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  1. What Boston city and KBOS scenery are you using? Pics look great!
  2. Australia has over 600 AWS's. I have tried on the OPUS forum to prove that Australia current AWS Metar's are available but I believe OPUS responded that it wasn't in the correct format or words to that effect. The Australian Government has plenty of stations Cheryl, they just don't provide access in a format that is more suitable to your operation. As an aside, I find it fairly disappointing that you won't allow potential customers to see what Metar's they are gaining access to. I have purchased OPUS very early in the piece and find the support quite simply to be the best out there in FS world, however this aspect doesn't seem to be in line with your usual open and frank customer service. Hopefully OPUS can make contact with Airservices Australia or the BOM to come up with a method of accessing the free METAR data in a more useful format. For those interested in current Australian METAR's go to the following: http://www.bom.gov.au/aviation/observations/metar-speci/
  3. I was thinking something along the lines of Hoppie's ACARS(http://www.hoppie.nl/acars/) to be added for VATSIM for the ACARS system, and the "ACARS style" Flightplan / Wind uplink could be used with or without VATSIM. Hoppie's ACARS can be used with TOPCATSIM's TOPCAT program and maybe even the PFPX one also (unknown by me). These are just ideas I have had for the 777 / 747 v2 that would really wind up the immersion factor. I am not a dev, nor can I code. I won't be disappointed and I won't carry on about it. I'm simply trying to help these guys make a great sim even greater. Good luck PMDG, I'm looking forward to it, whenever it will be released. Cheers, Tim
  4. Gidday Ryan, Could the flight plan not be loaded after a nominal delay? For example I plan the route using fsbuild / pfpx and save it in the /FLTPLAN location. Instead of using a stored route loading like we could in ngx, could we request route and the code has a random delay to find and load the route? Another feature would be to request winds? I have no idea how you could implement this however it would be a neat feature to have. If any dev could do it, it would be pmdg. Looking forward to it none the less!! Regards, Tim
  5. Is that PANC by Aerosoft? Lovely shots by the way. Really captured the mood!!
  6. Firstly, apologies about dragging an old topic up but how has AS2012 improved in this regard?WX depiction in Australia and NZ is usually quite unrealistic as a result of AS only interpolating between the major airports. Is this due to the weather sources not containing regional Aus and NZ METAR's? If so can these sources be expanded to utilise Airservices Australia METAR data? I am surprised (in ASE) every time I click on an airfield to see in the METAR remarks "interpolation" when I know that particular airfield has an automatic METAR station available.Looking forward to hearing a response from the devs of this great program.
  7. No probs. Check your PM. I'm in no rush!!
  8. Great shots!! How did you get the horizon to be so hazy?? Looks great especially that cockpit shot. I'll PM you if you don't mind wrt settings as I am just installing FSX myself. Well done again, FH
  9. What mesh are you using to give 5M resolution??
  10. Another question re sound cards? What is the best card for quality per price?
  11. Thanks for your detailed reply Corey. I am out of the hardware game these days as I have not followed it since my last computer purchase. I am from Australia so we get ripped off for computer components in general but I will look into the system you just described. Thanks again, FH
  12. Thanks for the reply. Price is "mates rates" if you know what I mean!!
  13. Looking at a new system for a mate. He is offloading this and I am in the market. What is everyones thoughts on the following combo? Intel i7 950 overclocked to 4.2gHzGigabyte X58A-UD3R motherboardG.Skill 1600MhZ DDR3 RAM – 12gb 2 x G.Skill Phoenix Pro 120gb SSD Hard DrivesNVIDIA GeForce GTX480 video cardNoctua NH-D14 CPU cooler Cheers, FH
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