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  1. Thank you all. I must have missed that one in the thousands of pages I've been reading :-)
  2. I was just wondering if anybody else was having the same problem as me with the characters of the HUGS display disappearing behind the glareshield? I've found that this only happens when I've got the landing lights switched on.Landing Lights ON Landing Lights OFF Chris FSX SP2 Accel \ Win 7 32bit \ 4 GB RAM \ NVIDIA GT220
  3. Thanks Geoff, I'll give it a go. Chris
  4. I don't really want to get into the debate about whether hotfixes are a good idea or not, but as someone else said, if your installation is working, then don't try to fix it! I'm running FSX SP2 Accel on Win 7 32bit and had no problems with the installation or activation. I installed the hotfix and then ended up with OOM errors on a 1hr 20min flight. Since then I've unistalled and then reinstalled the NGX and all is back to normal.
  5. Just to add my bit, I feel I've got what I paid for, so a very big thanks to all at PMDG for a great aircraft. Another lovely touch I noticed while flying over to Cyprus today for my VA was the animated pilots in the external view - pure genius :-)
  6. First of all I'd like to congratulate PMDG for a great aircraft. I've only completed one flight so far, but I've not been disappointed. I fly for a VA which uses kAcars tracking software to log our flights. Our version also tracks things like flap deployment, landing rates, bank angle and lights. I found this afternoon that the Beacon Light on the NGX seems to generate an ON/OFF flag every time the light flashes. It's almost like turning the switch on and off every time! I haven't found this to be the case in the PMDG 747, but it really makes for some very large flight logs!?! Is it possible to change the coding so that the flashes are generated without using the switch flag? This obviously isn't a problem for anyone not using a tracking system for a VA, but it will be a problem for those that do if this aircraft is as popular as we all know it's going to be :-)
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