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About CFG278

  • Birthday 01/03/1969

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  1. I know because of my former FSX times. I was a long term RC4 user. But XP10 is a multi platform simulator. Developer should not forget the other both platforms when compiling FSX software for XP10. It would help XP10 expanding within the small market of flight simulation for PC. Best regards, MuffNick
  2. Will the RC4 plugin be available for Mac OS X as well? Best regards, MuffNick
  3. In case that some german readers are affected ... http://flightxgeschaedigte.wordpress.com/ Best regards, MuffNick
  4. New poll available. http://www.the-international-fsx-jetway-poll.info/jetway-poll.htm Best regards, MuffNick
  5. 276 votes from 36 countries and counting !!!
  6. http://www.the-inter...jetway-poll.htm Best regards, MuffNick
  7. Arjun forgot to mention that an activation of the scenery via the aeroSOFT launcher has to be done after the installation.
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