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Gabriel Teles

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Posts posted by Gabriel Teles

  1. Ouch. Never intended to happen like this. Yes, this is the set that i had before and i thought i replaced all of it. Seems like those texture left uncovered and got into the archive when i was collecting it straight from the /Texture folder. I apologize sincerely and will take it off from downloading until it's all what i actually created. Again, Gabriel - I am sorry. I know you're active on the forums and that's the last thing i would like as an outcome. Really shameful. 


    No problem. Sorry if I was harsh in my comments.

    I'm afraid I've had bad experiences on this subject in other places, so I tend to be... annoying about this. But that's no excuse.

    I'll certainly take a look. The screenshots look great. :smile:



    Best regards,

  2. On a second thought, it is a possibility that Eddie wasn't aware of that two textures that are from Gabriel. It can happen easily when you make your own sky theme mixed from various sources like REX, Gabriel, HDE, etc, and try to modify them to match your own setup, and later on decided to release it.


    That's true, but he didn't modify my textures to his taste -- he used exactly my work, modifying only lightning settings (that's one pixel in the 32x32 image). Still, you could miss it if it was one file or two, but each time of the day (pre-sunset, sunset, post-sunset etc.) is given by ten files (in order to cover the 10-day cycle of the sim -- you can learn about it on Google). If he only used one of my "sunsets", for instance, that would be ten files. He used my "postsunset1", my "dawn" and my "postdawn2" textures. That's 30 files directly from my pack. Really hard to not be aware of -- especially if you're going to post the pack on Avsim stating that you made it all "from scratch", which implies that you made sure you're not using someone else's work...



    Best regards,

  3. Appears he started with your textures but did not change all of them - on another topic Gabriel you need to get on P3D   :wink:


    It's important to say that he only used a few textures that I created. I'd say he actually did most of work himself (I don't know every sky pack available out there from memory to tell anything about the rest of his pack...).

    But I can't just overlook his mistake... I hope everyone understands that.


    About P3D: I still don't have the money... :sad:

    Not only for the sim, but for all addons I'd have to buy to get it as good as my FSX, lol. But making the transition is a project for the future... :tongue:

  4. Oh, man... I hate to bring this up, but I find it very, very unlikely that part of your "work from scratch" would be identical to part of my work from scratch.

    Draw your own conclusions, guys...:








    Look, I have no problem with people taking my work as a base to make their own sky textures. It's actually something that I encourage -- people are free to make the textures suit their tastes. But if you're going to publish your work based on my work, especially if it includes files that I created practically unaltered, asking for permission is mandatory.



    Best regards,

    • Upvote 7


    That was the clue! I was replacing suneffects.cfg in the main p3d folder, not in c:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\ 


    Some shots here, great! thanks!





    Glad you sorted out. :smile2:


    Another vote for get P3D!


    I'd like to, but price is very prohibitive for me... especially considering that my country's economy isn't in its best moments right now and US dollars are very expensive these days... :tongue: 

    And I'd have to buy all my PMDG stuff again...

  6. most texture files look corrupt, alternative download please?


    They may look corrupted, but they aren't. The files can't be opened in "normal" image viewers because they are in DXT format -- which is pretty common in FSX.



    Would be great if Gabriel could update this for P3D  :wink:


    I would... but I don't have P3D, so I don't know how the sim manages this kind of stuff. :sad:

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