA forum, rather than here). Have fun, Brian
  15. Thank you for your explanation, Günter, which has added another piece to the jigsaw for me, too. (And thank you for asking the question, Roland). Cheers, Brian
  16. Thank you, Emile! I assigned your functions to a switch on the TT panel, and can now use it to operate the parking brake with ease — extremely useful! Best wishes, Brian
  17. In case anyone is interested, FlightStore UK are currently selling the MCP Combo I for £239. This represents even more of a bargain when you realise that it's almost half their price for the Combo II (£439). I believe they will ship internationally, if need be — the URL for more information: http://www.flightsto...ion/avionicsims Cheers, Brian
  18. Chris is dead right: however if you don't share his taste for dry technical manuals and would prefer a "soup to nuts" guide to accomplishing a flight, then you can download the "simplified" one he has in mind from Avsim (thanks to Tom Risager) http://library.avsim...ftp&DLID=162360 In fact it's "simplified" down to a mere 196 pages...... Cheers, Brian
  19. Thank you, Patrick. Hmm, definitely not the case for me, though. OK, I'll try a few different configurations — there must be some difference somewhere..... Cheers, Brian
  20. Thank you, gentlemen, but as stated on the pictures PLN mode was in use when on the FO's side, too. Maybe a config errot??? Cheers, Brian
  21. When checking the route in PLN mode, the STEP> prompt at LSK 6R is present on the Captain's CDU (and also on the shift-3 popup). Yesterday I thought I'd try using the FO's CDU instead, and although everything else seemed OK, the STEP> prompt (and associated <CTR>) failed to appear when in PLN mode. Is this case on the real aircraft, or is it an NGX "feature"? Cheers, Brian
  22. In your EZCA setup, you may need to adjust the keyboard sensitivity and smoothing options (in General Settings, see p.16 of the manual). As installed, I found that each tap of the key moved the viewpoint too far, but once you wind the settings down, the "discrete distance" reduces and you can position yourself far more accurately. Note that you can (and should!) adjust the settings separately for the virtual cockpit, for external aircraft views, and for any world cameras you may have. Cheers, Brian
  23. Hi Neal! (Wow — you don't hang about, do you? Enjoy your MCP when it arrives: you'll wonder how you ever managed without it). Reference your original question 3: the Combo is not as huge as it may appear in some pictures, which give you little idea of scale. Here's my setup — as you can see, the Combo is just a little longer than my G15 keyboard. Cheers, Brian
  24. Am I alone here in believing that the CI also has a certain influence on the VNAV rate of descent? Cheers, Brian
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