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  1. this is a post in regards to your post about not posting
  2. Thank's for the quick response! I'll give those options a go, and tell you result's.
  3. G'guys i'm having an issue with opus which is affecting my VNAV. I've done about three flights now (With opus) and every time so far on descent my VNAV gets knocked out about 2-3 times when the weather updates. I'm using GRIB data with sim friendly wind targets and the wind stabilisation, I also have the weather to update every 5 minutes or 50km. This is the only problem i'm having with this great product and to fix this would make it perfect, thanks, Mitch.
  4. Hey! I remember they did this with the NGX and it came out like a week later!
  5. Check this new spotting video out that I found. Pretty Nice :Money Eyes:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQqGUZelIos
  6. Ok guys, I did two flights on Tuesday which went very well.I have fixed the issue! by re building my cfg without the ******* tweaks and added the affinity mask and highmemfix. Here is an example in these pics i was getting 28-35 fps.http://imageshack.us...7164958466.jpg/http://imageshack.us...7165042365.jpg/Thanks for everybody's help. , and sorry for leaving the reply so late I thought people stopped replying to this post. :(
  7. Hi Jan,I have already tried rebuilding my .cfg and with the tweaks but this hasn't worked.Thanks anyway, Mitch.
  8. This issue seems to be becoming a real problem, each time I do a flight my frames go right down as the flight goes on, I depart with 35 and arrive with 10. So I load up in at the airport were I was getting 10 on finals, and I am getting 35-40.Can someone please help me I just re-installed fs and it has made no difference.Please help, Mitch
  9. I may found my issue,I believe this could be related to ntdll.dll, every time I start FSX it crashes, then when start up again it works I checked event viewer and the faulting module was ntdll.dll for every time it crashed on first start up, anyone know what this issue is and how to solve it?Thanks, Mitch
  10. Hi Ryan,Is that the dll that stops your flightsim form crashing when you go into the menu a few times, because if it is, then yes. Although the last time i replaced it was about 3 months ago if that makes a difference.Thanks, Mitch.
  11. Hi Paul,I already have the settings you recommended, my sliders are relatively conservative (normal autogen, cloud draw 60, 1x high water) and even some of the things you said I could have maxed out a bit lower but I still think my sim isn't running to it's full potential (20-25 FPS). But the main problem was the TEXTURES and Frames getting lower as the flight went on. With a GTX570 I shouldn't have any problems loading textures.Thanks, Mitch.
  12. Hey everybody,I have been having problems lately with my sim involving textures loading and some minor frame rate issues. I believe my specs are easily capable enough of running the NGX without a problem for 1. It has been not too bad in recent times, and 2. I have seen people with lower specs performing just as well with their sim. My first issue is lately I have been doing flights where the loading of the textures has been good at the start of the flight but then on arrival the loading of the textures runs into a brick wall (cockpit covered in grey, blurries, livery textures, the whole thing)It seems as the flight goes on my texture loading processes on the sim get slower and lower. I have checked multiple possibilities for this issues but to no avail have found no cure.My second issue is that i don't believe I am achieving the optimum frame rates with my specs, as follows:Intel i5 2500K OC to 4.4GHzGigabyte GTX 570 1280MB8GB RAM1TB HDD Noctua NH-U9B-SE2 Performance CPU Cooler For example at ORBX Melbourne I get 18-24 sitting on the runway, then on finals on at the end of a flight the other day i was getting around 8, I don't belive that this is the best frames I could be getting out of my machine. I have checked cpu load usually around 90-100% while flying and the and my computer memory usage usually around 4-5 GB's. I already use ventubo cfg tweak etc.I would appreciate it if someone could help me out,Thanks in advance :( ,Mitch.
  13. Hi Guys i am having this issue, and iv'e checked the .cfg to see if i had Fiber frame fraction but NO.The same stutter also happens when i put my landing gear up ):I out of ideas please help!Thanks in advance, Mitch
  14. So i'm having the same issue with Ch yoke rudder pedals and saitek throttle, what do you think I should do?
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