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Gabriel Teles

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Posts posted by Gabriel Teles

  1. Not picking on you...really I'm not...with the 777 we were given a "week" and it released in that time frame. The NGX was largely silent. The August 2, 3, 4, 2011 frenzy was quite interesting then they released it without announcement and crashed both AVSIM and their own servers. I remember that evening as the NGX was probably the most anticipated addon to that point in the history of flight simmming. Remember the supposed DDOS attack?? Anyway. Fun times. Great learning for PMDG certainly.


    Don't worry. You may be right... sometimes I believe in my memory too much and it fails me after all.

    I posted based on the (somewhat frequent) messages from PMDG staff stating that they don't make "stealth releases" (I read that a couple of times during my years here). But I guess giving a time window configures a non-stealth release. :P


    Yip, e-commerce store getting ready for takeoff! Just in time for me to go away on a long weekend vacation... oh well...


    My GPU died yesterday.

    It will take some days to replace it.

    Not sure if I will be flying the Queen on release day... :sad:

  2. Also pretty sure they told us we would get some advanced notice before both the NGX and 777 came out, but they ended up releasing silently.


    As far as I remember this was not the case.

    IIRC for both releases they gave us a "time window" with a particular date in mind (something like "we're aiming for 02FEB17") some days before, and when the day came, the aircrafts were released.

    I even have this vague memory of the NGX actually taking some hours to be released and people starting to get... nervous... as the projected date was ending. :P

  3. It seems to me like a good solution to this is simply to program different sound sets based on the landing. We may not have feel but we still have sound. And I could be wrong but I swear I hear different touchdown sounds on the 777, at least insofar as the nose wheel is concerned. Or am I hearing things?


    Already implemented in 777, as far as I know (and surely will be in the 747).

  4. I have to say I'm most excited about flying the -400F, more so than the -400. Great looking shots!

    Dave Reage

    Same here, and I'm not even a cargo guy...

    But I just can't wait to see that nose coming up from the flightdeck myself. And the liveries are beautiful... :P

  5. I encourage the prose Carl! 

    While one can never get enough screenshots (good ones), I also enjoy reading your renditions as you have a very artful manner to your articulation.

    In fact a skillful balance between the two always makes a post enjoyable to both view and read.


    Please do not limit your musings as all one has to do is roll the center wheel if they do not wish to engage the interpretative region in their brain to convert words to visuals in their mind space.  :wink:


    Muse on my friend, muse on!  :smile:


    Couldn't agree more.

    Thanks for the great topic, Carl!


  6. Just wanted to say that I'm awe with Dino's work. His aircrafts are amazing. (And I sorted out the issue with TrackIR -- it was just a matter of configuring EZCA correctly...).

    Thank you all!



    Carrier Ops are doable. TRAPS only, no way to setup CAT shots.


    Indeed! My mistake. Thanks, Charlie!


    Gabriel, no it is not uncommon at all! DTG quite deliberately designed FSX Steam Edition to be installed side-by-side with an already existing FSX (box) version.


    The only time anyone has ever had a problem is if they try to remove FSX (box) and do not follow instructions carefully by manually removing all traces of FSX (box) from their computer's Registry before installing FSX:SE. :fool:


    One of the major benefits of using Steam is that any updates or fixes are immediately pushed automatically to the user's installation, as long as there is an active internet connection. Of course, if the user chooses to run "offline" then this automatic update won't occur until they connect to Steam again.


    Keep in mind that FSX:SE is the full "Acceleration" version.


    Hi Bill,

    This is good to know! I'll give the Steam Edition a try. I may even change my "main" simulator, depending on the results with the SE version, which seems to be more stable, as far as I understand... :smile:



    A restored WWII warplane by Milviz is available for FREE, the P38 Red Bull Edition , its modern avionics package, high speed and drop fuel tanks make it ideal for air racing events like the Around The World Race, one of the nicest looking aluminum aircraft ever built .

    PS to get it started unlock the mixture levers.


    The P-38! This brings me memories... fun fact: modelling the P38 was one of the first tutorials in Gmax to produce aircrafts for FS9... and I actually did one.

    How far have we come since then. Milviz work is top-notch. Didn't know their freeware aircrafts. Thank you very very much for the heads up!

  7. There are some great F-18s out there along with F-22/35s that I have test flown.

    Some of them say for Acceleration but fly nicely with SP2. Some of the Dino Catteano

    Freeware aircraft, like the F-35, F-14, and S-3 all fly fantasticly but come with the

    caveat that it "may" crash to desktop.


    If I was on my home computer I could post some links to these aircraft but just

    doing a Google search should suffice.


    I use AICarriers and can land many of these aircraft on the flightdeck. Just no CAT shots.


    Charlie, I tested the F-35 from Dino and it's amazing. Thank you very much! The only issue I'm having with it is that TrackIR isn't working on its virtual cockpit. Gotta investigate a bit further the problem.



    Shameless plug.




    Has options specifically for SP2.


    Hi Roman,

    thank you very much! I'm pretty excited to try it.

    I'm starting to realize I was ignoring a whole world in flight simming by only flying airliners...


    If I wasn't busy with other projects, I would have long run the visual models through ModelConverterX to make them FSX native. One of the best free military aircraft out there, especially due to the working terrain following.


    I've seen some videos of that. Incredible stuff.


    Create a Dual Boot and install the FSX SE on the 2nd partition ... Easy and it works .. I use it with LM P3D


    That's a good idea. I may try it... but first I'll test the two sims "together". Did a little research and there's a lot of people with two "FSX" after all. It isn't something uncommon, it seems.



    SP2 is the freeware version of Acceleration.  If you do not have Acceleration, install SP1 and SP2 to FSX.


    Best regards,



    Hi Jim!

    I have SP2 installed. It seems, however, that some military aircrafts use some default gauges that only comes with the additional aircrafts from Acceleration pack. I had some issues with missing gauges in a freeware F/A-18 that I installed here -- because its panel was relying on gauges from the F/A-18 that comes with the pack, which I don't have.

    If I'm not mistaken, the Accel. pack also introduces codes for carrier operations that aren't possible in FSX SP2. I'm not totally sure about this, though.



    Best regards!

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