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Everything posted by fx4guy

  1. Ok been a way for a while now and see there has been a few updates. Do I need to install any of the previous updates before this one? Thanks already downloaded this update but have not run it yet.Thanks
  2. He was saying his reply was off topic since he was talking about the realism of the pic, not that your off topic.
  3. heres the url you asked for http://www.1000bulbs.com/?gclid=CIL4ho6Ry6oCFRd25QodnWW71g
  4. I use the ch yoke as well and only issue I had was I needed to do a cal of the controllers through the ch control manger. But all my buttons have worked without having to remap them. I would suggest to just go back in and redo the button in fsx and see if that fixes it.
  5. I think its shift+backspace will move you in other direction.
  6. Tried both options but no luck with either of them still crash on exit. here is what the event viewer has put out. Log Name: ApplicationSource: Application ErrorDate: 8/6/2011 3:09:46 PMEvent ID: 1000Task Category: (100)Level: ErrorKeywords: ClassicUser: N/AComputer: DadsDescription:Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61472.0, time stamp: 0x475e17d3Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000Exception code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x04246c81Faulting process id: 0x1760Faulting application start time: 0x01cc546c1b80aa25Faulting application path: E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exeFaulting module path: unknownReport Id: a56779fa-c05f-11e0-861c-e0cb4e3bc3baEvent Xml:<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> <System> <Provider Name="Application Error" /> <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID> <Level>2</Level> <Task>100</Task> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2011-08-06T19:09:46.000000000Z" /> <EventRecordID>18183</EventRecordID> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>Dads</Computer> <Security /> </System> <EventData> <Data>fsx.exe</Data> <Data>10.0.61472.0</Data> <Data>475e17d3</Data> <Data>unknown</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>00000000</Data> <Data>c0000005</Data> <Data>04246c81</Data> <Data>1760</Data> <Data>01cc546c1b80aa25</Data> <Data>E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe</Data> <Data>unknown</Data> <Data>a56779fa-c05f-11e0-861c-e0cb4e3bc3ba</Data> </EventData></Event>
  7. You know I have never done it this way and was wondering what they were talking about. I have always loaded my aircraft and airport from the main screen. So when you change like that after launching FSinn is your aircaft type correct on the flight plan when you send it? I have see a few post on our VA where people are filing the wrong type aircarft and I made me think maybe this is what there doing.
  8. Norman thanks for the info on the scenery cfg and will give that a try when I get home from work today. If that works my fsx will be back to its normal self again.
  9. My fsx has been crashing after exit for so long now I just thought it was normal lol. It always says its looking for a solution but I just click cancel since it has yet to ever find a solution. I even have a scenery error at 115 these days and for the life of me cant find out what that about either. I just chalk it up to microsoft and hope it goes away in the same way in which it just showed up one day.
  10. Only issue I ran into on my FMC was that I couldnt make it go direct to another point on my legs page. I click the waypoint I want and get a invaild entry in the fmc. What do you mean by not loading the default. When fsx launches or when your picking your airport then fly now?
  11. Dont forget to remove the chokes in the fmc as well.
  12. Did you use the push back from the fmc or did you use the normal push back on fsx. I found that when I used the fmc for the push back i had no brake issues. Just a suggestion. For my first test flt I couldn't get the brakes to release with the toe brake quick touch so that is why tried the fmc push push back option and didn't have an issue after that.
  13. And I bet the microsoft team is wondering why apple in killing them in numbers. I have win64 ultimate and dont seem to have to many issues that I know of but being windows I suspect that is not true though.
  14. Delf Im pretty sure when you do your custom install and pick the d:\ fsx will create all the necessary folders. Its been a long time since I installed mine but im pretty sure it took care of it for you. I did mine on a separate drive so that I could keep all my FSX stuff together. When I download my pmdg software I can keep the original on the D:\ drive and a back up on a cd or flash drive. Not sure if the access time is faster but its easier to find my fsx stuff with it all in one place. Good luck on the install.
  15. Just in case you dont want to dig yours out try this one. http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64.aspx
  16. Well as I know everyone is looking forward to the release of the ngx one has to wonder if they are building the real thing instead of a simulator. I understand they want it to get it right which i prefer to being the beta tester and having to wait for some major service pack or update. But this project seems to be taking an awful long time. I know they didnt want to give us a release date in fear of missing it which they did. So as much as I love the pmdg products I think im done checking on this one.
  17. The thing that was causing mine when i first got it was my props were not getting to 100% pitch. They would get to about 99 and then i use the mouse to move them the rest of the way up. I have removed my dead zones on my throttle quad but still cant get the 100% so its just something i have decided to live with. Hope this helps you out.
  18. Thanks for the link Aidan those opened with no problem.
  19. Ok what am i doing wrong as i cant open these pics. I have been able to open all the other pics in the forum but not these. all i get is what seems like its searching for the pics. Thanks for any help.
  20. If you havent already tried sometimes to get system restore to work properly you have to boot up in safe mode and then log in as the admin.
  21. Yup I agree as well I have gone from checking the web site daily to weekly and now if i feel like it. What we need is an email alert system so that when its released they can just email us.
  22. Thanks for the information Ernie. If you could answer just one other question for me is there a way to step through the plan before taxi like you can in the Boeing type FMC. Thanks again for your help.
  23. Thanks Ernie I will get you that info later today Ill have to see if i can find the plan i used. As far as what i did that wont be an issue. As far as having it crash on the ground it seems like the more mistakes you make and have to delete and reenter causes the issue. I do know of at least one other guy that has the same problem. Now keep in mind this isnt an everyday occurrence. It really seems kind of random as we have both been programing the fmc and deleted the same stuff and one of us will have a crash and the other wont. However I will get you the flight plan and give you my steps. It could also just be an operator error thing as well.Ok was able to find easier then i thought. Also by looking at this flt plan i think i entered it wrong which is why on of the points would have been behind me. So here is the flt plan which i got from flighaware.com.KJFK RBV J230 COPES J75 GVE LYH SUDSY3 KCLTI think I put LHY instead of LYH and needed to delete lhy. I also noticed that i was pushing the limit distance wise so was trying to make some short cuts. Now as far as what i did. I went to the flt plan page clicked LHY then erase which didnt work so then I clicked erase which deleted the flight plan. So then I just clicked arrive put in kclt and picked the sudsy3 arrival and then everything stopped and crashed to the desktop. I was at alt and on J75 or had just passed COPES. I hope this is what you needed from me. If not let me know and I will try and break it down better for you.thanks again for all your help.
  24. Just in case anyone was wondering im am referring to the JS4100. I cant seem to figure out how to edit my original post so i guess ill just use the reply button.
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