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  1. I am not an owner of the PMDG 777 YET due to the fact that I need to get myself a new pc first thus I do not have a copy of the intro manual. Best regards
  2. Hello guys, I've scrolled trough many 777 announcement topic's but haven't been able to find an answer to my question; Will the 777-200ER eventually be released and what's the estimate? After the 747 V2.0 or what? Best regards
  3. Thanks a lot guys, the Apple one is indeed out of range. I was hoping to find a Apple laptop within the price range and able to run the 777. Any more suggestions are welcome ofcourse!!
  4. Hello guys I was wondering if there were laptop users active here and if they had problems running it with airports addons like flightbeam washington and flytampa Dubai etc. If yes could you tell me how much FPS you have and which laptop you exactly have? I am planning to buy one and use it for long haul flights between airports like Aerosoft and stuff. Regards
  5. Hello guys I was wondering if someone was running the PMDG 777 and if he had good fps on airports like flightbeam KIAD or Aerosoft LFPG Flytampa Dubai etc on a laptop. If it is possible could you tell me the type of laptop and the specs aswell as I am in search of a proper laptop which I can do long hauls with and fly this beast with :unsure: Regards
  6. Hello guys, I am trying to gather some money to buy a new laptop for the 777 but I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. Been trying to search on google aswell but haven't got a proper result since I am not really a pro in this hehe My budget is around 1000 euro which is around 1300 dollars. I would love to fly the 777 but it's not possible with my GT120 at my Dualcore 2.5 lol Thanks in advance
  7. Its funny to see how everybody takes a swim with the beta tester which posted on this topic. The topic starter did not want to complain I think he just wanted to point it out since it was not corrected in the NGX. How can people know whats already known to be fixed and whats not going to be, they are just giving suggestions. All my respect beta testers and dev team, I have been following this project since the beginning and haven't been dissapointed with anything. My post was just to suggest something not in the way of complaining. We all want a nice realistic simulated 777 right?
  8. I have to agree, the NGX GPWS sounds are not similiar to the real ones aswell (I am a real 737 pilot)
  9. I was wondering, apparantly it's finished and all but has it actually entered beta testing already or is it really that close to release?
  10. Can't we just skip the video preview so there is less time between now and the release? :ph34r:
  11. First of all, a very great job the comments in this topic reflect that for sure. Can you confirm that the freighter version will have the exact same overhead as the real freighter like SUPRNMRY oxygen instead of passanger oxygen etc.? Could you also include a Ethopian Airlines Cargo repaint and a TNT one for the freighter, they are loved repaints trust me hehe! Can you please specify practically done aswell? Looking forward to the video preview. Regards
  12. I fully agree with you Safir365, There have been lots of request of Royal Air Maroc and none have been even made.
  13. I really hope Royal Air Maroc will be included,New Livery, As there aren't any livery's including one: for the PMDG 737-800 - CN-ROYCopyright: Cees de Krijger
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