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Posts posted by dtrjones

  1. 7 hours ago, ahsmatt7 said:

    Bruh...what are you talking about?

    A little context goes a long way.

    Did you even see the XO19 video at 1:27, it's not difficult at all to see what the OP is saying.

    Guys this is all the proof you need to verify FSX dna exists, because FSX has been using these wide angle exterrnal views for years.

    Resetting the zoom level should mitigate against this effect but of course you can't see the zoom level in the video but I suspect they've zoom in somewhat for the screenshot.

  2. 10 hours ago, rjfry said:

    I think there is an issue a new sim is announced and suddenly third party developers are getting dumped on, when without them Microsoft would not have a going concern ( flight simulator) to come back to it would have died years ago.  

    Don't fear change Ray. What 3rd party developers have done for our community has been great to keep our hobby alive, this day was always going to come, and ultimately they run a business and they will adapt.

    Microsoft Fllight Simulator moves the industry forward, will be more accessible, better looking, and hopefully create a much bigger market for the community to apply there trade so everybody should benefit.

  3. 5 hours ago, mSparks said:

    All these problems should be less than 12 months away from being fixed. (seasons is already)

    That I am excited about, Laminar have delivered on every promise they have made for the two years since I bought it... MS, well... I'll not start that argument. Plenty of other posters commented on that already.

    Can you please refrain from mocking Microsoft every time you post. It's becoming tiresome and very petty.

    As for X-Plane I love it, but I feel I understand it's strengths and weaknesses. I also understand the limited resources at Laminar's disposal and achieving all of those goals in 12 months would take a miracle. xEnviro is a product which is pushing the limits of what X-Plane can deliver which is pretty amazing but they are on the cutting edge for X-Plane capability which is why there are a lot of bugs, it doesn't help that Liminar appear slow to addressing key graphical and support issues with the product much to xEnviro teams frustration.

    Remember Microsoft’s advantage as Squirrel so eloquently put it can't easily be achieved by retrofitting existing simulators. Asobo have had to go back to the drawing board despite having the bing resources, knowledge, tools and personal available. It could take several years for the other sims to truely catch up.

    I'm looking forward to X-Plane's development and will happily have X-Plane on my harddisk when MSFS 2020 arrives if only for the fact that I can still enjoy Orbx TrueEarth UK as from what I've seen from Microsoft product it's some way behind which is completely understandable and why we still need 3rd party developers to add those details a product team simply don't have time to accomplish.

    • Like 1

  4. 4 hours ago, HiFlyer said:

    I said in another thread that it seemed it would probably match an enhanced Orbx TrueEarth and some disagreed. I still suspect that's going to be the case, however. The orthos will be higher rez, the building placement will be more accurate, and the roof textures will add authenticity, but the tech itself will probably, be roughly comparable.

    Yes I think that's fair enough, but don't underestimate the love and detail Orbx pour into there products. There will be many 100's more custom buildings in there cities making them much more recognizable. Buildings will feature more accurate representation of regional textures and there will be a lot more hand placed objects too. For me I feel the TE scenery will feel more representative of it's true life counter part but the Microsoft AI and texture quality will still mean the cities look good of not as true to life.


  5. 1 hour ago, Farlis said:

    300 POI may sound like much, but if you look at the ORBX packages, which are also lacking quite a bit of them, you'll find out that 300 on a global scale is nothing.

    I can't find much in the way of statistics for TrueEarth scenery from Orbx for custom buildings other than each pack they sell features several 100's of custom 3D objects. 

    The 300 POI's worldwide for FS2020 probably includes cities also covered in photogrammetry as well right because if you play offline the city has to be somewhat recognizable. So that isn't much as all. 

    Definitely scope for 3PD's to do there thing and improve a lot of areas. 

  6. 11 hours ago, KERNEL32 said:

    May be too early for even the devs to know, but I wonder if they are going to go down the same path as so many other game devs these days with releasing a more expensive "deluxe", and "Collectors" edition? Ughh. Didn't that happen with FS9? I think I recall seeing my collectors tin in the garage.

    This opens up a can of worms about the pricing model. Put it this way - do any of us actually believe Microsoft will provide this simulator fully featured for 60 bucks and then give us free updates for the next 10 years...? Who is going to pay for that extra development, Microsoft out of the kindness of there heart! 🙂  

    Something tells me we'll get more than just a 'standard' version. Maybe you pay extra for streaming higher quality scenery - that would be terrible by the way. The obvious answer of course is that they continue to develop new aircraft and scenery as purchasable DLC as they've put in the development pipelines and partnerships in place so why not use them.

    And then what of the streaming data itself. If London gets the photogrammetry treatment, does that mean everybody gets it automatically or only those who have purchased it?

  7. On 11/28/2019 at 10:41 AM, Richard McDonald Woods said:

    So it appears to me that Microsoft could take one of the following three routes in their development:

    1. Develop their own aircraft simulators largely to demonstrate and test the new SDK
    2. To provide a library of all required simulation objects that developers require for embedding in their own aircraft simulators
    3. To develop their own fleet of simulated aircraft in partnership with at least Boeing and Airbus.

    Can anyone caste light for me?

    This is a somewhat confused message which I don't think has been properly answered, please allow me to give this a shot!

    I think you'll struggle to find the definitive answers you seek because that information hasn't been made public, we can only infer on the limited knowledge we have been given.

    Microsoft have clearly looked as a spread of several aircraft - we don't know exactly how many, which meet several different requirements, bush flyer, trainer, sports, business, commercial jets etc. This allows the player to have a wide experience of flying aircraft of different sizes and complexities but it also allows Microsoft to develop its feature set and ultimately an SDK to support these aircraft.

    The current partnerships also highlight this and it means they will have access to more information to aid in the accuracy of the simulation. More partnerships are also expected. It appears Microsoft have developed at least a single model for each partnership but some of these models may have several variations.

    • Airbus
    • The Boeing Company
    • CubCrafters
    • Daher
    • Diamond Aircraft Industries
    • ICON Aircraft
    • Robin Aircraft
    • Textron Aviation

    Microsoft have made the current objective of the SDK they intend to release at the end of the year very simple. To support development of new aircraft, scenery and missions. 

    The existing fleet of default aircraft have been developed outside of the SDK as far as I'm aware so I don't actually know how far the SDK goes to achieving capabilities beyond the default aircraft, the same could apply for the scenery as well but I do wonder if Courchevel was an example of utilizing the SDK internally.

    Typically an software developers kit (SDK) would provide tools, configuration scripts and assets to provide building blocks for an aircraft or scenery but 3rd parties would typically develop there own assets and then hook these into the simulator using configuration scripts or Microsoft's application programming interface (API) to develop more complex features. 

    That's as much as I know, I hope it helps! People please feel free to correct me, thanks!

    • Like 1

  8. 11 hours ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

    I'm going off 20+ years of experience with Microsoft flight simulators. The default aircraft have always left a lot to be desired. Yes, the scenery in this version is obviously much better and the visual side of the aircraft look good. I'll be convinced when a real-world Airbus / Boeing pilot gives the aircraft the thumbs-up. We still don't know how much this is going to cost. The quality might be reflected in the price.

    Nothing like a bit of optimism Ray!

    I'm very much a pragmatic person and while I don't expect the default aircraft to match some of todays payware, I do expect if Microsoft/Asobo do there job correctly it will be easier for the likes of PDMG to attain a higher fidelity of simulation which is what we all want.

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  9. On 11/22/2019 at 10:21 PM, Avidean said:

    We could do with more tessellation on those runway sure close ups. Nice textures in the video but quite flat looking. I knew I'd find something wrong with it! 😁

    Yes I was thinking that but didn't have the graphical vocalculary to explain what I wanted. I'll feed this back on the tech alpha once it's released if it's still an issue!

    I guess the term I know is bump mapping, but whatever, they should do it, as it looks a little dated at the moment - probably doesn't need too much just a tweak.

    • Like 2

  10. 20 hours ago, Tuskin38 said:

    Well, the pre-alpha press demo they did a couple months ago, they were allowed to go anywhere, though they were warned some areas were still a WIP.

    Aircraft maybe but Jorg just said in an interview they are almost done with the planes, read that with a pinch of salt by the way. So yes maybe planes will be limited and thats understandable but why would the earth be limited? It's coming from Bing so you are getting a pretty high base level as they've probably sourced aerial imagery, computed AI buildings and trees, applied produral details across the whole world. The rest would be hand crafting the more recognisable assets in some of the more popular cities and landmarks and the feedback could help prioritise this.

  11. 7 hours ago, in2tech said:

    So when looking up places on Bing in Aerial View I see a top down view of say KMEM, Memphis International Airport ( FedEx Hub also ) when I look at it I see the control tower from the top down of course, but I can change the view to Birds Eye View. Will we be able to fly low and see the detail of items say like a control tower? No matter just having the streets and other land marks correct is gonna be awesome to me 🙂 Was just wondering? Both Bing maps aerial!

    KMEM birds eye view:



    KMEM top down view:


    I also looked up the telescope in Puerto Rico and all I could see was a Top Down View, ( no birds eye available ) and there wasn't much there but the top of the telescope and a ton of trees. But once again, if that's all I have it's better then what we have now, and should improve over time right? I also looked up Niagra Fall's!

    Also Rio de Janeiro is gonna be cool, I hope!

    Short answer is No! Birds eye view gives Microsoft absolutely nothing for Flight Simulator, its useless. They can make use of the Aerial images of course and determine some of the buildings from this, other buildings will come from standard building sets. If there is photogrametry that might help but I think airports need to be pretty dynamic so I don't know if photogrametry would be used for the entire airport as some of it would need dynamic animations to bring the airport to life.

  12. 23 hours ago, Cyrex1984 said:

    Im wondering how accurate the mesh will be. 

    The mesh is streamed in so if you are online it could be very accurate in places, just don't expect it to be accurate everywhere and if you are offline don't expect it to be accurate at all - it'll be a bonus if it is. Just setting expection! You have eyes right, have a look at the screenshots on the insider site and the XO12 video, that'll probably give you a good indication of the streamed in accuracy of the mesh we'll get in game.

  13. 15 minutes ago, Shack95 said:

    I’m wondering if volumetric snow in alpine and polar regions will be implemented upon release, even without having seasons.

    You've not really explained it too well, but by volumetric snow do you mean it dynamically builds up and thaws like what Cloud Imperium are doing with there microTech biomes in Star Citizen? Yes that will be very cool and Jorg Neumann has already hinted at that in the recent interview.


  14. 1 hour ago, siggy said:

    Don't have too high hopes :-), at least six months, not exactly 6 months ...

    Ha ha yes indeed! Software development is difficult folks, It's at least 12 months away IMHO and then there will be bugs.

    Fingers crossed for Christmas 2020. I can see some smaller aircraft being available though from 3PD's for release which is one of the positives I guess.

  15. 28 minutes ago, KERNEL32 said:

    okay seriously, am I still alive? This is incredible!

    But also for some reason the scenery in this video didn't quite live up to "past" videos? Did anyone else notice that? MAYBE this is actually an older build/video than some of the others? Something is off compared to the scenery in past - almost like they just "blanketed" photo scenery from Bing over the land?

    Were all these four videos shown at the preview event? That might explain why we percieve them as being 'old'?

  16. 6 minutes ago, Duncan Odgers said:

    Yes it was but i hope that ASOBO remove this feature as the FSX Physics is over 10 years old and a complaint from developers and community alike in trying to get the plane to behave in a realistic manner without developing outside the sim. 

    My concern is that developers will also get lazy and charge you for a port but use old physics and so you end up paying not to use any new features/physics in the new simulation but paying to use FSX. 

    If its next gen then bite the bullet and provide one flight model i.e the improved one we see in the video😍

    Backward compatible simulation has always made developers not develop native products. 


    Duncan Odgers 

    I think developers are passionate about there creations and will want them to be realistic, however the legacy code allows players to switch if they prefer but it will also allow for porting existing planes over quicker which also is good.

    I can see many new planes not supporting the legacy code flight model though unless it's simulated from the engine somehow, that bit I'm unclear about, I mean why would a developer also develop against the old flight model system?

  17. 2 minutes ago, HighTowers said:

    Super awesome work! Talk about high fidelity simulation. Finally some real proper ground friction.

    Oddly the details with the ground friction got me super excited! I love how the smooth the slopes look as well. With the atmosphere changes it all means that any and every landing you do will be a little difference, it also means it'll be more exiciting to explore some of those areas off the beaten track as you know the friction model, updrafts etc will all add to the mix.

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  18. On 11/16/2019 at 9:12 PM, Cruachan said:

    While you revel in all this excitement and eager anticipation, can I ask everyone to spare a thought for those 3rd Party Developers who have served us so well over the years and who are currently feeling beleaguered as a direct consequence of Microsoft’s aggressive marketing of ASOBO’s new sim. If we have valued their contribution to our hobby then the least we can do in return by way of a thank you is to continue providing our support and encouragement to continue through what could prove to be a very difficult period ahead.

    I appreciate your sentiment with 3d party developers some of which will no doubt be affected but the development changes and progress of the new simulator...

    But I have to say your choice of words making this point is pretty awful. Not only are you blaming us in rejoicing a new flight simulator but also mocking Microsoft and Asobo at the same time. Final nail in the coffin is that you have already condemed the 3rd party developer of whoom the sympathy is directed.

    Next time you go to friends wedding why don't you get them to sign the divorce papers at the same time just incase as we all know weddings don't last right? 😁

    • Like 3

  19. With the recent XO19 trailer being shot in 4K ultrawide coinciding with my need to pair up a new gaming rig housing an i9900K and RTX 2080 Ti with a monitor, I'm asking myself the question what is the best monitor to play FS2020?

    I'm having a hard time at the moment deciding what will work best with Flight Simulator, should I invest in proper HDR with local dimming? Will a VA panel be ok or should I choose the more colour accurate IPS panels. I'm a casual FPS'er as well but I mainly sim on my rig.

    What monitors do you have and are you looking at upgrading and if so what monitors have you looked at. Personally I don't see the need to go multimonitor and I'm not looking for anything wider than ultrawide but I also like the more conventional 16:9 aspect ratio's as well.

    Money is not a factor, my current choice is the ASUS ROG Swift PG35VQ 35" for the HDR experience, but I really like the LG UltraGear 38GL950G but doesn't have anywhere near as good HDR.

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