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About adkleaddog

  • Birthday 12/26/1959

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    Anything airborne!

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  1. Thank you sir! After I posted, I did find after a search that if I were to delete the LogBook.bin file it should clear the issue - it did! FSX started, but I havn't attempted a flight yet. Hopefully all will be good! V
  2. Good morn! I've tried several methods to get FSX running, but to no avail. When I open FSX, UT loads (with it's music), and then the FSX screen appears and it just spins. The Task manager says its not reponding. I tried to let it rebuild the config file, but no luck. Any help is appreciated! W7, i860 Vince
  3. Hey all, Ok, I'm running an old HD5770, on an I860 at 3.4Ghz, Any suggestions for CCC settings? I'm going to do a build this summer, but in the meantime... Here's my current settings:
  4. Yes, the CCC. I'll try changing all to app controlled, but there's a few other settings I'm wondering about: In order as they appear now in my CCC: AA Mode- app settings AA Samples - app settings Filter- Edge detect AA Method - Multisampling Morph Filtering - Off Aniso Filtering - app sett Aniso Filter level- app sett Texture Filtering: HQ Surface Format : On Vertical Refresh-Always off Open GL Off Tess Mode- Override app sett Max Tess - Off According to the CCC, we can add profiles? Prior drivers and CCC's had more profiles, am I missing any? I guess I mean more "settings", not game profiles. Thanks for your help!
  5. I noticed you have the 5770, I have the same card. Can you list, or PM me your settings, or a link to such? I just loaded the 13.1 the other day, and would like to see what I've done as compared to another 5770. Vince
  6. I have the 13.1 downloaded, but can't seem to find anyone offering settings. Can anyone provide what seems to work? -V
  7. That makes sense, I had to do that a while back for the other identity after my wife had issues. I totally forgot! I shall give it a go later today, I'll let all know if it works! Of all the searches I did, I don't recall seeing the one in the link you provided. :rolleyes: (Checkdisk was done too...) Thanks, Ramon! V
  8. This has been driving me nuts, I thought I resolved the issue but: For the last few weeks, when I start Windows, it gets to the welcome screen, with two identities. When I click on mine, it just hangs there and spins. I force a shutdown, it comes back and ask for safe mode option, I skip it and it, log on as usual and then it starts normally. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The other identity works fine everytime. I searched the web, and I see several suggestions, which includes a repair option using a W7 OS disk. I've tweaked Windows, using NickN's list, and actually re-did the whole thing. I run O%O dfrag, Malewarebytes and ESET Scans and nothing "bad" shows. New GPU driver installed as well, and Windows is updated as required. System restore is off. But now here's the big question: If I use the repair option, will it override the tweaks? Has anyone encountered this, or have any suggestions? V
  9. Three AM ?! I'd have to hit the head first!
  10. Ok, I just had to say it: "Yup, right to the scene of the crash site, and I bet we'll beat the paramedics by 20 minutes!" (line from a famous comedian, "Tater-Salad"!) A friend of mine is retired USAF, and is an active 737 pilot, it's all about systems knowledge, situational awareness, and "balls". You'll never know until you're in that situation.... Perfect conditions when on approach, winds, weather, systems, and all of the other unknown variables that can turn in moment? I'd raise my hand if I had to.
  11. I noticed a flicker on my second monitor, and it was indeed the GPU, I had it o/c'd a bit, set it back to default and had no flicker. V
  12. Ok here's my set up for the throttle, in FSX w/o FSUICP. I have a complete setup for the default FSX aircraft, and this works for the PMDG 744. I'm sure FSUICP will make it much easier, but until then... This is for a set up for the throttle quad functions only, with the spoiler being on the left, throttle in the middle and flaps on the right. (red , black and blue knobs changed accordingly) I have trim settings and other functions set up on the yoke to my own desire, such as ATC, views etc. Those are up to you and how you prefer the settings! I like to fly tubers, so I leave it as is... If anyone can find a better set up, or tweak these to function better (other than using FSUICP), please let me know! The only quirks I have found is that the spoiler may need to be reset if fully deployed, just move the lever up out of the "bottom zone (button 21) There may be some tweaks that will make it work better...give it a try..ans let me know!! Settings and Controls Control Axes Controller type -- Saitek Pro Flight Yoke Event- Flaps Axis - Y Rotation - Check in “reverse box” Spoiler Axis - Z Axis - No check in box Throttle Axis - X Rotation - No check in box Buttons / Keys Controller type -- Saitek Pro Flight Yoke Event category - All events Spoilers(extend/retract) under joystick choose button 21 and no repeat (slider to the full left) Throttle(decease quickly) under joystick choose button 22 and full repeat (slider to full right) Flaps (extend fully) under joystick choose button 23 and half repeat (this extends flaps to 30) Calibration Controller type -- Saitek Pro Flight Yoke Under Spoiler Axis set sensitivity to the full right, null zone full left. With this set up, you can use spoilers at any angle of deployment in flight to decrease speed.
  13. I too have the flaps, spoiler, speed brakes, thrust-rev thrust set up om mine, with no FSUIPC. (just one quad though -for ow) I'm not at my machine, buy I'll send the set up when I get a chance. Although I will get the full version at some point, just due to it's ease in setting up other functions as well. V
  14. I'm saving all of my cans and bottles for rebate! A new 747.... I can't wait!
  15. Well, it figures! Let's see....FL300, both pilots incapaciated, no one else onboard with any aviation experience, and the lawyers somehow gets involved. :Waiting:Somehow you're assuming there's a safe landing.......-V
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