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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
  1. Was just wondering how I dont see Michael on msn anymore , Then sadly I faced this sad news about his death. First of all my condolence goes out to his family , friends and other clients that knew him. Secondly , with all of Michael greatness and accomplishments in the fs world , Micheal will be missed more for his patient personality , charisma , caring for others, and most of all his love and knowledge of what he enjoy doing. If you have a problem with your flight sim michael is their to help and never gives up until he finds the solution.My flight sim never runs its best until I became michael client ; thanks to cmpbellsjc for referring me to him. He never likes to be called Sir but he deserve the respect.Michael gave the best to each and every one of his clients and the fs community. RIP MICHAEL
  2. this is a video I saw on youtube and it include some cabin announcement it would be great to have a caribbean voice in FS2crew Thanks to TheBrandonDestiny for the video he posted on youtube
  3. I Want to thank cmpbellsjc for taking the Time to help . THANK YOU CMPBELLSJC.
  4. I am my cpu speed is 3.9ghzI have rex 2.0 Overdrive I forget to say that and I turn off UT2 and its still going crazy - the fps this minute is 40 then 2.2 then 4.8 then jump bck up to 30 y its doing this
  5. Can some please standby me and help me solve this issue with fsx. because its just mistery . I would like if we could use team viewer that you actuall see and change stuff.PLEASE < PLEASE
  6. here is the website for the topic in the hardware sect. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/331894-the-battle-of-the-cards/
  7. SYSTEM INFORMATIONHIS HD 5770 1GB VIDEO CARDAMD PHENOM II X6 1100T PROCESSOR500GB HARD DRIVE500GB EXTERNAL HARD DRIVEWINDOWS 7 64BITXION 700W POWER SUPPLY120MM LIQUID COOLER[DDR3] 4GB DDR3-1600ASUS M4A77T/USB3 MOTHERBOARDCONCERN/PROBLEMI am not that impress by what my video card and processor is doing for me and FSX . so I was thinking about upgrading my video card because there is no other amd processor that is better than the one I have. The only way to go is upgrade the video card - I was planing on upgrading to a better ATI card . But I heard ATi and FSX aren't friends so I just want You guys suggestion.And I am concern if I will be able to change the card with a nvida without changing anything or my motherboard.PLEASE ---Feel free to comment.VIDEO CARD BUDGET$300.00I would appreciate if you post the website with your suggestion. THANK YOU
  8. so how I am going to aswitch from Ati 577 to the ftx because someone told me I cant unless I change it to another motherboardI have asus m4A77T/USB3
  9. Do YOU think if I upgrade my video card to a Amd 6800 series , 6900s or any ATI cards that is higher than the ati 5770. will my performance in fsx improve-- because everyone is tell me go over to intel and NvidaPlease be free to suggest your video card and opinion.My budget is $300 right now.
  10. Great Explanatin-- and Thank you for your reply I am runnong at 3.3 Ghz and I think I can overclock to 4.0 but I dont know how to.wish someone can help me with that.I went to overclocking.net and they try to help me but they say my BIOS is kind of complicated
  11. I tested it with traffic lower to 70 and see no difference
  12. so I am going to lower the traffic and test it.
  13. Ok I was just doing some TESTINGFORT LAUDERDALE/MIAMI AREA TESTObservation - It does lag on approach like before. I get 17 - 20 fps on take off and 20-44 when climbing then fps drop to 12-20 when approaching and landing at the airport. this was with FSDT scenery and UT2 set to 100%NEW YORK AREA TESTObservation - when I was taking off from KJFK it was 35 fps until the traffic injected it went to 12 - 20 fps and flying over to KLGA the fps is up and down between 12-25 , when I start approaching and landiing at KLGA I notice it start buffer or lag I saw the fps drop to 3 then after a sec to a min I saw it went up to 18 fps. I am wondering if its because of the traffic injection.NOTEThis test was done after I combine all of the suggestion my Fsx nurses and doctors suggested .THANKS.
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