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  1. I crashed because of this for the first time today and I don't have ORBX... FYI I do have AS2016 and the PMDG737 - 777
  2. Exactly how do you disable this ? I just got my first crash and sure enough its the NTDLL.dll.. P3D 3.4
  3. I'm sorry.. I thought I gave you the information that you asked for.. I set the flight up from scratch... Default Short Panel State.. No saved routes.. Navigraph 1611 was used.. Everything entered manually thru the FMC without using the text keyboard feature.. I enter everything from start to finish with mouse clicks on the CDU Yes, I think I can reproduce it.. It has happened three times out of thirty flights as mentioned in original post.. Every time this occurs it is in mid flight / cruise altitude / when trying to make a change to the LEGS portion of the flight.. I had a successful flight today but avoided making any changes in the FMC once I was in the air..
  4. Sure... In normal virtual cockpit view I don't use ez dock or anything like that I use my Logitech Joysticks hat view to look towards the FMC I click on the FMC to make it bigger.. I then use my mouse only.. I click what I need on the FMC.. I do not use the type feature.. I click on LEGS I click on NEXT PAGE I then see RIICE at 240/9600 I want RIICE at 240/9000 So with my mouse I click each character I need on the FMC I click out with my mouse 240/9000 I then press the LSB button to the right of RIICE That is when it sticks.. It does not enter the info into the FMC.. and from that point nothing else can be done inside the sim.. Its dead in the water..
  5. Was hoping someone might know what my issue is.. Windows 10 P3D 3.4 PMDG 737 Using Virtual Cockpit Default Scenery AS2016 A few times now while at cruise altitude I expand the FMC and try to change a altitude crossing for a fix.. Example - I was on the RIICE7 Star going into IAH.. The charts told me to cross RIICE at 9000.. When I checked the FMC it showed I would cross RIICE at 9600.. I simply tried to change RIICE 240/9600 to 240/9000.., When I clicked to enter the new information the SIM froze.. I could not do anything in the SIM.. I could minimize the SIM to the desktop and bring it back up but still could not do anything.. Nothing worked.. No menu items.. Nothing in the cockpit.. It was frozen in time.. The sound was still on but it was also frozen.. I let it sit for 15 minutes hoping it would come back but it never did.. Nothing would work in the virtual cockpit.. This exact thing has happened three time.. Trying to change a fix in the FMC.. Sometimes it lets me make the change.. Most of the time it lets me.. Three times out of about 30 flights it has crashed this way.. Help is appreciated..
  6. I bought a new computer system and did not want to load FSX on it.. I went with P3D and was very surprised how smooth it was to get up and running with my required add-ons.... I bought the PMDG 777 and the PMDG 737NGX.. Again I added the newest active sky.. All is great and smooth !! If you buy a new system this is the way to go IMO..
  7. I tried to visit the PMDG website last night from home.. My Norton blocked my ability to view the website.. It said the website has a Trojan virus in the download section under something called registryfix.. FYI.. I am sure this is false but you guys at PMDG might want to check it out..
  8. I appreciate everyones input.. Thanks !! In a effort to avoid all the tweaking to my boxed version, I decided to go with Prepar3d.. I installed it and also bought and installed the PMDG 777.. I have already completed a quick 1 hour flight.. Everything was smooth as silk with no issues.. I am not big into scenery add ons because I have always had issues with them crashing or lagging.. I am more about the flight experience and want the last 3000 feet to be butter smooth.. I would like to add some weather and some traffic.. Any recommendations ? I have used Active Sky and Ultimate Traffic in the past ..
  9. I have been away for some time.. I want to get back into Flight Simulation.. What's the best and easiest way to get back into it with new system.. I have: A new computer with zero FSX Software on it.. Alienwares newest Aurora R5 with the latest Intel processors NVidia GE Force GTX 1070 graphics card.. 16 GB RAM Windows 10 I own: PMDG 737 NGX PMDG 777 These are the two I must have on the new system but I also don't mind spending money if the approach to getting everything up and running is easier.. (like Prepar3d if it makes sense for me) What should I do ??? Install my old FSX Get FSX Steam Version Get Prepar3d (Do you still need to have FSX installed for Prepar3d to work ?) Any advice will be appreciated...
  10. Thanks Gavin.. This fixed my issue..
  11. Im getting the following message when starting FSX.. RAAS Professional X The R4.CSV file is MISSING! Any ideas ?? FSX works and the 777 works but RAAS is now quiet.. I made no changes to FSX so I am not sure why I am missing something all of the sudden.. I did a forum search for this and found nothing.. Thanks..
  12. Yesterday a new Windows update came out.. I installed it.. Then I flew a flight and the performance was horrible.. I then decided to do a system restore back to the point before I installed the windows update.. I flew another flight and it was smooth as silk.. There is not doubt in my mind that the windows update caused the problem..
  13. Does track IR hurt framerates for any of you that use it ???
  14. EricLilly

    Hot Brakes

    Dont be hitting trees....
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