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  1. I've been flying the BCF PW model PMDG house livery for a few days now, and I've noticed that the cockipit temperature on the ground tends to rise to very high (28~29C) without packs and a/c ground unit. Is it due to the heat from the E/E and Flight Deck equipments? Also, the temperature continues to rise even when I open the F/D OVHD Door. Is heat escape through OVHD Hatch not modeled? I'm also curious to what the FD Fan does. It doesn't seem to dischargee FD heated air to other compartments, and it also doesn't cool the F/D, so I'm guessing it isn't connected to an external port. (I've tested the plane at BFI, RKSI, SEA and VHHH... OAT was relatively low. Always below 10C. When the packs come on, the F/D temperatures are normally regulated. No other bugs/problems were present.)
  2. I don't think you can save/load flights in the FMC... If you're talking about saving/loading panel states, press the menu button and then press the PMDG OPTIONS button on the right LSK. then you'll see load panel state LSK. For saving/loading full flights, you just need to use the default FSX menu. The NGX will save your panel state automatically.
  3. First, you should never ever install your FSX files in the default windows program files(x86) folder. Move your fsx installation folder to a different folder and try again. See if that works... Also, are you reffering to your T7 OC or the NGX livery manager? Clarifying that might help a lot... Hope it works out all right anyways~ B.regards Murphy
  4. Yup, and by the way, that post about the 747 coming soon after the 777 was posted around the time when Capt. Randazzo gave his speech in Munich. If you go to PMDG's B748 extension product page, and play the B748 promo video, it says that the NGX will come out 'early 2010', the 'Dash-8' Late 2010, and the T7 Late2010/Early2011! You can't ask PMDG to meet a preset 'deadline' using a 2year old post as a reference... Still, I hope I'll be able to see the 747v2 in 2014 :-) Best regards, Murphy
  5. Thanks for the insight Dave! Your explanations were fantastic and they helped me a lot! By the way, I must add... I thought that you would get the 'Using Resv Fuel' message instead of the 'insufficient fuel' message when you hit the RESV Fuel level. 'Insufficient Fuel' message would only pop up if your planned or current fuel is lower than the fmc calculated en-route fuel to destination, or so I've heard... Cheers, Murphy
  6. Yup ICN has that issue... at least, also for me when using default scenery. I'm writing from my phone so I can't link you... But there are plenty of fixes and updates for ICN scenery, including the new RWY34 and Concourse A. No ILS at RKSI is offset by the way, and all are CAT3B capable. I'd still reccommend getting Overland's scenery if you ever plan to return there.
  7. Actually, APUs are quite noisy. If you've ever boarded from passenger stairs instead of jetways, you'll know what I mean. :-) At airports where ramp areas are exposed close to nearby neighborhoods, APU noise can be heard outside airport areas, quite clearly. while the jetway power ports don't create any noise. I'm no expert on the matter, but I've heard that at most major Asian airports, you're 'prohibited' from starting the APU more than 30mins before departure, and after GPU/Air conditioning is connected post arrival. B. Regards
  8. It affects the NGX for me... Haven't bought the T7 yet sadly... so don't know if it affects the T7. The solution is also in the NGX introduction manual. Just Q twice, as said in the topic name. How hard could that be? :-)
  9. Wow, thanks for the info. Gonna check their forums fast.
  10. Sorry to cut in on topic again... I understand that REX doesn't provide route upper wind info so it can't be integrated. However, since PFPX has a quite accurate upper level wind prediction plus descent level wind prediction, could PFPX be integrated? Thanks in advance :-) *Edit* It seems that people are already talking about this in the PFPX forum. Any word from PMDG would be great!
  11. Hallo, I haven't bought the T7 yet, so I was wondering, does it support REX?
  12. I say, fly Japan! RJAA-RJBB takes about an hour even when you comply with all speed restrictions and fly SID and STAR...
  13. artanisdg

    Short routes

    Ryan, does your dad work for KAL? Or maybe AAR? JAL and ANA don't send ther T7s to RKSI... I never knew your dad worked out of ICN! (Edit : or come to think about it,,, does he work for DL? those 3 are the only ones that I can think of which would fly a T7 from RJAA to RKSI...) On the topic by the way, if you're interested in flying asian routes,ANA flies many of their 'Domestic' routes with their 77Ws, most under 2hours, some under 1. KAL and AAR flies their 772s and 773s to China and Japan, many of them are also under 2hours, some around 3~4. JAL (although I don't know whether it is regular service...) flies their 777s(especially 77Ws) around RJTT, RJBB, RJCC... for doemestic services also serving the function of repositioning. CPA also has routes that are around 3~4 hours with their 772, 773s. Like what's said above, I think most short-haul 777 routes are in asia? :-) I didn't know about the Middle Eastern short haul routes. Interesting!
  14. Oh...I never knew you had to remove G/S readouts... Localizer, I didn't have the chance to test yet. Then one thing that I find is missing is the speed callouts... Anyway,thanks for your great works! Looking forward to your 777X version already :-)
  15. Hi, I'm new to this forum and am new to FS2Crew. (I used to use the button control version of the PMDG 744X but didn't use is very often...) I find FS2Crew's voice control really helpful during taxi, climb& approach, and I must say that you took my simming experience to a new level. I however find that there could be one little fun (and real helpful) feature added if it wouldn't be too much work for you? Could you make the F/O monitor the approach profile, speed, etc. during manual approaches? Since you already make him read out the altitudes and approach minimums, how about it? It could be a LOT cooler, for say, like the AAR214 flight, I'm flying about 20kts below my VREF, and the F/O points out "We're a bit slow, increase speed." Or, I'm 1.5dots below G/S and he says "Glide Slope" before the GPWS.(During ILS approaches) It would add another level of realism... Just a thought *^^*
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