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  1. A reminder also to see that you have checked "Empty Scenery Cache on exit" in the settings/ scenery library section.
  2. Of the 13hrs so far, 7 of the flights are over 1hr (most 1.1 to 1.8) with only one fps "bleed" on the 5th flight. Longer flights after that one flight made me think that the anomaly might have been an odd convergence of memory refreshes of weather (ASE 2012), AI traffic area changes (UT2 + misc. traffic files), combined with a taxed graphics card (GTX260), and who knows what else might have been going on behind the scenes. I don't run much else for add-ons. Ron, hope you can discover your problem. I'd be looking at your combination of add-ons though for conflicts. Larry
  3. I've got the same problem, but playing around with it for a while I find it's not unlike some of their others. Their existing paints kind of give you an idea of how they placed the registrations, so I'm fiddling around with a different way of layering and it's not going so well. Maybe combining ext_2 and ext_3 on one aligned larger sheet will help. Hoping for an eureka! Cheers Larry
  4. On the floor, between the front seats, if I remember correctly.
  5. In Settings/ General, uncheck the "show message log in ATC menu". This will disable ATIS scroll, and you will not have any displayed voice history log. Try it; you can always revert back. Cheers Larry
  6. Bob, I'm finding a definite advantage on my GTX260, much smoother and fluid. Worth a shot! Cheers Larry
  7. Manual page 20, use the buttons on the flight stick to manipulate several PFD functions.CheersLarry
  8. In the pre-game start-up window, click on settings, then controls. You are now presented with three windows, Calibration, Buttons/Keys, and Control Axes. On each page there is a "Reset Default" button. Click on those and there you go!Larry
  9. ... or Advanced Animations is not activated in the GUI.Larry
  10. Tune the ATC centre frequency as shown in the ATC menu pop-up. Then contact the fequency (DO NOT Request Flight Following). You should now hear any ATC chatter on that fequency. Should you move out of that area to a new control area, your ATC pop-up should indicate such by showing a new fequency to tune. Just keep repeating the original instructions without requesting flight following. This also follows for non-auto tune radios.CheersLarry
  11. Update; I downloaded a free set of Trebuchet regular fonts, installed, and problem corrected. CheersLarry
  12. After uninstalling a few aircraft and Prepar3D this morning, I booted ASE and received immediately; "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Font 'Trebuchet MS' does not support style 'Regular'." There is a dialog following about JT de-bugging, but it's beyond my understanding. Any help is appreciated. CheersLarry Sweigard
  13. For the Mixture; Ctrl+Shft+F1...F4.For RPM; Ctrl+F1...F4.CheersLarry
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