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Posts posted by dtrjones

  1. On 4/23/2021 at 5:55 PM, united001 said:

    768?? My God man. Sorry, but in theory I'd love to have a look at your list of installs. I had no idea there were even that many to even consider installing or maybe there are. I'm still impressed. 


    Haha yeah well there was a livery pack a while ago and most of them come from this.

  2. 17 minutes ago, ChaoticBeauty said:

    Make sure to take a good look at the Feedback Snapshot, the Wishlist section has been expanded to 48 items. Lots of new information to digest.

    Yep, also lots of changes coming SU4/SU6 which is great to see. I dare say there may be some slippage but it's looking like an exiciting summer of updates and we still have DirectX12 to look forward to as well at some point.

    • Like 3

  3. 2 hours ago, jurgenmitch1947 said:

    HI, After the last update (IV) I have 11 'Not Installed'  in my content  manager these are all my ORBX addons, according to ORBX they are all installed, But I have re-installed them to maske sure, not had this problem previously does anyone have any ideas please.

    Thank you

    I have 768 not installed 🙂. Thank you as well. Yep a bug picking up addons from my community folder, the reason my is so high is because I have liveries installed there.

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  4. 4 hours ago, March Hare said:

    I thought, in the most recent Q&A, they mentioned adding more sliders for trees in the future, and increasing LOD generally -- going beyond ultra settings.

    Yep and just to add to that the focus for the graphics teams are on DirectX12 and initially the Xbox version before focus switches back to the PC, so there will be some rebalancing to be done because of this. I'm pretty sure they are aware of tree LOD as it's been raised in the forums several times. I think this stance is perfectly reasonable, we'll see what happens when DX12 releases when I'm sure the sliders will be rebalanced to accomodate the smaller more density packed trees.

  5. 10 hours ago, Chock said:

    Nope, that'd be a red and certainly not a green or even a yellow. Something which occasionally works is more annoying than something which just doesn't work at all, because when something's bust, at least you know where you are with that.

    My interpretation was the colour indicated the progress. So green implied a change had been committed to a branch (not necessarily the next patch), but the text itself described the scope of the change against the original issue.

  6. 3 hours ago, Dominique_K said:

    Circumstantial evidences, yes, but we add what we know, an unfinished construct released 8 months ago with cracks bursting  on all sides since (major deficiencies still here, new bugs, nerfing) on one side, the rewriting for the box that they admit working on full steam on the other side.  

    If I understand well what you say, it is even more worrying . They don't say anything because they are not confident to cure the bugs and bring the features that are missing ? Is that it ?

    Jorg has been frank in some interviews - they know the experience and QA isn't there in the team and Jorg is trying to correct that but it takes time - this why Working Title are on board, this is why they are trying to bring in more flight experience, this is why they have a perminant team looking at performance, this is why they are introducing Q&A focused SDK sessions. Maybe Xbox release is getting in the way of all this but this is a long term commitment made at the very start of the project.

    Please don't lose faith Dominique, I just sense a lot of frustration at progress but there is so much to enjoy already and that has to count for something. Lets keep the communication going with Microsoft and see what happens.

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  7. 4 hours ago, mpo910 said:

    It becomes more and more clear what exactly the goal of MSFS is........XBOX.....not Simmers.

    Of course they want to open up the sim to Xbox users so they can enjoy the platform as well, it's a business after all... and we don't want another word not allowed like Steve Ballmer pulling the plug.

    Have you seen any of the Q&A streams or looked at some of the indepth interviews Jorg has done, it's pretty clear to me Jorg, Martial and Sebastian are committed to push the simulation as far and deep as possible.

    Sure mistakes have been made, but this is a journey and for some that's upsetting but for me personally so long as more steps forward are being made then I'm will to be patient but the sim offers so much already so I'm more than content.

    • Like 2

  8. 8 minutes ago, fppilot said:

    No. I am a former pilot who now has over 8,000 of flight simulator time from 1982 forward and have worked with this simulator since August.  Before you hurl out comments like that here I suggest you first read message sidebars, footers, and profiles.  Member to member respect is a key ingredient of what makes Avsim so great.

    I didn't mean to offend. I read your post wrong I'm sorry, but I don't see what your flying experience has to do with your experience in MSFS and those comments you posted were all covered in the Q&A stream. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, marsman2020 said:

    The sim was represented as being done and a media hype train was spun up based on it being done.  The "10 year journey" pivot didn't happen until after release.  People deserve the working product they paid for at release. .

    I think you've twisted my words here to make you point 🙂 having said that you are 100% correct the product shipped with far to many issues and the 10 year cycle shouldn't be provided as a means of remediation for those issues.

    However I disagree with the 10 year cycle not being part of the plan - there was a wide publication of an event at Renton shortly after the product was anounced where the development plan and commitment was made very clear.


    • Like 2

  10. 12 minutes ago, fppilot said:

    So most of what I was expecting and hoping for in Update 3 is now pushed off to Summer-Fall 2021 or Fall 2021.  And given they were slated for Update 3?  Then what does that really mean?  I have not ever been invited to participate in an Alpha² program before.

    Ah I see so you are new to this verion of Flight Simulator?

    Well this version is different - it's not an Acceleration Pack and boom we're done - Asobo and Microsoft have committed to regular updates over a 10 year development period. The cadance of the updates is being juggled around but we've been getting a sim update one month and a content (World update focusing on a specific region) the next month.

    I think regarding the expecation for the sim updates - there's probably been some miss communication about what to expect - I don't think the garmins were ever intended to be finished in this sim update - infact they've just partnered with a company called Working Title who have already provided some excellent garmin updates already as mods and the hope is this will be brought in amongst many other sim changes into the base sim which is fantastic.

    The link below is for the recent Q&A stream which I highly recommend you look which provides more context around expectations and whats coming up.



    • Like 1

  11. 1 hour ago, Rlionel said:

    Hi everyone, first, I love MSFS2020! I hope someone can help. I downloaded update 3. I first moved my community folder 

    to another drive. Then moved it back after the update. Problem, some planes do not have cockpits. They are missing in about 5 planes that I downloaded freeware liveries.  If I delete these files, will the cockpits come back. 
    Is there anything I can do to fix without deleting?

    king air, diamond 62, a320, Crj, tbm930, b747,?

    ideas. Please help.

    thank you!


    You do realise the whole point of moving the community folder was so that you can check for issues with the install. So is it working with out the community updates or not? I've not read or seen anything about missing cockpits. Did you download the 1GB update from Microsoft Store first, if not do that as it may bring in another update, also check Profile -> Content Manager for any products or updates which have not been installed. Good luck!

    • Like 1

  12. 1 hour ago, DaWu said:

    I prefer the older version with the images of what is beeing worked on instead of this new web format. The only problem with it, and that still persists, is the lack of a diff view to what changed in comparison to last week. 

    We don't usual get preview shots unless we're close to a World Update which is another 3-4 weeks away. There is a preview of the World Update POI's in the Q&A stream. I'm pretty excited about Amsterdam and Paris being photogrammetry cities and the possibility of 1meter DEM data for areas of France is crazy!

  13. 3 hours ago, marcg11 said:

    Unfortunately things will probably be worse at first until they get better with a whole new set of settings and configuration tweaks.....

    You could be right, Liminar Research has to dial in the Vulkan update quite a bit before things became stable but the promise of better frames was there in day one, it's just that it kept regressing after each patch...

  14. 22 hours ago, omarsmak30 said:

    I don't know what shall I say, I am excited for the update and the dev Q&A but at the same time, I am scared from them breaking something new 😂

    There's a post on the MSFS forums which has stated Asobo's beta process might now be live so 3rd party partners are now recieving early builds of patches which is great news. Doesn't mean errors won't slip through but reason to be more positive.

    • Like 1

  15. 5 hours ago, ca_metal said:

    I hope they improve everything. The landmark packs they did natively for MSFS are far superior than those they converted from other sims.

    Comparing the night lighting of their Singapore and Paris packs with the London it’s clear the later can improve a lot. Not to talk about the quality of the landmarks and POIs.

    Yeah but those companies weren't trying to push out a product on launch day and didn't really have any precedence to follow - no excuses though - I think Orbx have learned some leasons.

  16. 19 minutes ago, ckyliu said:

    Thread title is very misleading, complaint is about Orbx London landmarks conflicting, not the photogrammetry

    I think the confusion is because you read @bobcat999 post, I think the OP was just discussing the mix of models and photogrammetry together - that's it.

    The Orbx Landmarks issue we were told quite clearly in the patch notes this scenery conflicts so that has been acknowledged already.


  17. 59 minutes ago, John Fields said:


    In the city of London, 3D modeled buildings are mixed with the rest of the photogrammetry buildings. The result is a pretty ugly mix. I don't know yet what the scenery looks like disabling photogrammetry. I'll try it this afternoon.

    I hope Orbx will adapt its scenario to the parts of the city that did look good on the Update that were not present on the Orbx addon.

    They might be doing a bit more than that 🙂

    Reference : https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/205264-compatibility-of-orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack-with-microsoft-world-update-united-kingdom/


    In addition, we are planning a comprehensive content update in a few weeks’ time to add some exciting new landmarks to both packs.

    Excited to see what comes about. As you know Orbx work closely with Microsoft and Asobo with these updates already and have updated 85 airports in the sim as part of this update. Looking forward to getting this and other issues fixed.

    I did notice there are some water texture issues around EGLC as well, and some building clashes near the Suger factory. I'm sure all will be addressed in good time.

    • Like 4

  18. 19 hours ago, Tuskin38 said:

    There’s a lot more PoI in London than I expected, considering the photogrammetry 

    Yeah well there's a simple reason for that, it's because of the photogrammetry! 🙂

    I personally think the photogrammetry London looks great when it's fully loaded in - takes a bit of time, but there are some undeniable bad buildings which need replacing. As per usual with Asobo the buildings need to be a bit brighter - to be fair they corrected this for a lot of the US cities so hopefully will do the same here.

  19. 2 hours ago, Adamski_NZ said:

    Same here ... can't connect to any of the servers. I've already installed the UK update (earlier, while the servers were still up) ... so I can fly. BUT - does that mean my Bing and/or Photogrammetry won't be working?

    This could be a good thing, it probably means they are fixing issues server side if they are down.

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