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About flightsim777

  • Birthday February 19

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  • Location
    Orlando, Florida
  • Interests
    Aviation, Propulsion Engineering.

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. Possibly, however if the flap tracks and flap track fairings deployed without the flaps it appears to be an animation issue.
  2. Do you have advanced animations turned on in the FSX menu? It looks like the flap tracks and fairings deployed on that section without the actual flaps following suit.
  3. Thanks, it appears the sceneries was the cause, also I will look into that extra user account as that seems to be a rather good idea.
  4. Hello, up until yesterday FSX had been running rather well, when I fired up FSX today for a KMCO- KEGE route I had a black screen where the aircraft usually spins, when I went to start the flight it would start loading somewhere around 90% and freeze at 100%, from there FSX goes unresponsive to all commands and has to be closed through task manager, this problem has persisted through several FSX restarts, a re-install of SP1 and SP2 and an FSX repair cycle. Thank you.
  5. A full reinstall of SP2 seems to have fixed the problem, thanks.
  6. Hello, yesterday FSX was working perfectly fine, I shut down my computer last night and when I booted my computer this morning to play FSX I got a black screen where the aircraft preview is, it also had a black screen when loading the sim, resulting in it never loading. So I inserted my discs and used the repair function and now whenever I try to start fsx it opens the FSX title page for a few seconds and then I get a fatal error and a CTD. Does anyone know of a solution. If this helps my specs are 6 GB of generic RAM, Intel i5-2320 @3.0GHZ and an NVIDIA GTX 660 OC.
  7. OK thank you, I will wait out on the Motherboard and CPU for now and get the rest of my hardware, hopefully there will be enough info and updates to the architecture that I can buy the MOBO and CPU by the end of August.
  8. Agh thank you, I have heard from some that Haswell does not OC as much as previous Intel CPU's.
  9. Hello I was just wondering which CPU would be the better one for FSX. The price difference is currently no concern at the moment. I want the best CPU for FSX and I plan to overclock the CPU to as fast as possible and still keep it stable, the cooler is a Corsair H110. I am just wondering which CPU can I overclock higher, and which one will, overall, perform the best on FSX. I have built computers before, I am just not certain on which of these CPU's will give me the best performance in FSX. Thank You.
  10. KBFI to KMCO, so I can get familiar with the systems and simulate a delivery flight to my home base.
  11. Wow that is very interesting, what is your position that enables you are able to access this aircraft?
  12. +1 I have always found the sound one of the components I look for in payware, really what is the point of having this brilliant aircraft with all the systems and every detail modeled and ultra realistic when the engines sound like a 35 year old lawn mower. The third most important reason I buy PMDG, behind the virtual cockpit/systems and the aircraft model respectively, is the amazing sound I have found in them, and I am sure on the beauty it will be no different, maybe even another step higher on the sound quality scale if that is even possible.
  13. Great videos, I hope to see more from him soon. :lol:
  14. With the PMDG 777 release imminent I just want to see here who, besides me, will be replacing their old MD-11's and other long haul aircraft with the 777 for the VATSIM cross the pond event. Cheers.
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