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  1. Thanks Robert and the PMDG team involved with this excellent product. I sincerely appreciate the work involved in keeping us updated on your progress, which is why I will always remain a loyal PMDG customer. I look forward to 'flying' this incredible aircraft when it is released. Mal
  2. Hi WHSorry for any confusion and thanks again for your concern.Loved the TBM pics you have posted!All the bestMalcolm
  3. Hi WHNo matter how hard I tried I could not get the TBM to CTD. This aircraft is rock solid on my system and I only started this thread to see if my system or version of the TBM (v1.1) were the reason why CTD's weren't happening, where CTD's have happened to others.I have heeded Bill's advice and am now just enjoying the priveledge of being able to fly this wonderful plane - my favourite being the NZ2525 TBF which is the closest thing to home (Oz)!Sorry for any confusion caused, and thanks for your advice etc.Keep the blue side up!Kind regardsMalcolm
  4. Hi MarkThanks for the great pictures. Yes! this aircraft is known to me, and is the other reason for my choice of VH-MAL, the other being the obvious one of my name being Malcolm and living in Australia.I have had an avid interest in aviation all my life, but unfortunately the aircraft depicted were no longer flying when I eventually joined the Civil Aviation Authority back in '79 (eventually leaving in the mid '90's). By that stage, "Bushies" (as we called BPA) had retired their DC-3's, but the RAAF still had their C47's flying and I was fortunate enough to be able to scramble all over one shortly before they were retired from service. They were a great plane and I think I downloaded so many variations that you had a hand in - and I thank you!I am in awe of the work that all you guys at MAAM Sim do and it's great to be able to chat to some of you.Keep up the great work, and I hope to keep in touch with you.Kindest regardsMalcolm
  5. Hi BillSorry! Didn't mean to cause a fuss. As I said, this plane is absolutely superb, and a credit to all those involved. The fact that I can't get a CTD only adds to the pleasure, and I'm pleased that it is only a miniscule problem.I'll go on flying the TBM (and the other MAAM planes) to my heart's content, safe in the knowledge that I can do so in safety!Thanks again for all your efforts and superb aircraft, especially the TBM.Kindest regardsMalcolm
  6. HiThanks for your interest. I tried all your suggestions, and no matter what I do I still can't get the TBM to CTD! It doesn't matter whether I use one of my default flights or one of MAAM's and it doesn't matter how often I change aircraft TBM to TBM or to a default aircraft and back ot even to a commercial add-on I still can't get the system to CTD.I put this item up as a possible way to work on a solution - as I say, is it my system (the NVidea Card), the fact that I didn't install the Carrier Ops or FSUIPC (I don't have this installed) or some other strange reason?I'll keep trying to get a CTD and will let you know if it eventually happens.All the best.Malcolm
  7. HiI'm completely new to this forum, so this is my first post, so please be gentle with me!First of all, congratulations to all those involved in the MAAM team who present us with such excellent sim aircraft - I have them all and although I haven't flown it much yet, I thing the Avenger will become my favourite - I've loved this plane since childhood (a long time ago now!) and I am virtually fulfilling a dream by actually getting to "fly" it now.I have noticed a great discussion on problems loading the TBM, changing to another aircraft and getting CTDs. I have tried every possible option of changing from TBM to another aircraft, either default or another add-on (MAAM of course!), back to the TBM, change to another TBM model, start with another aircraft and change to TBM etc etc.Without exception, I cannot get the system to fail, and FS9 is working perfectly no matter what option I throw at it. I only downloaded a the TBM a couple of days ago, and noticed it was version 1.1.Has the problem been fixed? or are others still having problems?For information, my system is:Pentium 4 CPU 2.60 Ghz3 GB of RAMNVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS (256MB)Also, I only installed the basic program of the aircraft only - not the carrier ops or FSUIPC...Malcolm
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