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Everything posted by SN737

  1. Hi marsman, do you happen to limit your fps to 30 as I do in NVCP? I'm experiencing same experience as yours. I think that this new refresh rate setting is more suited for people running the sim with unlimited or maybe 60 fps.
  2. Yes, it is very useful feature that was left out unfortunately, hope this guys can add it to the G1000 and 3000
  3. Thank you man, you've done wonders in a very short time, thanks a lot again for your work on bringing these glass cockpits closer to reality.
  4. True, if you land on rwy 24 in St. Tropez, La Mole for eg., it has an X before threshold and it is a working open runway.
  5. I installed the mods and the yaw damper does not engage with the AP, so yes, there's a conflict
  6. well, mine does, it didn't before the patch, they fix it for me. Maybe you have some mods in your community folder that is conflicting with the original TBM
  7. Amazing, would it be possible for you to do the same with the G3000? thanks very much
  8. Yes it does, just tried it and it works as the update states What I'm seeing, I don't recall seeing before the patch (just tried the TBM), is that when flying on turbulent air the cabin shakes accordingly but if I switch my view to the left wing for example, the wing doesn't move at all, it's like if the cabin has its own shock absorbers, very strange indeed, don't remember feeling this before the patch.
  9. Very well done indeed!. Hope you can transfer this to the TBM too, awesome work man.
  10. The 9R ILS IDENT name also changed to IGH, you can change it with ADE, delete the ILS using the approach mode and place a new one with all the same data but with new ident name and freq
  11. Hi Raul, any update on this one for p3dv5? 🙂
  12. Wow, again you amaze me man!, not only you reply in an instant but it is with the solution. That was it, sorry for requesting your services for this on a Sunday. You will get us all spoiled with such a support!!! Thanks a lot buddy and great week
  13. Hi Simbol, today I opened the app and it triggered for an update to v1.2.0, since the update it asked me to rescan the database and I don't have any ai model to configure anymore. it doesn't recognize any model. Need some help please. I use AI Manager by the way. Thank you
  14. Hi Tadeu, where you flying online in this video?,if not, how did you make your ai (KLM 777) to make that precise pushback. Great video by the way!
  15. No matter what I do, since latest version 7434 I have no clouds. Have already opened a ticket, no response yet.
  16. Hello, is UGCX marshaller signaling "right, left, slow down, etc" when aligning to the gate, does this work as GSX marshaller (which works AIRL)? thx
  17. Reinhard, I use Panel Position tool to restore undocked pop-up panels, works like charm, First step will be, just for one time, undock panel/s, position them where you like and press panel store; then next p3d session the only thing you need to do is undock the panels you wish to and press panel restore. Google Panel Position, you should find it, if you don't PM me and I'll send it to you. If you have more than one screen and wish to take advantage on the 1/2 refresh and external fps then you are lost, it kills your fps, un-usable.
  18. For me the fps limiter within NCP gives me stutters, I use NVI's frame rate limiter v2 on 30 and I have my sim as smooth as you can get. The only other settings I use are: Vertical sync: 1/2 Refresh Rate, Vertical sync tears control: Adaptive, Texture filtering: High Quality and Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance. Monitor Refresh Rate 60GHz
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