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  1. I am having the same issue! I ran the installer for the Navigraph extension and now I have no database. Can't even do direct to! Where is this supposed to install?
  2. Jim, I have removed that from signature and made a new topic in the hardware section. I will look into what you have provided as well. Thanks
  3. For the past couple of weeks I have noticed when flying my Ram usage increases at a slow and steady pace while flying. Saturday in the NGX I left PHNL en-route to KPDX and while running AS2012, Aivlasoft EFB on VATSIM and on VAFS5. About 4 hrs into the flight, my ram was up to 96% and things started to get ugly. I shut everything down and my ram continued to stay hung there. The only way I could get it to come down to normal was to restart. Again I have had this issue for the past couple of weeks and have tried everything I can think of to figure it out but nothing is showing anything abnormal. The system does not crash but stutters really badly. Recently I have done a complete and fresh re install of FSX and addons. I did a test flight from KLAS to KLAX in the NGX running VAFS5 and on VATSIM, ram started at 48% and by the time I landed, it was up to 62%. After closing down all programs, the ram did settle down to normal. I have ran RAMMAP at the time of issue and FSX shows to be the highest user at 600,00ish K. I have checked and all 8GB of ram is being seen. I use the Bojote's tweaking tool and HIGHMEMFIX=1. Any Ideas?
  4. For the past couple of weeks I have noticed when flying my Ram usage increases at a slow and steady pace while flying. Saturday in the NGX I left PHNL en-route to KPDX and while running AS2012, Aivlasoft EFB on VATSIM and on VAFS5. About 4 hrs into the flight, my ram was up to 96% and things started to get ugly. I shut everything down and my ram continued to stay hung there. The only way I could get it to come down to normal was to restart. Again I have had this issue for the past couple of weeks and have tried everything I can think of to figure it out but nothing is showing anything abnormal. The system does not crash but stutters really badly. Recently I have done a complete and fresh re install of FSX and addons. I did a test flight from KLAS to KLAX in the NGX running VAFS5 and on VATSIM, ram started at 48% and by the time I landed, it was up to 62%. After closing down all programs, the ram did settle down to normal. I have ran RAMMAP at the time of issue and FSX shows to be the highest user at 600,00ish K. I have checked and all 8GB of ram is being seen. I use the Bojote's tweaking tool and HIGHMEMFIX=1. Any Ideas?
  5. Ok Bill, I have finally had the time to play and everything is working out great. I still have a little playing to do with the night textures to get it just right with the light colors but it is going great. Here are a couple of pics of what I have been working on and again THANK YOU sooooo much.
  6. Ok Bill, I have done VC2 & VC3 night textures easy enough like you said. I am now on VC1 night texture. I see where you have parts "blanked out" in the Night group. I can't figure out though the actual lighting. So far the paint kit is fairly self explanatory with a few tweaks (mixture and prop knobs etc.). I did have fun pulling the swoosh out but managed to figure it out once I found which layer(s) it was in lol. Thanks Again
  7. Bill, Thank you so much for this. I agree with you 100% sir. I will be checking this out and learning soon. I will let you know when I get to the night lighting in VC1 and again thanks for the help.
  8. Ah my apologies Bill and thanks for your reply. Now I reread the other posts and see yes it was you. Ron did the exterior that looks Fantastic. I would love to learn how you did this and if you are in anyway willing to share your "kit", I would love the opportunity to play with it. I understand what you say about it not making sense to much of anyone else however I have always loved seeing how someone did something and learning from it. I would also understand if you were not willing to share as you have a great talent and may want to keep that secret. Either way I am not looking to copy your work, simply looking to learn and design my own for my personal use. Thanks Jeff
  9. Thanks for the reply Ron, but I am looking for a paintkit for the cockpit. I have the paintkit off the website but there is nothing in there for the cockpit. I have seen the work you have done and must say WOW! Your stuff is what has sparked my wanting to do my own. I suppose you probably made your own paintkit for the cockpit and if so, hats off to you sir. Thanks Jeff
  10. Is there a paint kit for the Realair Lancair Legacy VC around? Thanks, Jeff
  11. Any update on this project yet? Jeff
  12. Wow George this looks great! I can't thank you enough my friend. Everything appears to be in the correct spot now and I am faced with a new issue, remembering where I am on the airport now that things have moved from 10 to 4 lol. Thanks Again,Jeff
  13. Oh thanks George, awesome. If there is anything you need from me please feel free and let me know and I will see what I can do.
  14. The layout of the default scenery is pretty well all there but the default has the terminal at the end of Rwy. 10 when it should be at the end of Rwy. 4. It is also missing alot of hangars/buildings. There is not alot that is wrong with the default to be honest it would just be nice to see A) the terminal and tower in the correct spot & :( see the hangars put in. I have included link to a chart of KRDM and as you can see it is not a big airport, only a regional, but I still love it.KRDM ChartThanks,Jeff
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