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Posts posted by Thunderbird8

  1. The temperature inversion problem flying under FSInn's 'server' weather takes place above FL240. My online group has been investigating a solution to this problem for a while. At the moment we use FSX's RW 15 minute updated weather. Usually very similar to VATSIM server weather. When I fly on VATSIM I use RW 15 weather and don't get any issues apart from occasionally having to tweak the QNH. GL.

  2. +1 for buying it. It's usually wise advice not to get the A version of anything but this baby has been so long in the production and testing that it's already excellent. I don't have any of the hotfixes installed yet because my system is running sweetly however I think I am going to bite the bullet this weekend and get hotfix 3 installed and see what happens. Good luck whatever you decide mate.

  3. Please enlighten me, point me to somewhere where you've helped someone.
    Shame On You.gif No, please, I really must insist, if you're so good at everything you can find it. I have other things to do now. People on the forum are asking questions I think I can help with.

  4. I think it's absolutely a great learning environment and anyone who takes the time to look at my true post history (if you really have nothing better to do tongue.png ) will see that the only time I have ever flamed or taken someone to task is when they have been bullying or belittling people. I have paid my money for the NGX just like everyone else and there are a large number of topics I (and other like me) have contributed to which are, of course, to do with NGX. I have never made an unprovoked criticism on this forum and I never will.

  5. I would like to add that this forum is one of the official PMDG customer support forums linked to from there website. Some people that have paid $70 for a flight simulation add-on may not have the abilities to pass a real world pilots exam or training course. Some of the people of who have purchased the 737 NGX may have learning difficulties and find 3000 pages of text difficult to digest. Please answer the question if you can and if you ever get the urge to write "read the manuals" just think for a minute is the person asking for help as fortunate as yourself. Have the manuals been provided in every language or only english? go and read the manual's is not helpful to everybody.
    Excellent post. @ Aladdin, you are an utter, utter imbecile. So you've narrowed it down to six people who monopolise the forum have you? Please, I know the irony of this will escape you but you are actually doing the thing you complain about. As to your question about whether I've helped people answering questions, well I guess English may not be your first language... If you don't like this forum and would rather clog up PMDG's support ticket system, then really, why are you here? What is the point of you? Nothing.

  6. This forum is like the same 6 people saying the same things over and over again with the occasional newbie post, and something useful every 1000 posts. I definitely wouldn't come here for help (maybe just to rant), I would much rather RTFM or open a support ticket.
    I think that's sad Majid, and, I have to say, also utter nonsense. I reckon 1000s of people have gained help from this forum, despite its minor flaws.

  7. Christoper, I do like your reply, it's OK. I think you make a very valid point. I think the tutorial is excellent and I must admit I read the Intro document cover to cover and followed the tutorial. What you say in my opinion does not really conflict with the spirit of this thread.

  8. Some balanced views here I think, however the two poles will never really agree. There are people who are prepared (and have the time) to invest in reading all the manuals and there are those who don't. I feel one of the problems felt by those who have read them is a sense of what one might call unfairness, as in, 'hey, I took the time to read the manual, why can't you?' I think it appeals to that sense of fairness and I can understand it on that level. The same goes for not using 'real' names in posts. Many people do, many don't. There are some in the camp of those who do that have a little hissy fit when they see someone who doesn't. Again, it's the unfairness thing, 'I played by the rules and you didn't, yet we both got the same thing.' Perhaps a little like school in that respect. I feel however that this forum (despite some flaws) is an excellent and helpful portal for those who seek to give and receive help, and the RTFM'ers should bear in mind that the newcomers will soon also be the dispensers of knowledge once they learn it. It would be as well to remember also that pedantry is rarely an attractive quality.

  9. I often get runway changes due to flying with real world or server based weather. My first questions as I read down the thread was to ask if you had pressed EXEC, sounds obvious but easy to forget to do. Hmmmm...I'll try and recreate this tonight as this (potential) bug interests me. Did you enter the new runway length on the pedestal? Not sure if that would make any difference....don't think so but.....

  10. And 4) (The reason it should have been deleted but wasn't - yet!) YOU SHOWED THE LOCATION OF THE POGO STICK. How dare you? How insensitive can you get? Do you not realise the pleasure gained by people who have found the pogo stick? The feeling of superiority they have over people who have not yet found the pogo stick. The sense of smug satisfaction that is felt every time some newbe asks "what pogo stick"? And you ruined all that by your thoughtless expose! What are you, a journalist for a tabloid newspaper? Do you not care how many lives you destroy just as long as you get your storey?
    I know where I'd like to shove the pogo stick... Maybe they'll feel more superior when they learn how to spell too.

  11. Your not willing to spend £30 to get over £400 worth of kit working? Why did you buy it in the first place?
    *sigh* *yawn* I've been using it for years in the Level D 767 using Serial SP2, that's why, and it cost me nowhere near £400. They must have seen you coming... If VRInsight produce a free bit of software for Serial SP2 I don't see why (as their customer, and not yours, Paul) I need to specifically get FSUIPC for this. Does that satisfy you, Paul Smith?
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