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Everything posted by flyer47

  1. If you are using XP12 do not use Carenado aircraft. They have not updated any planes for XP12. If you are using XP11 save your money. It is not worth the difference.
  2. I'm sorry but my last post was incorrect. There still is a dip in the runway.
  3. I tried to load TJVQ with auto ortho and simhaven and had the same issue. When I loaded the sim without those addons the problem was not present. I don't know which addon it was. Also there are no trees on one side of the runway.
  4. Sorry. You're right. I read the sale wrong, but the other Tollis airbuses are on sale and still are quite good.
  5. I think XP12 scenery is actually pretty good. If Laminar would fill in some of the many bare spots it would look a lot better. Sim haven does a nice job , but to me the houses at least in the US do not look right.
  6. I had the same problem yesterday. It was Traffic Global. Beta 13 removed openal32.dll in the X-Plane 12 Resources/dlls/64 folder.( I don't know why). If you have XP11 . If you have XP11, copy that dll and put it back in that folder. That fixed it for me.
  7. You can have both 11 and 12 on the same system. Best to put them on separate drives if possible. Some aircraft will work, but might not work as it does in 11. Some will be updated and some will not. Older aircraft may not work at all.
  8. That, I don't think will ever happen.
  9. No. But you will need internet to download it, unless you wait for the DVDs.
  10. I have tried this and it works remarkably well.
  11. Everyone seems to be interested in what MS has and XP doesn't or via versa. I have been reading the posts that MS is far beyond XP now that they have better planes. Lets not forget that MS has been out about 2 yrs now, and is coming out with all kinds of addons. That's a good thing. XP12 is not even out yet and many people are finding fault with it already. I must admit I prefer XP over MS although I have both on my machine. When XP12 finally arrives it will have bugs for sure, but to compare a program that is not out yet to one that has been out as long as MS there is really not much of a point. Like comparing a flip phone from 8 yrs ago to a new smart phone. Lets see how things are before it happens.
  12. I have to agree with everyone. XP is dead. XP is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. MSFS is better then XP12. MSFS has everything you will ever want in a flight sim. Orbx not worth the money. Orbx is great. XP11 is for real pilots not for desk jockeys. Every airport in MSFS is a joy to behold except for all the addons that are payware. The flight models in both sims are just as I expected. I can keep going but what the heck. Just Fly! MEH!
  13. I love the way critics of XP talk so much about the visuals. While it's true it is superior to XP11 as of now, I find it amazing how many addons there are for MSFS. 2020 out of the box was to be the whole world as it is, so why is there so many addons to make the world look real? I could go broke making the sim look real with all the scenery they have. I have over the years purchased airports to XP, but most default airports from the XP are much better then the default airports in MS. I don't hate MSFS but find I don't use it much because of the aircraft. Half the switches and buttons don't work on the default aircraft I would like to fly. The flight dynamics need work. The clouds are not much better than Enhanced Skyscapes. Please don't get me wrong, I am not saying which is better. I just think people will find after XP12 has been out for 2yrs that will be the time to compare.
  14. Will everyone stop bitching already. XP12 is not even out yet and you would think it has been out for 2 yrs like MSFS has. No it's not as visual as MS. Most likely never will be. If you remember when XP11 came out, it was not what it is today. It took 2 yrs or so before they finished updates. If you like MS fly it. If you like XP fly it. Or fly both. XP12 will be better visually than 11. How much we don't really know yet. At least wait until. it is out before you start complaining about every thing you see.
  15. Traffic Global if you want airport traffic. Easiest and best IMO.
  16. I do believe the price is a bit high. That said I remember paying I think $90 for a PMDG about 10 years ago for a B737. This is definitely much more detailed than any thing out there now.
  17. What would happen if they came out with it now? All the people that are complaining about XP11 now would really have a field day that this don't work, or that don't work. By the way I have had MS2020 since the beta. I have kept up with all the updates, and I still find it visually well done, but I don't fly it much at all. Every time I try to do a flight some thing is not working correctly. I find it is trying to be all things to all people By the way I want XP12 now too.🤣🤣
  18. I was considering this addon, but I find the default KEGE to be pretty nice. If this is you home airport I would definitely go for it.
  19. Has anyone gotten the update? If so how. I did not get any email.
  20. All of the MS people forget that when they showed the preview for the upcoming 2020 came out it was not what was released. The sim is still broken in many ways. XP has done a good job in trying to please their customer base. XP is a different sim and will always be. The fact that you will be able to use your existing 3rd party addons is a good feature. I do have MSFS nd was an alpha tester, so I'm not putting MS down. I just feel like everyone wants something and no matter what either sim does, someone will not be satisfied.
  21. I tried the demo and decided for the time being $15 is well worth it for some pretty nice clouds. I think these clouds are really not that far from MS2020 clouds. And I do fly MSFS, but to be honest, my go to sim is XP.
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