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Everything posted by indianadan

  1. Sounds like you didn't "purchase" them in the Marketplace. You need to "Buy" them, even though they're free. Dan
  2. https://seafrontsims.com/hawaiian-islands I highly recommend this payware scenery. Really adds life to Pearl. I used to live there as a child. Dan
  3. Hello and welcome to MSFS. Yes, it does take some getting used to. Maybe you will find this helpful, https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016003159-Camera-Overview Happy flying, Dan
  4. Don't forget Aerosoft's EDLP Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport. It's free in the marketplace.
  5. Hi Paul, Open the Microsoft Store window, and at the far upper right corner, click on the three dots ... This brings you to My Library. Flight Simulator should be listed with an option to Install.
  6. I had something similar happen a couple of days ago, but I think it started before the latest patch. I couldn't connect to the server. Long story short, I ended up reinstalling the sim. But in the process of reinstalling I had to perform the following steps. https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016892819 I'm thinking that maybe if I had followed the steps in the link first, I may not have had to do a complete reinstall. The reinstall was relatively painless but time consuming. All of my original settings were saved. Hope this helps.
  7. I've been simming since FS5 and I'm enjoying the heck out of MSFS. We have a whole real world world to look at. Even flying circuits and doing touch and goes is fun. Yesterday I was flying circles around Stonehenge, and reminiscing about my visit there ages ago. (Yes I'm getting old.) Today, most things don't live up to the hype. For me, MSFS has already exceeded the hype, and it' s still being improved. Now, please excuse me while I check out some more of our wonderful planet. Thank you Microsoft and Asobo.
  8. P.S. I also have the ORBX KSBA scenery. It's outstanding.
  9. I had a similar issue with the Key West (KEYW) scenery from FSDreamteam. On initial purchase, the terminal would not display. I removed all my scenery from the community folder and the airport displayed normally. Using FS Addons Linker (highly recommended) I was able to trace it down to a conflicting add-on. Now I only enable scenery I the areas where I intend to fly. Hope this helps, Dan
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