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About FrederikS

  • Birthday 12/13/1984

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  • Interests
    Flightsim, Datalink Communication Systems (ACARS, CPDLC etc.), Medicine

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  1. Hi, I wonder where the downlinks are headed....VATSIM?
  2. Thanks for the quick answer! Freddy
  3. Hello, while skiping thru the Manual today I found something that caught my attention: Procedure Turns. Especially the symbology on the ND as described on 10.40.19 FCOM 2. Sooo...are they modeled? And if yes at what airport can I find them? Thanks in advance Frederik
  4. Anyone on my question regarding the PAC alert? Thanks...
  5. Looks awesome! One question: Is "Path attenuation compensation" (PAC) alert simulated? Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi, I thought this is worth sharing. Found it while I was learning about weather radar operation... Part 1: Part 2: Any comment on the PWS function? Will it be implemented? Enjoy Frederik
  7. Hi, I AM SPEECHLESS! Thank you so much guys for this amazing update!!! I have two questions though... 1.) Will the WXR radar come with PWS like the real Collins 2100? And.... 2.) Will we be able to make D-ATIS requests via the "Flight Information" page in the COMM menu? I know that it works over ACARS but so does the PERF, ALTN etc. datalink request via the FMC though they come from different providers (Airport vs. airline dispatch office)? Thanks in advance Freddy ^_^
  8. Experienced the same at KORD today! Frederik
  9. I noticed this a while ago and basically asked the same question in here but nobody replied. Maybe this time... Frederik
  10. Same over here. What works though is loading up FSX with e.g. the default Cessna, start FS INN and then the PMDG 777.
  11. Thank you very much! Makes perfect sense...
  12. I don't think that this is an airline option only tied to a specific livery since PMDG let's you confiqure all these options via the FMC.
  13. I had a short chat with Ryan about this problem. He did not say that it's not simulated and if I remember correctly I saw those warning initially but now they disappeared....
  14. Hi, at least it says so in FCOM2 15.10.17 (pdf file page 1217).
  15. Hi, I cannot see the RAAS warning indications on the ND (e.g. "SHORT RUNWAY" or "ON TAXIWAY") although I am able to hear the corresponding aural warning. Does anyone experience the same problem? I already contacted Bryan York from FS2Crew but unfortunatly he was not able to provide a solution. Thanks in advance
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