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  1. Hi Guys. Thanks alot for fixing the zoom issue with the latest update :) May i ask a favour on behalf of the TrackIR users out there? Can we please have the option to disable trackir when in cinematic mode? Its a pain for me because during cruise i most often take off my headset (which has my tracking system attached) and when i have enabled auto cinematic mode after a given time the camera is upside down or wherever. same goes with switching to the cinematic mode when using trackir. Cheers guys and much appreciated.
  2. I purchased sim starter last week and totally screwed up my p3d. Had to reinstall everything. A descent tutorial would be a great advantage.
  3. I'm having exactly the same issue as yourself benjamin . I've submitted a support ticket and see what the outcome is.
  4. Hi Bryan Outstanding work as always Sir! I Have just taken the T7 for her first voyage with my virtual FO and it works just like it says on the back of the tin...perfect! If i may offer a little advice as to the next update....I'm a kiwi so naturally i was using the Aussie/Kiwi voice set (very nice by the way) :zeland-flag: but i noticed volume discrepancies between the two voices, the Capt comes over very clear but rather loud where as the kiwi FO is very quiet in comparison. Could it be possible to edit these voices so that they are in harmony with each other volume wise? oh and maybe.....just maybe could it be possible that when making a PA announcement could we please have the same sound effect on the voice just like the PA version on the Aerosoft Airbus X? (the sound effect of the captain making is PA address through the mic) i really liked that. But this maybe a recording thing with your voice artists rather than a editing effect. Any who, Round of applause for you my friend, well done indeed. Another happy customer
  5. Don't ask me where I found this because I can't remember but this fix does help. The bridge doesn't line up 100% plumb with the aircraft but it's a hell of a lot better than what your seeing now. On the Z coordinate in the Exits section of the aircraft.cfg file, change the 12.X whatever PMDG entered to an 8 and you'll be much more pleased with the vertical alignment. The jetways will no longer jump into and hang in mid air to meet the deck - they align pretty much right on (as far as appearances go).
  6. I should clarify on that. As you the pilot visually confirm crossing over the piano keys pull your levers to idle. This method works for me every time.
  7. My method and one which was taught to me during my CPL training. Passing the threshold bring back your throttles to idle and during the flare transition your eyes to the end of the runway. As the guys previously said not a lot of back pressure is required for the flare. And maybe it's a simulator thing for people who haven't flown in the real world but you shouldn't really be concentrating on your instruments during the flare. Sure a good instrument scan is always essential with a good 800fpm descent rate during your approach. I see these tactics and I guarantee your landings will improve. Good luck mate.
  8. Hi there Chaps. Has anyone come up with a fix for this issue?
  9. Wow......That was professional <_<
  10. Flight deck side windows?
  11. Wow....way to introduce a new chap into the forums lads <_< i mean seriously, its not that hard to be of kind nature is it? Welcome Juan! we aren't all savage dogs here. And just a heads up,it might pay to sign your name at the bottom of every post or incorporate into your signature. it keeps the wolves at bay B)
  12. I'm placing my Money on a August release. i know the NGX was the first of the new technology but PMDG started showing preview photos early as Feb 2011 and a few demonstration videos soon after but testing dragged out the release right until August of that year. RSR's said that they "might" consider modeling the 200ER if testing dragged on. Not reading between the lines or anything (ok i kinda am ) that tells me there is some work left in the old girl yet before they are going to roll her out to the public, i don't mean to be rude but those of you who seem hopeful for release in the coming weeks/month....let me just put a large needle into that joyful yet unrealistic bubble you have there and i'll let ya down easy by taking you out for a brew, in fact i'm such a nice guy the first one's on me! :biggrin:
  13. If you think this wait is bad you should have been around in June-July 2011....now that was intense! I remember Ryan locking topics Left Right & Center and Admins dishing out official warning to members loosing their cool. :lol: I think so far it seems very civilized but who knows, PMDG could be anywhere in the development spectrum so who knows this might end up getting out of hand and becoming another angry monster :LMAO:
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