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Everything posted by Ramirin

  1. When I was using eyefinity I didn't notice any major framerate drop. You can always compensate by, say, reducing water quality or AI traffic a notch.What really bothered me was the issue with the jumping mouse pointer when switching to a 2d panel. I had to manually change the window size property inside the airplane's panel file for every single plane to fix this. This is a known issue with eyefinity and I think there is a post somewhere here.Another thing I could not get used to was the bezels getting in the way.I ended up buying a 2560x1440 27" monitor from Dell and could't be happier.I still have my 3 1920x1080 screens in case I decide to give eyefinity another chance.Check out this video of my setup:http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=jScb_qisuZsAt the time I was using a 5870. Now I have a 6970 but never tested multimonitor with it. I have a 7970 on the way (should be here by monday) but I don't feel like testing eyefinity with it.
  2. +1000i started this thread because I know there's got to be some people out there that might be interested in finding out what kind of performance they would get out of a phenom chip. It was never intended to become an Amd vs Intel topic.I got tired of people thinking that they MUST have the latest and greatest to enjoy a smooth experience in FSX, when it is certainly not the case.All I want is to help those people make an informed decision, whatever the route they might take in the end. I was expexting people to ask stuff like "how does the PMDG JS41 performs in KSEA with 100% traffic" or "can you fly ORBX scenery smoothly with the slider at 7cm" etc. Sadly, hijackers turned this into a CPU war.Mods, you might as well lock this topic, since it never really served its purpose.Have a nice day, and happy flying!
  3. I am well aware that Sandy bridge outperforms the 1090T in several categories and benchmarks. But we are talking here FSX performance, or general gaming performance for that matter.At resolutions of 1080p and above they perform the same.
  4. I never said AMD was better than Intel or the other way round, all I'm saying is that you get the same performance for less money.
  5. No chip is capable of running FSX maxed out. We are all using tweaks. Most people turn off bloom and run medium traffic settings, etc.Also different resolutions give different results. In my case, I was running 3X 23" monitors (5760 x 1080) but changed to a single 27" 2560x1440.
  6. I'm running at close to max settings on my 1090T and having amazing performance, while saving some money for good add ons. I guess I am one of the few who have not been affected by Intel's marketing machine.
  7. Never got an answer from VoxAtc team! :-(
  8. Make sure you tune both NAV radios to the ILS frequency before you hit the LOC button. Also set both CRS to match the runway course. When fully established on APP, you can hit Autopilot B to do full autoland.I usually edit the speed on the FMC so I can intercept at 180KIAS. Sometimes, when I feel like it, I use vertical speed/ LVL change.
  9. Like I said before, I traced this problem back to the ENB series plugin. I renamed the d3d9.dll inside my FSX directory and the black screens with sound only went away for good.
  10. I bought VoxAtc from the Avsim Store and got an outdated version as well. I believe is 5.5.I went to VoxAtc website and it states that my key cannot be used to upgrade. I feel like the Avsim store should put a disclaimer or at least include ver number in the product description.I tried using the contact form on VoxAtc site but haven't got any answer so far (been a few days already). Does anybody know of another way to get in contact with the developer? Maybe they are able to help me like they did with the OP.Thanks in advance.
  11. Please tell me what's not to like about this?
  12. Could anyone point me to the main differences between FS2Crew and MultiCrew Xperience?I've used MCE for the past year but recently bought FS2Crew's Airline Pilot Extreme and so far it seems that it has a bit harder learning curve.
  13. I have a 6970 2GB.I disable ENB before opening any menu and that usually prevents FSX from crashing. Works 100% over default scenery and photoreal. When flying with ORBX it works 90% of the time.I just got used to doing this because I simply cannot fly without ENB.
  14. Thank you very much for your inputs.I ended up buying both the Kodiak and the Aerospool. Tomorrow night I'll take them both out of the hangar for a test flight over the pacific northwest!
  15. The Flightsim Store is having a sale on Lionheart products and, since I don't own any, I would like to know if any of them is worth buying.Any advice is appreciated.(I posted the sale on the Bargain Hunters forum a few minutes ago, 50% Off)
  16. For your information, I did run that script and it did nothing to repair my simconnect.Based on my inexperience you say? I was following advice from Scott of A2A simulations when he suggested I should delete the 3 simconnect folders.If you really think that Win7 is so forgiving when messin' around with its file system, I invite you to delete your simconnect folders and then see if you can have them installed back by simconnect.msi, FSX or a DOS script.
  17. Thanks Jeff.I have already fixed my problem, after reinstalling Windows 7.It is a shame that such a good add on has zero customer support from the developer. I clicked on his profile and his last post was on May 19.Hopefully he's gone dark because he is deep into Ezca Ver 2.0Once again, thanks for looking into this.
  18. Welcome back!For SoCal scenery discussion take a look at this post:Click here!
  19. Just to close this topic, let me share my experiences. If you are using Windows 7, NEVER delete, change ownership or permissions in the WinSys folder.I installed FSX on my Win7 laptop, then proceded to copy the simconnect folders over to my desktop PC. I had to make myself owner of the Winsys folder and give myself full control in order to add the folders to it. So I did that and FSX started working correctly.... untill I rebooted.Windows would fail to load every time. Not even in safe mode. I was able to "restore to last good known config" and after what it seemed like an eternity, Windows booted up. But it was all messed up. Half the services were not loading and most programs wouldn't execute, popin' up .dll errors.From within Windows a did another restore to the oldest date available, but this time it didn't work. No boot again.Since I keep all my data backed up in two different drives I went ahead and reinstalled Windows 7 from scratch. I added all the drivers and updates and then installed FSX. Everything works beautifully now.If you are thinking of playing around with the winsys folder to fix simmconect, don't even try. This method (and the SDK installation method) worked fine on Windows XP but it will not work in Win7. The only way to fix a bad simconnect dll is to reinstall Windows. By the way, 10 days later I still haven't received support on the Ezca forum.Thanks to all who tried to help me!
  20. I am afraid that you are being bottlenecked by the VRAM on your 5770. 1GB might not be enough to keep up with in-game high settings, AA and ENBseries. I have a 2GB 6970 and disabling ENB reduces the black screens up to 90% of the time over complex scenery.
  21. I thought the same thing but then realized that the installation places a folder on Apps/local (or roaming, don't remember) that keeps track of your plane. Kind of a log if you will.When you uninstall the Katana that folder remains there. Thats the reason why even after reinstall the plane would still be broken and the hours flown would still be there.
  22. Bulldozer 8-core engineering sample at 3.2 GHZ (rumored to cost $320)"...Even more impressive is the 3D Mark 11. While this score depends from platform to platform, when coupled with a GTX 580, the previous 3D Mark 11 champ Core i7 2600K struggles to achieve the P6000 mark, typically. BD easily sails by with P6265. In Fritz Chess, BD overpowers Core i7 2600K yet again, with a score of 14197 kn/sec. However, it falls short of Gulftown CPUs, which are typically in the 17000-18000 range. Finaly, in Cinebench R10, BD returns a score of 24434. With this score, it slots right in between Core i7 2600K and Core i7 990X. The results are consistent, for the most part. In multi-threaded applications, BD significantly outperforms Core i7 2600K, and almost catches up with 6-core Gulftown. In less muti-threaded applications, like 3D Mark 11 or X264 Pass 1, thanks to an incredible 1 GHz Turbo Core, BD overtakes Gulftown CPUs. In all situations, BD ended up well ahead of Core i7 2600K. In every situation, BD was massively faster than Phenom II X6 1100T - more than 50% in many cases. Of course, these benchmarks and comparisons should be taken with a grain of salt - especially it being an engineering sample. If previous rumours of stock clocks up to 3.8 GHz and a price tag of only $320 are true, AMD could have a real winner on their hands. Even with the engineering sample's clock of 3.2 GHz, a $320 is a bargain for a CPU of this power, wiping floors with the mighty and similarly priced Core i7 2600K. Having been delayed, FX-Series CPUs are now expected to release for desktops in the late August / early September timeline, with more information expected in the coming weeks. "Looks like this time AMD is on the right track. Time to switch?Read more: http://vr-zone.com/articles/purported-amd-bulldozer-benchmarks-leaked/12914.html#ixzz1S70cWaRN
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