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About KC10Driver

  • Birthday 01/10/1976

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    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Flying, lifting weights, running, swimming, reading, eating.

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About Me

  • About Me
    Airline Pilot for a US East Coast based airline.
    Military tanker pilot.
    I'm a church goin' flight sim junkie who's also a workout-a-holic and likes to fly in both my work time and off time. I just can't get enough of it. Good thing I can get paid for doing this!

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  1. Hate it when I can reply to my own topic. I found another .lic in the main PSXT folder and removed it. That seems to have fixed the issue. Not sure if that was in the new download this morning if it was an artifact from the last license that stayed in there for over a month and only now was flagged. Either way, it appears to be all fixed up. I left the other .lic file in "C:\Users\russo\AppData\Roaming\InsideSystems\RealTraffic.lic" and all seems fine.
  2. Forced update this morning is now flagging two different RT licenses. I updated my license about a month ago and haven't had any issues but with this latest update, here we are. I did follow the instructions in the log about removing the one ",lic" file only to have PSXT flag that my RT license was now outdated. Any help would be appreciated. Russ log file contents: Thu Jun 13 11:40:40 2024 (utc) PSXT version 7.4.0 for MSFS ********************************** parameters ********************************** from "C:\Users\russo\AppData\Roaming\PSXT\parameters.xml" TIME_COMPRESSION_CHECK=true LEARN DESTINATION=true COLLISION_LIVE_PARKED_GND=true HIGH_PERF_AIRCRAFT=true KEEP_SIM_TIME_PAR=false LIGHT_AIRCRAFT=true HELICOPTERS=true CALLSIGN_OBJECTID=false SIM_TIME=false COLLISION_USER_AIR=false COLLISION_USER_GND=false COLLISION_LIVE_PARKED_GND=true SUPPRESS_STUB=true ALWAYS_ON_TOP=false LIG_AUTOMATIC=false LIG_PRIORITIZE=false AFG_AUTOMATIC=true NAV_LIGHTS_WHILE_PARKED=false AUTO_RANGE=false LEARN_SOFT=true PARK_SOFT=true PARK_FAKE=false INITIAL_LOAD_ONLY=false GUID_CHANGES=true CUSTOM_PARKING_PERCENTAGE=-1 SECONDS_DELAY=30 MAIN_WINDOW_X=795 MAIN_WINDOW_Y=50 LAST_EPOCH_TIME=0 MATCHING_DEPTH=4 LATERAL_RANGE=15 MAX_FIT_WEEK=335 TIME_SHIFT_DAYS=0 TIME_SHIFT_HOURS=0 TIME_SHIFT_MINS=0 PROGRAM_VERSION=7.4.0 PORT_NUMBER=10747 DESTINATION_AIRPORT= DESTINATION_GATE= FLIGHTPLANS_FOLDER= lfolder1=D:\MSFS2020\Community lfolder2=D:\MSFS2020 addon\Addons\AI Aicraft\SimObjects lfolder3=D:\MSFS2020 addon\Addons\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\SimObjects\Airplanes afolder0=C:\Users\russo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore afolder1=C:\Users\russo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community afolder2=D:\MSFS2020 addon\Addons PROGRAM_INSTALL_PATH=C:\PSXT ARCHIVE_VERSION=23.0.0 DBASE_VERSION=1.0.68 AIG_VERSION=1.0.4 DATA_CHECKED_AT_DATE=SP34SMX?3 BLOCK_CALLSIGN= MSFS_INSTALL_PATH=C:\Users\russo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages "C:\Users\russo\AppData\Roaming\PSXT\parameters.xml" saved ******************************************************************************** ===> Two different RT licenses found: "C:\Users\russo\AppData\Roaming\InsideSystems\RealTraffic.lic" with "blurred" "RealTraffic.lic" with "blurred" Delete the one that is outdated, probably from the RT app you are no longer using and updating? Error 900: You have two different RT licenses? One from the RealTraffic app and one here, see the Log.txt.
  3. The fresh install took care of it. Sorry to bother ya. Thanks for a lovely product as always!
  4. Hi Nico! I've got an oddity happening today that I can't seem to resolve; and it came out of nowhere. PSXT will not load the airport file for any third party scenery. I've not changed anything anywhere in the last 24 hours that could cause this to my knowledge. I'll include the parameters file for you to look at. Additionally, I'm on the ground at LTFM. I have third party scenery loaded there that is NOT marketplace. It has worked before. It worked yesterday. Today PSXT says "User aircraft on the ground at LTFM, no airport file found." I suspect this is directly related to the above problem as well. Any help would be appreciated! Russ PS - Interestingly enough, PSXT doesn't have anything in my thirdpart airport folder. I'm guessing that's not good. //parameter file contents// <?xml version="1.0"?> <parameters> <parameter name="PROGRAM_VERSION" value="6.8.0" /> <parameter name="LAST_EPOCH_TIME" value="1715702742" /> <parameter name="TIME_SHIFTED" value="false" /> <parameter name="RUNNING" value="true" /> <parameter name="TIME_SHIFT_DAYS" value="0" /> <parameter name="TIME_SHIFT_HOURS" value="0" /> <parameter name="TIME_SHIFT_MINS" value="0" /> <parameter name="COLLISION_LIVE_PARKED_GND" value="true" /> <parameter name="HIGH_PERF_AIRCRAFT" value="true" /> <parameter name="LIGHT_AIRCRAFT" value="true" /> <parameter name="HELICOPTERS" value="true" /> <parameter name="FOLLOW_ME_CAR" value="false" /> <parameter name="CALLSIGN_OBJECTID" value="false" /> <parameter name="SIM_TIME" value="false" /> <parameter name="COLLISION_USER_AIR" value="false" /> <parameter name="COLLISION_USER_GND" value="false" /> <parameter name="LEARN_SOFT" value="true" /> <parameter name="SUPPRESS_STUB" value="true" /> <parameter name="INITIAL_LOAD_ONLY" value="false" /> <parameter name="PARK_SOFT" value="true" /> <parameter name="HINTS" value="false" /> <parameter name="ALWAYS_ON_TOP" value="false" /> <parameter name="LIG_AUTOMATIC" value="false" /> <parameter name="LIG_PRIORITIZE" value="false" /> <parameter name="AFG_AUTOMATIC" value="false" /> <parameter name="NAV_LIGHTS_WHILE_PARKED" value="false" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE" value="false" /> <parameter name="GUID_CHANGES" value="true" /> <parameter name="CUSTOM_PARKING_PERCENTAGE" value="-1" /> <parameter name="LIGHT_SWITCH_CODE" value="8" /> <parameter name="MAIN_WINDOW_X" value="828" /> <parameter name="MAIN_WINDOW_Y" value="21" /> <parameter name="MATCHING_DEPTH" value="4" /> <parameter name="LATERAL_RANGE" value="15" /> <parameter name="FLY_OVER_RANGE" value="0" /> <parameter name="PORT_NUMBER" value="10747" /> <parameter name="DESTINATION_AIRPORT" value="" /> <parameter name="DESTINATION_GATE" value="" /> <parameter name="FLIGHTPLANS_FOLDER" value="" /> <parameter name="PROGRAM_INSTALL_PATH" value="C:\PSXT" /> <parameter name="RT_LICENSE" value="" /> <parameter name="BLOCK_CALLSIGN" value="" /> <parameter name="MSFS_INSTALL_PATH" value="C:\Users\russo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages" /> <parameter name="afolder0" value="C:\Users\russo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore" /> <parameter name="afolder1" value="C:\Users\russo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community" /> <parameter name="afolder2" value="D:\MSFS2020 addon\Addons" /> <parameter name="lfolder1" value="D:\MSFS2020\Community" /> <parameter name="lfolder2" value="D:\MSFS2020 addon\Addons\AI Aicraft\SimObjects" /> <parameter name="lfolder3" value="D:\MSFS2020 addon\Addons\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\SimObjects\Airplanes" /> <parameter name="SECONDS_DELAY" value="30" /> <parameter name="LEARN DESTINATION" value="true" /> <parameter name="TIME_COMPRESSION_CHECK" value="true" /> <parameter name="AIG_VERSION" value="1.0.4" /> <parameter name="DBASE_VERSION" value="1.0.44" /> <parameter name="ARCHIVE_VERSION" value="15.0.7" /> <parameter name="DATA_CHECKED_AT_DATE" value="V&lt;>4TMX?3" /> </parameters>
  5. I sure do and figured out that was what was causing it late last night. Thanks for the tip on 7.4.9...I'll look around and try to find it.
  6. Not sure if this is the right place to put this or even if anyone else is having this issue but right after update to 6.3.0 for MSFS, simconbut once done nect doesn't appear to be working anymore. PSXT does it's normal bootup but once done just says "waiting for MSFS" when the sim is already open. The AutoFPS program, totally separate, doesn't connect now either. I've shut the sim down multiple times, PSXT as well, and AutoFPS, with absolutely no success. Is anyone else having this issue? Russ
  7. Somiller: I WAS a KC-10 driver. I recently retired from the aircraft and have moved on to, let's say, a slightly newer aircraft. And, sadly, the -10 is no more on the east coast; shortly to be gone from the west coast as well. Kiek: While you're correct with the two folders I'm interested in using, I'm also interested in using my customized folder as well (AI Aircraft) in lfolder2. So in this case, would it be advisable to remove lfolder1 only since that could be the offending duplicate? Just curious and thank you again!
  8. Hi Nico, I worked with a buddy who's smart on this and determined that at EHAM, I was using the two different enhancement packs avail on flightsim.to. He noticed that PSXT wasn't registering it all of the sudden even though that's the first enhancement to the sim I installed when I swapped over from p3d in March. And, they worked fine with PSXT up until what I would assume was the last few versions. He had me take those two enhancements out and bam, everything is back to normal. I'll stick with the default EHAM until FT or MK comes out with something I guess. I wanted to thank you tho. You've created a really nice product and I love it. A lot of us do. You probably don't hear it enough. Your product is the reason I switched from P3D to MSFS (along with the models and work from AIG/FSLTL). Thanks for enhancing the hobby! Russ
  9. Hi Nico, Thanks for responding! I appreciate it! I've sent you the "to be learned offline" folder per your request. I'll work on part two in a minute but I don't see the duplication. Happy to do it though if you think it'll help. Part three though is a bit where my confusion is happening sadly. I've had plenty of static aircraft there in the past weeks and don't remember doing anything to that airport (new scenery, new anything) that would cause all the traffic that would be there not to be there suddenly. Russ SOmiller, Thanks for the response. Yeah, I don't know why it's showing that when those are the only folders I have AI in and all of that AI shows up everywhere else in the world. Maybe I just don't understand the log file output though.
  10. Hello, I just noticed that EHAM seems to have an issue all of the sudden and I'm not sure what happened. Zero static traffic, the Airport Parking box is greyed out and locked at 30%, and the log appears to say that no static parking is available. I'm using PSXTraffic in MSFS, everything is updated (that I know of), and I'm on the latest version of PSXTraffic. As an aside, I also tried using PSXT MSFS with the same result. I'll copy the contents of the logfile on here just so maybe someone might be able to make sense of what might be happening. Ironically, PSXT works superb everywhere else that I've tried. Just not EHAM. Russ
  11. Hi Kiek! Thanks for responding from your holiday destination! I changed it up per your conversation and my numbers haven't changed, which is odd. I'm still showing 2232 liveries with both OCI and FSLTL installed...a number quite a bit lower than I'm used to seeing with P3D (22151). I know I'm not going to have the same number so maybe someone can tell me if that 2232 looks about right with just OCI and FSLTL in. Below is the new parameters data, WHEN YOU HAVE TIME! Ha! Go have a nice cold one instead of looking at this! And have a nice vacation! <?xml version="1.0"?> <parameters> <parameter name="SYNC_WITH_ARCHIVE" value="true" /> <parameter name="MY_MULT_REGS" value="false" /> <parameter name="SUPPRESS_STUB" value="true" /> <parameter name="APPLE" value="false" /> <parameter name="RANDOM" value="true" /> <parameter name="HIGH_PERF_AIRCRAFT" value="false" /> <parameter name="LIGHT_AIRCRAFT" value="false" /> <parameter name="HELICOPTERS" value="false" /> <parameter name="FOLLOW_ME_CAR" value="false" /> <parameter name="HINTS" value="true" /> <parameter name="GLIDERS" value="false" /> <parameter name="ALWAYS_ON_TOP" value="false" /> <parameter name="GARMIN" value="false" /> <parameter name="LIG_AUTOMATIC" value="false" /> <parameter name="LIG_PRIORITIZE" value="false" /> <parameter name="AFG_AUTOMATIC" value="true" /> <parameter name="CLIENT" value="false" /> <parameter name="SERVER" value="false" /> <parameter name="BIGGEST" value="true" /> <parameter name="NAV_LIGHTS_WHILE_PARKED" value="true" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE" value="false" /> <parameter name="LEARN_DESTINATION" value="false" /> <parameter name="COLLISION_USER_AIR" value="true" /> <parameter name="COLLISION_USER_GND" value="false" /> <parameter name="COLLISION_LIVE_PARKED_GND" value="true" /> <parameter name="GENERIC_PARKING_PERCENTAGE" value="-1" /> <parameter name="LIGHT_SWITCH_CODE" value="8" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE_GND" value="8" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE_LE10" value="10" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE_LE15" value="12" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE_LE20" value="15" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE_LE30" value="25" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE_LE40" value="35" /> <parameter name="AUTO_RANGE_GT40" value="40" /> <parameter name="MAIN_WINDOW_X" value="400" /> <parameter name="MAIN_WINDOW_Y" value="20" /> <parameter name="DELAY_IN_SECONDS" value="30" /> <parameter name="MATCHING_DEPTH" value="8" /> <parameter name="PARKED_MATCHING_DEPTH" value="8" /> <parameter name="LATERAL_RANGE" value="40" /> <parameter name="SNAPSHOT_MINUTES" value="20" /> <parameter name="PROGRAM_VERSION" value="35.1.2" /> <parameter name="DESTINATION_AIRPORT" value="" /> <parameter name="DESTINATION_GATE" value="" /> <parameter name="BLOCK_CALLSIGN" value="" /> <parameter name="FLIGHTPLANS_FOLDER" value="" /> <parameter name="MSFS_INSTALL_PATH" value="D:\MSFS2020" /> <parameter name="RUNNING" value="false" /> <parameter name="lfolder1" value="D:\MSFS2020\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta" /> <parameter name="lfolder2" value="D:\MSFS2020\Community\fsltl-traffic-base" /> <parameter name="afolder0" value="D:\MSFS2020\Official" /> <parameter name="afolder1" value="D:\MSFS2020\Community" /> </parameters>
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