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    Lafayette, CO
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  1. Ah yes! I was just doing a quick circuit and forgot to check that!! I am always reminded that I must use my checklists.....!! Thanks Narutokun!!
  2. I have a problem with all models ofthe 73 NGX series in that the parking brake will not release with a button command, moving the actual virtual brake lever in the VC or with a keyboard command. I have deleted and reprogrammed both button and keyboard commands to no avail. The only think I did different in FSX was to add REX Latitude to the mix. No other aircraft has this issue. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. Thanks everyone! Thanks to Ryan M for the quick fix. Really appreciate it!
  4. I just did the upgrade to SP1 today. Decided to do a clean install and followed the upgrade procedure to a T. Deleted 737NGX, cleared the PMDG 737NGX root folder, reinstalled 737 from scratch, installed SP1. When I started the new set up the default is with engines running and Cap's FMC shows up just fine. When I do a reconfig for a cold and dark start up only the F/O's FMC display works. I have tried all the backlighting adjustments including panel and the lighting adjustment on the FMC itself to no avail. F/O's FMC functions totally fine and did do a short flight with it. Just fly from the left seat so would like to get this figured out.Any help is greatly appreciated!
  5. Nice! I was considering upgrading my 3 year old 8 core 3.2 ghz MacPro for your iMac config but Apple was kind enough to give me a brand new 8 core 2.4 ghz MacPro when my system wouldn't boot up and they couldn't fix the problem. I was 34 months into Apple care when that occurred! Try that with an HP!!! Great to see fellow macheads running FSX! With the rumors of Apple dropping the MP line iMac's will be the new power machines (so it seems for now!!).I run an autonomous Win7 HD in my new MP and FSX runs great!!
  6. Thanks Mr. Ken. That makes sense. Just wondering!
  7. Does anyone know if the second tutorial been released yet?
  8. That is good to hear. Thanks for the replies! Sounds like I need to reinstall RC4!
  9. Wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else has any problems using Radar Contact 4 and the 737NGX. I will occasionally use RC4 when not on VATSIM for ATC. However, every time I load it with the 738-WL it causes irreparable graphic distortion in FSX. RC4 works fine with other aircraft. Anyone else having this situation before I start a file for the programmers?
  10. Don't see the "last order" as you advised. Humm....I can click on the Order # or the "Order Details" but no "last order"! I have an "order code" so I'm sure it will be fixed sometime, right?Glad you got your order! My wife just came in and advised me that I would be up all night anyway so she is glad it is stalled! She just doesn't' get it now, does she?
  11. Your not alone James - Check other strings. Several with same issue including myself! Hopefully, PMDG will have links for us linkless soon!!!!
  12. esimmer - Did as you suggested and got to my orders. Showed the order #, etc. When I hit Order Details everything is there but a download link. So your account gave you a download link? There servers much be crying uncle at this point!!!
  13. Hey gborre - Did you get past the "Place Order" page? That is where mine hung. Confirmation is greyed out!
  14. Add me to the list expect didn't use Paypal for the purchase. Got the confirmation email, tapped my account for the purchase price and no confirmation was established for download link. I to hope PMDG will correct this as we are all at a dead end it seems for the time being. Would hate to have to contact my bank to stop payment as like everyone else, dying to get this aircraft! Can't blame PMDG for cyber attack!!
  15. I to have the same issue. Got the confirmation email, hit my account for the purchase price but no download link! Can someone out there help with this?
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