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Everything posted by Buzz313th

  1. Yeah, let us know. I'm not a FXPax user, but your results may help others with the same questions.JB
  2. Excellent point, but only if your not on the backside of the power/drag curve and hopefully your not except durring short final. :)JB
  3. Real Tubeliner drivers will often transition from different phases of flight through the use of Handflying, Vertical Speed Mode, or disengaging autothrottle, to smooth things out and make the flight more comfortable for the passengers. The higher the rate of sustained climb/descent, the more "Ear Popping" the passengers experience durring pressurisation/de-pressurisation. It can be minimized by manually controlling the rate of pressurisation if the auto mode isn't doing it's job as well as it should, but I doubt FXPax is taking this into consideration. Check winds aloft before TOD and enter them in the legs page. It will help calculate a better descent path to accomidate winds. Also, Disengage AT at TOD and you will be able to better manage the VNAV descent and anticipate further ahead than the autothrottle. Again, the real 73 drivers will often disengage AT just before TOD. It's not uncommon to hear the Flight Crew say, "Ok, what the hell is it doing now"? "I have control".JB
  4. It's easier to manage and less tempermental to heat than the A2A spit.I haven't really had problems with the spit either. I just make sure that I'm never at a high power setting for extended periods of time. A good dive at a lower power setting will cool it down for the next zoom climb. :) Also make sure to retract the flaps enytime your wheels are on the ground.JB
  5. If I could get the NGX 800 into RWY10 at barts, then I bet we could get the A2A Fighters in there as well.Not saying it would be safe in RL, but definately fun in the sim.JB Maybe after A2A releases the Starfighter and Phantom and have nailed down the external simulation for the turbojets, then maybe they will consider some Historically Iconic Tubes.Imagine the DC-8 with COTS?JB
  6. Strictly in Vnav Climb mode, the only way I'm aware of, would be by a derate or another Thrust climb mode.In regards to your descent in Vnav... You can slow the rate of descent by managing throttle in "Throttle Hold, or Arm Mode" . Once above the Desc path, your pitch annucation will change to "Vnav Speed" and will indicate that the pitch channel is no longer holding "path" and now holding pitch for power and airspeed. To increase rate of desc in Vnav Desc mode, you can enter a higher desc speed in the FMC prior to TOD. This will force the FMC to calculate a steeper descent path due to increased parasitic drag from an airspeed higher than optimal glide speed.But don't be afraid to take it outa Vnav and use the other pitch modes. Or even better yet, handfly it.JB
  7. LOL, Avsim should implement a Username Tag, kinda like the yellow commercial member tag, to indicate ######. Then some of the posts wouldn't be so surprising to newer members posting for the first few times.^^^^ SarcasmJB
  8. Unless you do it correctly, You can get into some very bad habits if you use FSX/Vatsim for IFR training. My suggestion is to ask your Instructor before you start using FSX to train for IFR.One thing FSX and any other sim is fantastic for, is helping practice your instrument scan. Set visibility globally to nothing and practice level flight, steep turns, climbs, dscents, basically all of your private pilot basic maneuvers. And by settin visability to nothing will simulate hood work.Again talk you your instructor first. Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkJB
  9. To the OP.This following link is to a book that's a great read. Even if you just reference the material instead of reading it cover to cover, you will probably be more knowledgable than most of the folks around here that haven't read it.http://www.amazon.co...aw/d/0884872386JB
  10. I have both. Real question is how much do you wanna spend?If you go a2a then accusim will take it above the realair spit.The A2a birds buffet, spin, snap and have extremely realistic fde I'm sure most ppl who have both will recommend a2a over realairSent from my iPhone using TapatalkJB
  11. A handful of developers just off the top of my head that are definitely on par with or depending on your simming style exceed PMDG.Leonardo, VRS, A2A, Dodosim and FSLabs just to name a few.Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkJB
  12. So do you arm it or activate it? And then does it kill an engine at v1?Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkJB
  13. MDA and DA or DH are all essentially the same. They all define the altitude limit on an approach before you get a visual of the runway or approach lights.Without going into excruciating details.Check out pilot resources at vatsim. It has some good stuff to look over if your new to IFR procedures. Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkJB
  14. Since I'm on my phone I had no idea the op posted charts as I'm on taptalk.Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkJB
  15. On my phone lemme get a link to show u. StandbySent from my iPhone using TapatalkJBCheck this outhttp://tiles.skyvector.com/sky/files/tpp/1201/pdf/00552VA.PDF1500 is the mdaSent from my iPhone using TapatalkJB
  16. Mda for non precision approaches can be found in the minimums section of the charts at the bottom.Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkJB
  17. I haven't tried it yet. But doesn't V1 cut on the failure page automaticaly cut at V1? I thought thats what Robert said it would do after SP1b?JB
  18. Hey Jim,I just noticed in your sig you are using XP64 bit as I am as well. This might have something to do with it, as most users are now on Win7.JB
  19. Welcome Corey.Keep readiing the Manuals and then for some knowledge about IFR procedures have a look here...http://www.vatsim.net/prc/And more specifically for the SIDS and STARS http://www.vatsim.ne...sids-and-stars/And then if your simming in the US, then http://skyvector.com/ will have all of the current published charts and plates for your simming pleasure.The links are to Vatsim instead of real world IFR info as the Vatsim links are there to get you up and running with only what you need to know, versus having to thumb through something like the AIM which would take a bit of time.Hope this helps.JB
  20. I also have this problem sometimes. I reduced the frequency of it happening by switching to a seperate sound card off the MB, but it still happenes once in a while.I have never experienced the same problem with other addons, just the NGX. I'm not complaining, but it would be nice to hear from others that may be having this issue and hopefully find a solution to get rid of it alltogether.JB I have tried it, but doesn't clear the sound anomoly.ThanksJB
  21. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but Bernt Stolle with the help of C185 drivers, have put together a really great FDE for all of the C185's including the Bush models.The downloads are here....http://www.bushpounder.site90.net/downloads.phpJB
  22. Sent....Also, if any of you are interested. I believe Bernt Stolle is gonna start some research on the 208, so he can rebuild the engine modeling for an optional tweak/patch for this great Carenado bird.I read somewhere that he is actively looking for someone with 208 time to give him some feedback. So if any of you guys know someone, let Bernt know.JB
  23. Just to clear my mind.....I have no problems with Milviz. I personally own their T-38, which is in my top 4 aircraft to fly for the fun factor. It's incredibly well done.As I said, I plan on picking up the Milviz Strike Eagle in the future, I just don't have room for another F-15E in my hanger until I figure out how the tac pack plays out.And if anyone is interested in a really good sim of a T-38, trust me you won't be dissapointed with the one from Milviz.JB
  24. LOL, oops Didn't know you were staff over here. On the Iphone Taptalk app, it doesn't show sigs.Gime a sec, lemme just pull both feet outa my mouth... ;)JB
  25. Take it easy man... I haven't seen him post anything non constructive since his last post.Live and learn I say.He seems like a good guy. He was probably just ######. We have all been there.JB
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