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About rafikihd

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  1. Thank you very much for your recommendation Steve! I`ll try it out ASAP, and let you know the outcome! Outcome: Apparently the first recommendation worked like a charm so far! Thank you @SteveW Thank you!
  2. Hi @SteveW sorry to bother. I know mine is kinda old, but any recommendation for an i7 4790K? Is it better to use it with HT on or off? Thank you so much!
  3. Correct me if Im wrong, but I have always used (by default) Shift+R key to disconnect the ATHR. Best Regards!
  4. Hello Guys, Im having this issue, where everytime I pan my view the textures around the airport looks blurry, as if I have changed the texture resolution which I did not. I`ve tried even with the sliders completely left, but the problem persists. I attach a couple of pictures so you can see the problem: This first picture is how its supposed to look: https://flic.kr/p/2jirWJq And this is after I pan the view: https://flic.kr/p/2jirWF4 Any help would be strongly appreciated! Best Regards!
  5. Thanks Bert! Yes that is my plan until v5 is more stable, once it is stable I am planning on doing a Windows Re installation so I can start from scratch. So for now... v4 it is!
  6. Hello Bert! Thanks for your answer! I´ll save some bucks then and give it a shot with the 6GB! Thank you so much!
  7. Hello Guys, Im actually runing P3Dv4.5 on a GTX1060 6GB, and Im willing to do the migration up to P3Dv5. I know that is highly recomended to run it on an 8 GB Video card at least, so after doing a deep search I came up with this graphic card which adapts to my budget. I saw this Zotac RTX 2060 Super Mini 8 GB Card, but since Im, honestly, no expert on this topic I wanted to ask for your advice. Would it be a good card to run P3Dv5 with? I intend to use heavy addons with it. And honestly not that much of GA Flying. Thank you so much in advance! Best Regards! Rafa
  8. Im actually still on V4.5, which as @spilok said, is great! I already bought V5 and willing to migrate, but waiting for the essentials (At least for me: Fslabs, PMDG, REX) and waiting on the release of this HF, hopefully brings better things. But for now still on v4.5
  9. Hi Aaron, Good question hopefully they are aware so we can have a solution to this issue. It usually works with just one nudge to your right and voilà. Hi Peter, Not sure on what depends though, but if you try to open the Capt MCDU (On Fslabs) as a 2D Display and leave it right where it pops up, and try to make inputs (Specially the LSK on the Left) it wont work until you move the MCDU a little bit tou your right. No problem with the LSK on the right though. But again not sure on what it depends and if everybody has the same issue. Best Regards, Rafa
  10. Hi Aaron, Exactly the same happens to me with the Maddog as well as with the FSLabs, I cant seem to make any input on the left side of my display. I have to move the popped up 2D Panel a little to the right in order to make it work. Hopefully they fix this soon. Glad you found the cause of this issue, I`ve never imagined the faulty app was EF.
  11. I got rid of them by renaming the file "Hazards.bgl" to .off and they were gone, I think that file is located on your P3D MainFolder/Scenery/Global/Scenery. Hope that helps you!
  12. Hi Jon! Thank you for the help, apparently your advice did the trick. Thank you so much!
  13. Hi Stan, Thanks for the great piece of advice, Are this the squares you mean? https://ibb.co/wgs4wYq I already did the Migration on FTX Central, but unfortunately the squares are still there. Any suggestions? Thank you so much!
  14. Awesome! Thanks Pete! I´ll try it that way, any additional addon should be in an upper layer?
  15. Hello Guys! Hope y’all doing good. Well unfortunately due to some problems with apparently some corrupted files with Windows I have to reinstall every single thing from scratch. But before reinstalling I was just wondering the correct order in the scenery library, so I can have everything in its place, specially for: -FsGlobal 2018 -ORBX Base, Vector, Open LC North America and Lights -Turbulent Designs Trees. Thank you in advance for your kind help, Best Regards, Rafa!
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